The North Star - Issue XXV Planning


Some random groundhog idk
TNP Nation
North Pacific Army BulletinUnclaimed
The Spotlight 32Comfed
News - General Electionlol2639
WA DigestUnclaimed
Security Council ReviewCretox State
Please indicate below if you would like to write any of the articles listed above, or if you would like to write an article which is not listed. All articles are due by the last weekend of the month, which is Sunday, January 31st for this Issue. This issue will be published on Sunday, February 7th.

When you are finished with your article, please put it into a google doc and post a comment link to that google doc in the "Editor's Desk" subforum (for info on how to do that see this article, and make sure the link has "Commenter" permissions). If you are unable to do this for any reason, please let me know. It is recommended that you write your article sooner, and update it as needed.

Please note the recent changes to The North Star detailed here.

I also encourage you to take advantage of Mentored Articles. Any of these articles may be mentored. If you would like to write a mentored article, please also indicate so below.

If you need any assistance, please let me know.
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