Closing Address


Some random groundhog idk
TNP Nation

Closing Address

Hello everyone!

In this last term we published 4 issues of The North Star, 3 issues of The Northern Lights, and 2 standalone Polaris news articles. In this term, we have successfully implemented systems, such as the scheduling changes, which allowed us greater flexibility and consistency. We also introduced changes to The North Star to enhance the reading experience, and although Polaris didn't turn out quite how we might've imagined it to be, it is a solid program which (with some fine tuning) could create a basis for the future of this ministry.

Without you, none of these successes would have been possible. I appreciate all your efforts this term, and you should all give yourselves a pat on the back for your dedication this term.

I would also like to thank the Ministries of World Assembly Affairs, Defense, and Cards for their contributions to The Northern Lights this term. I also thank Tlomz for this opportunity to serve here this term.

There is a bright future ahead for this Ministry, and I hope I get to work with you all in the future!

Minister of Communications
This has been an incredible turnaround for Communications. Often a smaller priority and a less flashy Ministry, you finished a project long in the works (at least dating back to my brief term) which was to get this Ministry back on track. And you succeeded in that endeavor. I'm proud of you and the work the Communications team has done and I commend you for it.