[SC - FAILED] Condemn Scardino

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Winter Kingdom
TNP Nation
Boston Castle

Condemn Scardino
Category: Condemnation | Target: Scardino
Proposed by: The Python | Onsite Topic

The Security Council,

NOTING that Scardino was the original founder of Lone Wolves United (hereinafter referred to as LWU), a region which has led countless invasions over its fifteen-year history, including Belgium, Hell, Great Barrier Reef and Anarchy, and has most recently provided support in a raid on The Embassy which resulted in the forced closure of all the target region's embassies,

OBSERVING that Scardino has led invasions of numerous regions and overseen the destruction of multiple active communities, including but not limited to:
  1. LWU's raid on Great Barrier Reef, during which Scardino's forces may very well have destroyed the region had its natives not managed to refound it,
  2. The invasion of Supreme Union in 2006, which forces from the Pacific, significantly aided by LWU, invaded simply because of a recruitment message that violated the Pacific's 15 line limit, despite the fact that both the Pacific and Supreme Union were in the Alliance of Conservatives, Capitalists and Economic Libertarians at the time,
  3. The raid on Hell in late 2005 by forces from LWU, also overseen by Scardino – they even managed to recruit a native, Ditzie freaks, to LWU who then caused even more chaos and destruction as a raider,
  4. The usurpation of the sinker region Lazarus' delegacy by LWU forces, overseen by Scardino,
DISTURBED by Scardino's involvement in the Sekhmet Legion of Osiris, reviving activity there and organising raids which, among others, captured and destroyed regions such as:
  1. Socialist Alliance of Eurasia, where forces from both Osiris and LWU refounded the region and destroyed its community,
  2. Hypernova House where Scardino, along with others from the Sekhmet Legion, infiltrated the government, only to betray their trust by removing all regional officers, ejecting countless natives and eventually destroying the region,
APPALLED by Scardino's work in gaining control of the government of and eventually getting elected WA delegate of The East Pacific (TEP), culminating in leading a regime responsible for mass ejections and eventually attempting to coup TEP in October 2019,

REVOLTED at Scardino's actions leading up to and during the coup, which include but are not limited to:
  1. Asking members of the infamous Rahl family to vote stack in Scardino's favour during one of the prior elections in TEP,
  2. Illegally dismissing all but one of the Viziers of TEP, and ejecting multiple long-time contributors to and Viziers of TEP, including Aelitia, Todd McCloud and Bachtendekuppen (the latter two being nations that have been Commended by this very council in part for their service to TEP), thereby reducing the security of the region and preventing an easier transfer of power,
  3. Scardino's policy of "purging marsupials" during the coup, in which innumerable developing and new members were brutally ejected from TEP, especially those with the default flag,
  4. Scardino's regime's use of authoritarianism and propaganda to suppress opposition, such as allowing nations with over 200 endorsements to take part in the marsupial purges, publishing a falsified version of TEP's Concordat and illegally ejecting and banning the legitimate Delegate-Elect, Marrabuk,
CONCERNED that the above mentioned deeds only represent a fraction of the reprehensible actions of Scardino over its 15 year long history,

BELIEVING a condemnation is necessary to highlight the severity of Scardino's actions,

Hereby condemns Scardino.
Note: Only votes from TNP WA nations and NPA personnel will be counted. If you do not meet these requirements, please add (non-WA) or something of that effect to your vote.
Voting Instructions:
  • Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
  • Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
  • Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
  • Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.
Detailed opinions with your vote are appreciated and encouraged!

[TR][TD] For [/TD][TD]Against[/TD][TD] Abstain [/TD][TD] Present [/TD][/TR][TR][TD]2[/TD][TD]13[/TD][TD]0[/TD][TD]5[/TD][/TR]

Condemn Scardino was defeated 11,094 votes to 3,377(23.3% support).
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This resolution seeks to condemn Scardino for a variety of nefarious deeds. The proposal details their founding of [regionLone Wolves United[/region] and their involvement in raiding with the Sekhmet Legion of Osiris, pointing out the destruction of native communities that resulted from their actions. Further, the proposal details their actions in a failed 2019 coup attempt of The East Pacific between the reigns of Fedele and Libertanny.

While the actions detailed in this proposal certainly show a pattern of behavior continued over a long time span, this proposal fails in two key ways. First off, the proposal shoots for a condemn that properly encapsulates the nominee's history, but fails in this regard. The proposal fails to properly detail much of the raiding in many parts of the proposal, instead favoring a detailed recounting of the most recent coup of TEP, which was an abject failure. As a result, the proposal is left with a stunted argument on one end and an uncomplete one on the other.

For these reasons, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote Against the Security Council Resolution at vote, “Condemn Scardino”.
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I think there are several issues with this proposal. One of them is the term "default flag"-I think that breaks the fourth wall and refer to the game as a game. Secondly, the term "sinker region" may do the same, same for "invaded simply because of a recruitment message that violated the Pacific's 15 line limit".

Also, not for nothing, I don't think much of this is too very condemnable. Sure, they've been a raider and definitely helped out their fair share, but the coup attempt not being successful completely abrogates any feeling I have that this nation should be condemned (contrast with Minineenee). So, yeah, Against.
an easy against - if you are going to be condemned primarily for coups you were involved in, shouldnt you like actually have been above average at that thing
As of 10:11 AM EDT, this proposal has achieved the necessary approvals to enter the formal queue. Presuming it is not withdrawn or marked illegal, it will go to a vote in just under two hours at Minor Update.
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