[SC - PASSED] Commend Marrabuk

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Commend Marrabuk
Category: Commendation | Target: Marrabuk
Proposed by: Andusre, co-authored by Maowi | Onsite Topic

The Security Council,

Noting that the nation of Marrabuk has, throughout its existence, made great contributions to The East Pacific (henceforth referred to as TEP), helping develop a forward-thinking and productive mindset both within TEP and in a network of communities around it;

Applauding Marrabuk’s exemplary leadership of TEP’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA), where as minister they took several critical steps to rejuvenate and vastly improve its efficiency, such as:
  • restructuring the ministry to better delineate roles and duties of its members, thus greatly helping newcomers develop their skills, enhancing its performance and reviving it as a result
  • establishing a team to gather intelligence on behalf of TEP’s MoFA to ensure the region’s globally-significant Foreign Affairs policy was judicious and astute; and
  • constructing a strong diplomatic rapport with TEP’s allies by increasing the regularity of the MoFA’s reports from monthly to biweekly;

Acclaiming Marrabuk’s role in the revival of the East Pacific News Service - renowned for bringing widely accessible, high-quality coverage of internal and interregional events - as TEP’s regional newspaper, motivating and entrusting citizens with the newspaper's leadership to ensure its successful restoration;

Praising Marrabuk’s initiative in responding to the attempted coup of TEP perpetrated at the very start of their delegacy, utilising TEP’s Regional Message Board (RMB) to rally the wider community of the region to the defence of the legitimate government, as well as enacting proactive measures to protect legitimate delegates of TEP by quintupling the number of viziers and lowering TEP’s endorsement cap from four hundred to three hundred;

Celebrating their highly successful efforts to increase the reach of TEP’s diplomatic connections, leading the way in forging meaningful partnerships, such as:
  • the restoration of TEP's relationship with 10000 Islands after the deterioration of said relationship under the previous administration; Marrabuk was instrumental in the revitalisation of this relationship, going on to codify it in the Treaty of the Waxing Moon, thus laying the foundation for extensive future cultural collaboration between the two regions such as the Festival of Friends;
  • the rebuilding of connections with Osiris, coming off a drastic downturn under the preceding delegate, and the congenial collaboration that quickly ensued between the regions’ governments;
  • the forging of the Treaty of Aarhus with Balder after their help during the instability in the transition to Marrabuk’s delegacy;
  • an ongoing affinity with Thaecia, now codified under the Poem of the Greats treaty: the influence of this partnership on Thaecia’s growth from staunch isolationism to a more open foreign policy is in large part owed to Marrabuk’s open-handed outreach efforts to initially develop relations and support Thaecia in interregional matters (such as abandoning unfair recruitment practices, and further on, shared cultural events including the Late Nite Festivals and Paradoxical);

Cognisant of Marrabuk’s vital role in the creation of the Eastern Union, a defensive and co-operative international alliance that operated through TEP’s RMB during its existence, which:
  • at the time of writing, remains the largest RMB-based alliance to have ever existed in TEP;
  • was led by a novel and sophisticated democratic system using the principle of the separation of powers;
  • allowed newly founded nations to be smoothly integrated without being unnecessarily bullied by larger, more established members, through the provision of mutual defence; and
  • masterminded the operation of Eastern Union's Strait, which economically sustained TEP's international community via the RMB throughout its existence;

Convinced that Marrabuk’s work to consistently innovate and improve TEP and its partners’ strength and vibrancy in a wide variety of fields has had an extremely positive impact on NationStates as a whole;

Hereby Commends Marrabuk.

Co-authored by Maowi.
Note: Only votes from TNP WA nations and NPA personnel will be counted. If you do not meet these requirements, please add (non-WA) or something of that effect to your vote.
Voting Instructions:
  • Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
  • Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
  • Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
  • Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.
Detailed opinions with your vote are appreciated and encouraged!

[TR][TD]For[/TD][TD] Against [/TD][TD] Abstain [/TD][TD] Present [/TD][/TR][TR][TD]15[/TD][TD]1[/TD][TD]0[/TD][TD]2[/TD][/TR]

"Commend Marrabuk" has passed 11,125 (75.6%) to 3,583 (24.4%).
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This proposal seeks to commend Marrabuk, a former Delegate of The East Pacific for their tremendous contributions to said region. The proposal touches on Marrabuk’s revitalization of East Pacifican Ministry of Foreign Relations-both internally and with a view towards developing and mending its relationships. It also exhibits Marrabuk’s leadership of the East Pacific, rallying support around the duly elected government after the Fedele coup via security measures and generating popular support for their claim to the Delegacy.

Marrabuk has proven consistently their leadership of, and their dedication to, the East Pacific in a variety of ways-re-shaping its internal world and the way it interacts with those outside of it. Marrabuk's leadership and invaluable contributions to the community of the East Pacific are undoubtedly commendable, and the proposal makes its argument in a well-written fashion.

For that reason, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote For the Security Council Resolution at vote, “Commend Marrabuk”.
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[OMG so proud of someone other than me getting a thread up for once!]

Kind of on the fence, truth be told. I certainly think Marrabuk is a good person and all, but is it worth the commendation when he only seems to have done things in one community (even if it's a GCR). While I'm not 100% convinced, I think this is about as compelling a commendation for him that we can hope for. Tentative For.
Can't wait to quote this when a proposal from Heroes of the North ever makes it to a thread like this :P
I mean I'm going for this one unless someone can convince me otherwise. It's not 100% the most compelling case (Marrabuk isn't nearly as old as, well, *any* of the nations in the Heroes program) but it certainly gets the job done.
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