[SC - PASSED] Commend King HEM

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Winter Kingdom
TNP Nation
Boston Castle

Commend King HEM
Category: Commendation | Target: King HEM
Proposed by: Ambrella | Onsite Topic

The Security Council,

Acknowledging the outstanding and lasting contributions made to NationStates by the nation of King HEM during their fourteen-year-long career under a variety of satellite states;

Convinced that without their diligence, wisdom, and exemplary leadership in founding Europeia and fostering its democratic traditions and institutions, the region - itself Commended by this Council - would not have become the respected community of nations it is today;

Impressed by the sheer consistency of King HEM's insightful and selfless guidance of Europeia over the years, which has manifested itself in a multitude of ways such as:

  • Their decision to go against prevailing trends and convert Europeia from a Monarchy into a Republic in July 2007, four months after its founding, and their dedicated leadership throughout that change, which paved the way for many other regions to successfully adopt democratic systems and was a catalyst for the system’s widespread use;

  • Their governmental and cultural leadership of Europeia in its early stages to pioneer a strong implementation of the Independent ideology, establishing its place in the NationStates political landscape;

  • Their impressive 228 total days as Head of Government of Europeia, as well as countless more of service in the Cabinet and the Senate, which saw the introduction of multiple fruitful projects and policies including:
    • The region’s first EuroPride festival during their Presidency in 2018, in which national delegations from all over NationStates convened to celebrate diversity and promote inclusion and positive attitudes - the event was successfully held again two years later;

    • A restructure of the Europeian Republican Navy during their service as Grand Admiral between June and October 2019, pushing the organisation's revitalisation by recognising and promoting sailors using an emphasis on continued consistent service, and by better integrating the naval reserves into the overall structure;

  • Their role as a driving force behind Europeia’s media scene, especially in their extensive contributions to private media via their acclaimed outlet E-News Network, which they have run since 2007 with over 300 published pieces, as well as practising a high standard of journalism in NationStates overall (for example, the nation’s journalists ran two iterations of a survey gathering and perceptively analyzing information about over 50 and over 100 regions respectively);

  • Their tireless work to ensure the safety and wellbeing of Europeia's nations, soon setting a NationStates-wide standard for professional and trustworthy work of that sort in many other regions, some of which received direct help from King HEM in this regard;

Recognising King HEM's impactful contributions to the South Pacific in numerous capacities from 2010 to 2014, with accomplishments including:

  • As Minister of Regional Affairs, establishing a regional welcome procedure, helping ensure the continued flow of new members into the region, and working diligently on a project to collate a comprehensive account of the South Pacific’s rich history;

  • Proposing legislation for and actively collaborating in the 2011 reshaping of the region’s election laws, which replaced the challenge system for Delegate elections with regularly scheduled votes, bringing stability and reputability to the region and laying the foundation for its identity as a champion of democracy;

  • Presiding over the historic Coalition v. Milograd trial as Chief Justice, which lasted over a month, ruling on accusations of treason for “orchestrating a coup, ejecting nations from the region and undermining the judiciary”;

  • In their capacity as Vice Delegate, working with Delegate Southern Bellz to stabilise the region after Milograd’s ban and leading efforts to increase and enrich integration and communication between the South Pacific’s governmental areas and its wider community;

  • As Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, revamping and revitalising the region's ambassador system, which contributed to a resurgence of the South Pacific's diplomatic presence interregionally;

Appreciating their years of service in the region The Land of Kings and Emperors, where they served as a steadfast senior advisor on foreign affairs and constitutional matters, including answering the call to serve temporarily as regent while Crown Prince, presiding over a successful and productive government in early 2015 – this period of time saw lively 10th anniversary celebrations and important reforms take place;

Believing that King HEM’s lasting and profound impact on the NationStates community, consistently going above and beyond, is highly worthy of recognition by the Security Council;

Hereby Commends King HEM.

Co-authored by Maowi.
Note: Only votes from TNP WA nations and NPA personnel will be counted. If you do not meet these requirements, please add (non-WA) or something of that effect to your vote.
Voting Instructions:
  • Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
  • Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
  • Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
  • Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.
Detailed opinions with your vote are appreciated and encouraged!

[TR][TD]For[/TD][TD] Against [/TD][TD] Abstain [/TD][TD] Present [/TD][/TR][TR][TD]26[/TD][TD]2[/TD][TD]0[/TD][TD]1[/TD][/TR]

Commend King HEM was passed 11,349 (76.6%) votes to 3,470 (23.4%).
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"Commend King HEM" seeks to recognize an upstanding figure who founded the region of Europeia. The author, Ambrella details King HEM's many and varied contributions to the Europeian community, especially in their role as Founder of said region, as Grand Admiral of Europeia's military, the Europeian Republican Navy, and in their role as Head of State of the aforementioned region. Additionally, this proposal goes through the efforts and long service that King HEM has undertaken in and provided to The South Pacific and The Land of Kings and Emperors.

A long-time leader within the Europeian community, HEM was incredibly important in the development of Europeia as its founder and has helped shape the region into the pinnacle of culture and community that it is today. Additionally, their work in the other regions noted in the proposal should not go unnoticed. King HEM has indeed gone, in the words of the proposal, "consistently...above and beyond" and is indeed "highly worthy of recognition by the Security Council".

For those reasons, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote For the Security Council resolution at vote, "Commend King HEM".
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Yeah, I see absolutely no problems with this. As someone who is in Europeia, HEM seems like someone who is a genuine joy. Absolutely going to vote For this on Hulldom. [Non-WA]
For. A well-written commendation for someone who I can support. Also incredibly glad to see an SC resolution that isn’t repeal liberate CCD ohmygosh
Non-WA For

Would be curious as to what reason.

If I remember correctly, Dreadton has a policy of being against commendations (and condemnations?)

For the last two years as a result of some actions of the WA, I do not support and Commendations. I have violated that policy only once, and that was on the vote to Commend COE.
For the last two years as a result of some actions of the WA, I do not support and Commendations. I have violated that policy only once, and that was on the vote to Commend COE.
Fair. Was not aware.
All valid votes cast should be counted thus far. Someone feel free to check behind me on the math!
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As of 6:04 PM EST, this proposal has achieved the 58 Approvals it needs for a vote. As a result, this proposal should hit the floor in ~6 hours at Major Update.
I'm late to this, but I'm gonna vote Against because of negative history with him, which has soiled my previously positive opinion of him; I won't elaborate on why out of respect (but our dispute is not yet settled), and because it'd soil the general "for HEM" direction we're taking as a region. The people who know, know.
Even though I'm in the minority, I just felt it's wrong not to vote my two cents in because we're a democracy and this is MY region.

I upvoted the dispatch however.
Have a good day, fellows!
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