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- McMasterdonia
North Pacific Army High Command Changes & New NPA Directive

Dear residents,
I am pleased to announce that I have published a new Directive that will cover the rules and regulations of the North Pacific Army. These rules do not replace any requirements listed in the legal code, the constitution or the bill of rights, but do establish the standards that I expect the North Pacific Army to operate under during my administration. More importantly, these rules replace the previous NPA Code of Governance. The NPA Code was an outdated document that did not serve the needs of The North Pacific Army of today and it was well overdue that it be replaced.
The new rules of the North Pacific Army are available here.
Furthermore, I will be making a number of changes to NPA High Command. Firstly, I will be formally retiring from my position as a General in The North Pacific Army. Likewise, I have recently spoken with Malphe who has agreed to transition out of their role as an NPA General. In addition, I will also be removing Darcania who is no longer a participant in the North Pacific Army from the NPA High Command. The new rules will also allow future Delegates to make changes to the NPA High Command membership when required. This will assist in keeping the NPA's military leadership active and responsive to the needs of our elected government and to NPA members.
In addition, I will be promoting three individuals to the NPA High Command. All of these individuals have demonstrated considerable leadership qualities as well as operational capabilities throughout their time in The North Pacific Army. I am delighted that they have agreed to step up and assist Minister of Defence Nimarya in her important work leading our regional army. Without further ado, I announce that @BMWSurfer, @Robespierre and @Rom have been promoted to General [GEN] and to NPA High Command.
I believe these changes are necessary and represent a positive step in the continuous improvement and growth of our regional army that we are all so proud of. Please join me in congratulating General BMW Surfer, General Robespierre and General Rom on their promotions. We wish them all the very best in their new leadership positions.
Delegate of The North Pacific
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