[SC - PASSED] Condemn Minineenee

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Winter Kingdom
TNP Nation
Boston Castle

Condemn Minineenee
Category: Commendation | Target: Minineenee
Proposed by: Xoriet | Onsite Topic

The Security Council,

Beginning with the fact that Minineenee first entered the world stage in Autumn 2003 and since that time has participated in and orchestrated many egregious offenses against the community.

Bringing to light the first of the coups by Minineenee with the overthrow of The West Pacific on November 2, 2005, wherein Minineenee and their allies in the Core held absolute power under a declaration of martial law following the announcement of dissolution of the constitution with Minineenee as the sitting Delegate. The coup led to a period of instability and chaos in The West Pacific which persisted for many years after.

Observing that Minineenee spearheaded the formation of Empire, a notorious organization which operated under the cloak of anonymity which was achieved by the promotion of satellite nations to conceal their true identities. Minineenee, as the leader of the organization, drove Empire's formation and contributed greatly to the selection of regions targeted as well as the execution of each of these operations. Empire would go on to enact multiple coups or conduct such attempts on many significant regions across the world from 2008 onwards.

Deeply concerned by the coup of The East Pacific which was successfully carried out on August 16, 2008, through the satellite nation Lady Phedre and under the aegis of the newly formed Empire. Through the unlawful gathering of endorsements, Minineenee built up to the coup until Gnidrah was finally replaced and the satellite nation of Lady Phedre controlled The East Pacific. Minineenee's roles were as the ringleader of the group and as the head of the illegitimate government, where they most notably served as the Delegate of the coup government of The East Pacific for the duration of the operation. Over one-hundred nations were forcibly exiled from The East Pacific throughout the months in which the coup lasted.

Further disturbed by the execution of the unlawful seizure of Osiris on December 28, 2012 from the legitimately elected Pharaoh, an effort which was publicly spearheaded by Minineenee’s Empire allies Dalimbar and New Kervoskia but encouraged and driven by Minineenee behind the scenes, as credit for the inspiration and eventual execution was eventually attributed to Minineenee by the executors of the coup.

Discomfited by Minineenee and Empire garnering their core support from among numerous imperialist groups which historically also worked against the good of sovereign regions and their right to self-governance, such as Gatesville, The New Inquisition, and Great Britain and Ireland.

Perturbed by the effectiveness of early elitist propaganda issued by Empire under Minineenee's direction intended to battle the narrative of the natives of the regions who sought to reclaim their home regions from the invading forces.

Alarmed that Minineenee was further caught attempting to coup several other regions across their time, namely concentrating these efforts in the Sinker regions. Two such regions which Minineenee attempted to coup were:
The Rejected Realms, both in 2011 and early 2015, attempted by subtly gathering endorsements from unwitting natives of the region through the use of hitherto-unknown satellite nations. Both efforts were outed before they could succeed.
Lazarus during its seemingly free-for-all Anarchy phase in 2018 through solicitation of endorsements from unwitting natives and allies alike, an effort made before a stabilized new regime could be enacted by the native populace and which was ultimately thwarted by the then-current delegate, Imkiville.

Believing that Minineenee’s shocking efforts against the sovereignty of the natives across the NationStates world are worthy of international recognition and concerned that this has not yet been addressed.

Hereby Condemns Minineenee
Note: Only votes from TNP WA nations and NPA personnel will be counted. If you do not meet these requirements, please add (non-WA) or something of that effect to your vote.
Voting Instructions:
  • Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
  • Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
  • Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
  • Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.
Detailed opinions with your vote are appreciated and encouraged!

[TR][TD]For[/TD][TD] Against [/TD][TD] Abstain [/TD][TD] Present [/TD][/TR][TR][TD]20[/TD][TD]0[/TD][TD]0[/TD][TD]2[/TD][/TR]

Condemn Minineenee was passed 12,387 (85.7%) votes to 2,059 (14.3%).
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This proposal seeks to condemn Minineenee through the exhibition of their history sowing chaos in various regions. To bolster the case for condemning Minineenee, the author describes the efforts that they went to over the course of the last two decades to coup several prominent regions such as Osiris, The East Pacific, and The West Pacific through satellite nations as well as abortive attempts to overthrow the legitimately elected governments of Lazarus and The Rejected Realms. Finally, this proposal highlights Minineenee’s involvement with the group Empire and their involvement with several regions which are known “imperialist groups” in the words of the author.

There is absolutely no doubt that over the nearly two decades of NationStates that Minineenee is one of the longest standing forces of chaos and “evil” that this game has ever known. Their involvement in overthrowing the duly elected governments of numerous prominent regions and attempts to overthrow multiple others show this nominee’s worthiness of a condemnation.

For these reasons, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote For the Security Council resolution at vote, “Condemn Minineenee”.
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It seem this evil nation has tried to coup the rejected realm government.
that's just unacceptable, this nation is extremely corrupt and worthly of multiple condemnation.

I shall vote FOR
As of 9:45 AM EST, this proposal has achieved the necessary approvals to enter the formal queue. It will take the floor in just over 2 1/2 days time at Sunday's Major Update.
Present. NeeNee is well known and the proposal well written, but being around during that time and involved in some ways, my memory of the events are a little different than stated. I have the utmost of Xoriet but I would need to see direct evidence of the claims
As of 9:45 AM EST, this proposal has achieved the necessary approvals to enter the formal queue. It will take the floor in just over 2 1/2 days time at Sunday's Major Update.
With Condemn The Communist Bloc getting to queue, this proposal will instead take the floor at Thursday’s Major Update.
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