
Election time has once again encompassed Spiritus. On the block? - Chief Executive Feirmont and his team. During his last election, Feirmont toppled his opponents 12-1-1. This time, however, it was a tighter 8-4 win over sole opponent Seraph.
Feirmont’s second campaign was less meaty than his first, obviously satisfied with what came of his first.The key points for his at home plan this time were the Four R’s: Roleplay, Recruitment, integRation, and Retention. Feirmont recognized the discord server’s laid back feel, but noted that these Four R’s revolved around each other. Getting roleplay off the ground meant being attractive to newcomers coming in from Recruitment and making sure they get integRated into the region well. Making something enjoyable forum- and gameside means that Retention rates would improve in due course.
Looking outwards, Feirmont made sure to congratulate Delegate and Champion Handshaker Salaxalans on his work over the last term. From cleaning house on empty embassies to reaching out to old and new friends alike to organizing a diplomatic team, Feir had nothing but praise for Sal. The focus of this term is to continue on these accomplishments, bolstering new friendships and strengthening the older ones, continuing the upward trend of friends.
With the announcement of his cabinet, there were not many changes to the appointees of last time. Feirmont maintained Sal as the Champion Handshaker, TimothySnyder as Attorney General, and Kialga as Lead Editor. A new face was brought in to take over intraregional events and roleplay, former challenger Seraph. Seraph has been assigned the office of CEO of Regional Fun, with Feirmont citing their creativity and bringing fun and entertainment to the region.
Many look forward to a second term just as prosperous as his first as Feirmont takes the reigns once again.