[GA - FAILED] Protecting Sapient Life

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Winter Kingdom
TNP Nation
Boston Castle

Protecting Sapient Life
Category: Civil Rights | Strength: Mild
Proposed by: Tinhampton, Co-authored by: Gorundu | Onsite Topic

Recognising that GA#535 "Death Penalty Ban," while outlawing capital punishment in most circumstances, permits its deployment under military law in some circumstances, and

Seeking to abolish capital punishment in all circumstances across the WA, for reasons that have been stated in at least three different resolutions...

The General Assembly hereby:

  1. forbids the imposition of the death penalty in all cases where such has not already been prohibited by prior and standing international law, and
  2. prohibits members from deporting any person to a nation where said person faces a reasonable possibility of being sentenced to death for the crimes they have been charged with committing.
Co-authored with Gorundu.
Note: Only votes from TNP WA nations and NPA personnel will be counted. If you do not meet these requirements, please add (non-WA) or something of that effect to your vote.
Voting Instructions:
  • Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
  • Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
  • Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
  • Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.
Detailed opinions with your vote are appreciated and encouraged!

[TR][TD] For [/TD][TD] Against [/TD][TD] Abstain [/TD][TD] Present [/TD][/TR][TR][TD]16[/TD][TD]11[/TD][TD]0[/TD][TD]0[/TD][/TR]

Protecting Sapient Life was defeated 7,992 votes to 6,643(45.4% support).
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“Protecting Sapient Life” seeks to implement an absolute ban on the death penalty, and restricts the deporting of convicted individuals to areas where they may be sentenced to the death penalty.

The issue of a death penalty ban is a contentious one. However, the Ministry firmly believes that preserving human life and preventing the execution of innocents is a just cause, and that the death penalty is both impractical and ineffective. The proposal manages to close a hole in previous legislation, implementing a full ban on the death penalty.

For these reasons, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends voting For the at-vote General Assembly proposal, "Protecting Sapient Life".
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While I support Death Penalty Ban, I prefer a full ban, which this offers (and Death Penalty Ban explicitly does not prevent such a ban from being passed).
I still dislike the generic euphemistic name and rather we had one enforced document banning the death penalty in full. Seeing this is the currently best option I will vote for it but will not hesitate to repeal if a more efficient replacement comes about. I don't care who the author is if the effect of the legislation is upstanding and worthy of resolution.


I believe that capital punishment should be retained in rare instances and only for the very worst offenders whose crimes are unforgivable (i.e. war crimes, crimes against humanity)
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As usual, I am available to answer questions about this proposal.

I still dislike the generic euphemistic name and rather we had one enforced document banning the death penalty in full. Seeing this is the currently best option I will vote for it but will not hesitate to repeal if a more efficient replacement comes about. I don't care who the author is if the effect of the legislation is upstanding and worthy of resolution.

I think that was IA's original intent with DPB before he included the exception in Article 1 and cited Cretox as a co-author... but don't quote me on that one, LOL

For. Patches up the hole in the DPB
Thank you for reading my mind :P
As of 4:33 PM EST, this proposal has met the 58 approvals it needs to go to vote (59 approvals actually) and should go up for a vote at Minor Update tomorrow.
How did Gorundu get a coauthor credit when this is an unchanged draft? lol
Preamble changed, among others.

He overlooked it because I wrote it.
Only half true. I dislike the overuse of the word, which is what Regnum Italiae and I stated in repeal GMO Accord. The usage here is appropriate and in moderation. *quickly hides ensuring effectual recycling*
Preamble changed, among others.
The preamble was my own work; Gorundu did, however, help out a great deal with the wording of the final clause (and I know that there were many concerns about my original wording of that clause). For this, I am extremely grateful.
Against. I'm fine with the previous resolution restricting the death penalty to military crimes (genocides, massacres, etc.) but not this resolution.
For. Would the Againsters like to explain their stance?
I support the death penalty in case of first degree murder, serious sexual assault causing grievous bodily harm, treason and war crimes, potentially drug trafficking (jurisdiction varies, obvious some jurisdictions have relaxed drug laws and I respect their choice). I take this stance in real life. I also live in a country that has death penalty and I support it.

I don't want to start a Twitter or Facebook style flame war so I will stop here.
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Against. To quote myself from the last time this one came up:
Potentially interferes with the internal judiciary system of the Autocratic Republic.
Although straightforward and the message gets across, it leaves areas up to interpretation.
No definition of "Sapient Life". Does this include artificial citizens? Is it reserved to those who are deemed to "have a soul"?
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