Ministry of Culture February Report

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St George

RolePlay Moderator
Deputy Speaker
He/Him, They/Them

A slightly less busy month, but we’re still keeping the goddamn seal.

For the month of February and I guess the first two weeks of March, culture has been focussed on preparing for two big events - firstly, our exhibit at the NationStates Great Exhibition and secondly our rollout of big big changes to the way The North Pacific University works.

NSGE was a great opportunity for us to showcase our region to the wider NS world and I feel we did a good job at doing that, even if most of the NSGE activity seemed to congregate on the events discord server, rather than their forum. Overall I felt like the event went well and we definitely had the best received event during the Exhibition, the TNP Pet Parade - all the Pet Parade participants will find their way into the stella Polaris gallery, immortalised in TNPU as the good boys and girls and fish they are.

I’d like to thank @Sarah , @Kastonvia, @DGES, @BMWSurfer, @Cascadian Bioregion and @Westinor for their contributions to the forum side of the event, along with @Prydania and @Emperor von Friently for allowing their RP contributions to be shown, and of course, a big thank you to everyone who submitted pets for the parade.

In terms of TNPU we announced our upcoming changes to the university in this post, which has been well received by the community. I look forward to fully implementing these changes over the coming weeks, and from Monday you’ll start to see our daily content being posted. It’s an exciting time and I’m also happy to announce that the new name of TNPU will be chosen by you, the people of TNP. See here for more information on how to get involved in that.

In terms of staffing we continue to expand our team. I put out a call for deputy minister applications and we made two appointments to complement an earlier appointment I made in February. @Wash , @Bobberino and @Kastonvia all bring unique things to the team and I look forward to working with them. Whilst speaker I had a lot of deputy speakers and that dynamic worked well enough that I think it could also work here, so more deputy minister appointments may be forthcoming.

Throughout February we continued to run Theme Thursday, even if we were a little late! Sorry, about that, and we’ll endeavour to ensure our timekeeping is better in the future. It’s really annoying to me whenever I start one late, but congratulations anyway to our winners - @Dreadton for Trailblazing Women, @Greater Ale Permars for action heroes, @Ianmey7 for Sports, @Paxiosolange for 2010s and fujiwara for 2000s. Congratulations also to @Westinor for winning our poetry contest!

It’s been a good term thus far, but we’re only just beginning. Keep watching out for further cultural events and projects and I truly hope you’re all as enthused by what we’re doing for TNP as I am.

St George
Culture Minister
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