Hello all, and welcome to the Guild's first pull event of the new year!
The exact time and date of the next pull event will be on Sunday, January 31st at 3 P.M. ET.
Of course, the following guidelines outline the process for nominating a card:
Nominate a card to be used for the pull event by posting a link to the card in this thread over the next 72 hours. If not linking, then please specify the season of the card you're naming. You may nominate up to 3 cards. The Guild Leadership will then review the nominated cards to determine what is possible subject to our budget constraints, what cards we have, and what we can acquire. These cards will then listed for Guild members to vote on.
Note that while only Guild members may vote on which card to go to auction, anyone may nominate a card to be considered to be put up for vote.
The nomination period will end on Tuesday, January 19th at 11:59 P.M. ET.
Happy nominating!
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