Security Council Information Disclosure Request Thread


PC Load Letter
TNP Nation

North Pacific Security Council Disclosure Request

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  • Real life information about any NationStates player from which there is a risk of inferring that player's real life identity and which has not willingly been disclosed to the public, including, but not limited to, an individual's name, IP address, physical address or location, phone number, place of employment or education, appearance, social media accounts, and other knowledge about a player, unless the player in question provides explicit consent for this information not to be considered private.
  • Real life information about any NationStates player for which there exists a reasonable real life expectation of privacy or discretion, including, but not limited to, health status, both mental and physical; financial status; personal tragedies; changes in personal status such as marriage, divorce, pregnancy, birth, or death; and other similar information, unless the player in question provides explicit consent for this information not to be considered private.
  • Information that, upon being made public, would jeopardize any ongoing military or intelligence operations; or jeopardize the security of units and agents participating in them, or be harmful to the diplomatic interests, military interests, or security of The North Pacific.
  • Information that, upon being made public, would jeopardize Security Council operations in response to threats and attempted coups.

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Subject: such posts, messages, telegrams or other communications as were sent or addressed to Pasargad or were otherwise designed to obtain his consent to the release of Security Council records.
Approx Date Record was Created/Discussed: between the date Section 5.5 of the Legal Code entered into force and today.
Subject: such posts, messages, telegrams or other communications as were sent or addressed to Pasargad or were otherwise designed to obtain his consent to the release of Security Council records.
Approx Date Record was Created/Discussed: between the date Section 5.5 of the Legal Code entered into force and today.

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Vice Delegate
Subject: Discussion pertaining to CCD's Operation 84
Approx Date Record was Created/Discussed: August 2018 - January 2020
Subject: Discussion and debate pertaining to the establishment of embassy with the Lone Wolves United and the Black Hawks
Approx Date Record was Created/Discussed: Jan 2011- Dec 2019
Last edited:
Subject: Discussion and debate pertaining to the establishment of embassy with the Lone Wolves United and the Black Hawks
Approx Date Record was Created/Discussed: Jan 2011- Dec 2019
Embassies do not fall under Security Council administration. You would have better luck lodging a Freedom of Information Act Request which you can read more about in the Section 7.4 of the Legal Code of the North Pacific.
A little dated, but here is one:
Subject: Discussions on the WA Delegacy transition between Francois Isidore and Madjack
Approx Date Record was Created/Discussed: September 2021
Last edited:
A little dated, but here is one:
Here is the discord logs you have requested

[20:18:05] Hello everyone!
Pallaith, King of the North
[20:18:25] Hi
[20:18:39] Well this is awkward
[20:18:43] We can’t both be the VD
[20:18:50] There must be something wrong here
[20:18:58] Chill people. I have like 2000 masking updates to make
Pallaith, King of the North
[20:19:12] Sloths. What can you do
[20:19:16] Oh there we go
[20:19:20] I’m a lawman again
[20:19:40] Lol
[21:32:32] Hi Kasto!
[21:33:23] Welcome the the place were the Secret Cabal runs TNP
[21:33:42] Hello GBM and Dreadton!
[22:15:28] Hello Security Councilors!
I wanted to run this by everyone here. Would yall be fine if I give access to MJ to the security council channel?
Just a Wah
[22:30:20] I dont know might be a security risk
[22:31:10] Might want to ping if you want any responses btw.
[22:34:27] @Security Councillor please see my previous message
[22:39:45] k
[22:40:06] are you keeping robes in this channel for the transition?
[22:41:37] we usually keep all involved parties around throughout the transition
[22:41:46] and is he giving you a seat in the Executive?
[22:42:06] He is
Just a Wah
[22:43:24] I see this as bribery. MJ gives him a ministry seat in exchange for access. #Scandal #Recall
[22:58:04] Can one of the admins give MJ and Robes access to here and the war room too. Thank you in advance.
[23:07:33] Lol
Marcus Antonius
[Sun Sep 12 08:07:25 2021] Hello and welcome to the den. 
[13:44:40] Thank! Glad to be here.
[15:28:28] We are going to lose 243 Keepers
[15:33:44] thats the number of keepers who are not endorsing Madjack
[15:33:52] and i didnt even check Kats
[15:37:46] oh the report updated
[15:38:01] 648 start and with madjack on the list we are down to 413
[15:38:13] So there should be a bunch of keeper TGs out
[15:40:06] [REDACTED LINK]
[16:51:59] alert TG sent for madjack
[16:52:35] looks like the admins pulled my perms for WADP
[16:53:33] So is kasto the only one who can do it now?
[16:56:32] I dont know I just know i cant
[16:57:46] I was at least able to walk him through some of it before it happened so unexpectedly
[17:06:06] I'm sure it can be restored to you
[17:07:38] i honestly though all SCs have access
[17:07:52] they should incase somethng happens
[17:08:02] I don't believe I do
[17:08:27] @SIR KASTO Thoughts on the full SC having access to the WADP?
[17:08:44] True
[17:10:11] It would mainly be for the Alerts, but if someone needs to step up and fill the VD spot again it can cut some response time down
[17:13:58, edited 17:14:11] Kasto and MJ have access. The whole SC sounds like overkill. The VD should ultimately be the one coordinating alerts to prevent duplications and overuse.
[17:15:28] You could give top 3 LoS
[17:16:37] Well two of the top three are admins so they already have access. I guess I can give Pallaith back access if needed.
[17:18:21] I mean it's whatever people are comfortable with. We could give it to people who teach incoming VDs if not
[17:19:48] Can you please restore Dreadton's access to the WADP
[17:27:19] I can see how having the whole SC is an overkill. I think it will be fine if me, MJ, and Dreadton have it for now. I should be good when it comes to doing things related to the WADP. If I have any questions or problems I will turn to Dreadton since he will have access to the sheet.
[17:28:00] Sounds good. I’ll add him when I get home later today.
[17:28:20] Thanks
[21:11:46] Should be caught up with the requests posted here now.
[21:14:31, edited 21:15:07] oh, i see MJ's here now. wanna change to happyjack?
[21:14:35] The kids couldn't hurt Jack
They tried and tried and tried
They dropped things on his back
And lied and lied and lied and lied and lied
But they couldn't stop Jack, or the waters lapping
And they couldn't prevent Jack from feeling happy
[21:23:08] Alright
[21:23:29] I slept longer than I’d wanted to, but I’ll go ahead and do the RO changes right now
[21:23:33] thanks
[21:23:35] @MadJack ^^
[21:30:06] amazing
[21:30:21] and thank you for doing the RO changes
[21:33:38] No problem
[21:33:43] But there is one issue...
[21:34:15] We don't have any space for Sarah unless I dismiss either @Pallaith, King of the North or @GBM
[21:34:28] What would you like done, Mr Delegate?
[21:36:32] I like the extra BC coverage due to the recent spate of spammers. We'll leave it as it is for a few days, and then review again in light of how the transition is going and whether the spam lessens
[21:38:37] *nods*
[21:38:58] I've also updated the WFE so that it now mentions both Kaston and you
[21:39:11] Thanks, Robes <:gestureMyThanks:588187577396363265>
[21:41:39] @Robespierre I would recommend sending out a mass TG explaining that the election ended and MJ and Sir Kasto are the new Delegate and Vice Delegate. Endorse them yada yada yada.
[21:42:10] Will do! 
[21:43:39] As I told MJ and as I’ll tell you guys here: If there’s anything that’s needed and if it’s within my power, just let me know.
I’m committed to making this transition a success, so I’ll help out anyway I can
[22:20:14] Hey yall,
Just posting the sheet with the current numbers. There is a lot of green which is certainly a good thing. I will have my Vice Delegate update and opening statement posted shortly. [REDACTED LINK]
[22:54:16] Would you like me to continue endotarting so as to keep a healthy distance between Ghost and I, @SIR KASTO?
[22:54:33] We'll work on getting you two up there, of course
[23:02:04] [REDACTED]
[23:03:23] [REDACTED]
[23:03:41] [REDACTED]
Pallaith, King of the North
[23:03:51, edited 23:04:01] [REDACTED]
[23:05:06] [REDACTED]
[23:12:49] [REDACTED]
[23:14:04] [REDACTED]
[23:16:03] [REDACTED]
[23:28:42] [REDACTED]
Just a Wah
[23:36:27] [REDACTED]
[23:37:15] [REDACTED]
[23:37:23] [REDACTED]
[23:37:56] [REDACTED]
Just a Wah
[23:39:27, edited 23:40:07] [REDACTED]
[23:40:15] [REDACTED]
Just a Wah
[23:40:38] [REDACTED]
Sil Dorsett
[23:41:08] [REDACTED]
[23:41:57] [REDACTED]
Pallaith, King of the North
[23:45:11] [REDACTED]
[23:45:13] [REDACTED]
[23:45:21] [REDACTED]
[23:45:59] [REDACTED]
[23:46:45] [REDACTED]
[23:47:18] [REDACTED]
Sil Dorsett
[23:47:23] [REDACTED]
[23:47:45] [REDACTED]
[23:48:13] [REDACTED]
Just a Wah
[23:48:49] [REDACTED]
Pallaith, King of the North
[23:48:52] [REDACTED]
[23:49:10] [REDACTED]
[23:49:12] [REDACTED]
[Mon Sep 13 15:11:51 2021] I have sent out a telegram alert for Kastonvia and dispatch alert for MadJack
[Wed Sep 15 14:48:14 2021] Hey yall,
Here is the mid-week update on the endorsement levels. MJ is about 168 endorsements from the closest SCer. I will send out a TG alert for MJ and a dispatch for Kastonvia. The gap between the closet player and Tlomz is around ~40 so I think we are fine for now but I will be watching if starts nearing 30. Robespierre can stop endotarting for now because I believe the gap between Pallaith and him is good enough right now. If anyone has any advice or suggestions please send it my way. [REDACTED LINK]
[14:51:47] y'all needed to do more endotarting earlier :P
[14:52:08] yes >_<
[14:52:19] I shouldn't have been doing NPA stuff so late
[14:52:57] Is it not customary to let your endotarding slide until the delegate has sufficiently passed you?
[14:53:22] Oh nvm
[14:53:29] I thought Eras was referring to all
[14:53:48] yeah MJ should have started endotarting earlier
[14:58:13, edited 14:58:15] *eyes you*
[14:58:26] Is it worth considering varying the alerts and send one for like Keepers to anyone not endorsing MJ? That still gets an endo for MJ but doesn't feel quite so much like spam ‍♀️
[14:59:05] Or a contest?
[15:04:00] Contest could be good
[15:32:55] we tried a card reward during my VD term,
[15:35:16] Contest sounds nice. I will think of a couple ideas and get back to yall
[15:38:59] Roger roger @SIR KASTO
[15:39:21] Also, why does my influence level say “Square” instead of “Squire?” 
[15:40:17] Sorry about that. I type fast (80 wpm btw) so must have hit the wrong key.
[15:40:39] dont lie its cuz Robes is a Square
[15:40:47] totaly not a cool cat
[16:08:08] Don't lie, he's a hip dude
[16:09:32] Yay
[17:27:58] groovy
[18:58:29] > *Among Us / Codename / Other game Contest*
> To be entered into a chance to play Among Us / Other game with Madjack, Kastonvia, or the Security Council you must be endorsing before the drawing period starts. We then draw a couple names, send invite code via telegram, and play. Simple and fun.
> *RMB Trivia Game / Trivia Game*
> A sequence of posts or pinned dispatch will contain trivia questions that are fun and exciting. To answer the questions the player will send a numbered list with the answers to someone (could be me). The first person or the whoever gets all of them right will be appear on the WFE as “Player of the Week”. Some of the questions can be about Madjack, Kastonvia, or the Security Council so they can go on our nation pages to seek the answers. We can try getting endorsements this way. The poll during the trivia period will be something about “Have you answered the questions, sent the answers, and endorsed MJ yet? Dont forget to do it!”.
These are sorta simple fun contests I thought might get us some endos
Just a Wah
[Thu Sep 16 02:48:06 2021] @SIR KASTO i would be up for something like that. Could also make it a twice a week or so "Keeper Game Night" where only keepers are eligible for whatever cheap/free game to play.
[02:48:38] yay I will try to organize something like that
Just a Wah
[02:50:35, edited 02:50:47] If anyone owns jackboxs that would be a good one to do over voice chat. Tabletop simulator. BGO. Gatric phone. I know a lot of good ones cuz other servers do weekly game nights.
[02:58:37] @SIR KASTO secret hitler would be apt for the current climate in tnp <a:WumpusTongue:611211886150680696>
[03:00:12] I got jackbox
[03:00:20] totally forget about it
[03:00:28] Thanks for the ideas, Lord Lore
Just a Wah
[03:01:49] Id be willing to invest in a few of the jackboxs you dont have if you have some gaps
[03:08:28] I will get started on doing this. I think weekends/evenings probably be the best time for everyone here to also play? I will ask Sarah maybe she can help so this can be a fun Security Council + Ministry of Culture joint event.
Just a Wah
[03:10:35] [REDACTED]
[03:11:15] That is an interesting work schedule
[03:11:44] Before I put anything in motion I will let yall know so we can get as much as SCers involved as possible
Just a Wah
[03:12:11] [REDACTED]
[03:12:41] Wow
[03:27:59] I have 3-4 jack boxes and keep talking and nobody explodes
[03:29:22] I put out a poll on the RMB to get a feel how many would want to participate. Polls arent really accurate but at least it shows some people are interested
[03:31:04] The TNP Game YouTube channel would be good for Jackbox
[03:32:44] yes
[03:33:01] That is perfect. We can get those who cant use discord
[04:00:21] we're 3rd now for endorsements :(  bring on a contest
[04:20:27] Will do cap'n
[Fri Sep 17 09:44:14 2021] I TG'd everyone who wasn't endorsing me this morning
[13:53:33] I sent a TG out for myself, using the become a keeper format
[Sun Sep 19 18:14:18 2021] [REDACTED LINK]
How does this TNP Game Night idea looking? Like we discussed before the entry is being a Keeper of the North.
[18:14:39] Kasto your pfp is scary
[18:17:36] Its Danny DeVito lmao
[18:18:07] Is there anything I should add to that? Perhaps anyone can help host games so we can have two games running at a time?
[18:18:32] Person A hosts Jackbox and Person B hosts other game.
[18:25:37] What's the expected attendence?
[18:26:17, edited 18:26:22] ~80 people reacted on the poll
[18:27:51] assume 10% of that as a low end
[18:29:42] Yes
[18:30:28] I can add in the telegram to RSVP or something so we can get a rough estimate
[Mon Sep 20 01:26:54 2021] Hey yall,
The weekly VC update is coming and so is this table. Me and MJ are rising up but slowly. We should have started endotarting earlier : ) [REDACTED LINK]

[01:46:28] Anyone have any final thoughts, advice, feedback, or suggestions about the game night before I send it out?
Just a Wah
[03:30:30] Just that i wouldnt be able to be there that day :p
[03:32:07] : (
[03:32:47] Sorry mate. I am hoping to host another one during the weekend
[03:46:51] Stepping all over my toes G
[03:47:13] Plus this weekend will be bad day for an event due to NDay
Pallaith, King of the North
[04:03:24] when was that snapshot taken? I have 900 currently
[04:05:53] 9/18/2021
[14:21:30] Tarted back up
[14:41:33] @SIR KASTO Want me to tart back up or hold? I know I tarted a bit, got up in endorsements, and then you said that was good for now
[14:41:35] Thoughts?
[14:49:55] I don't think you need tart for now since you are far away from Ghost with a good amount of endos.
[14:50:08] Fair enough
[14:50:23] Am currently trying to figure out how we can fit in Sarah as an RO
[14:50:47] Once you YouTube crowd dies down a bit more, we probably won’t need as many suppression/border control officers
[14:51:04, edited 14:51:12] I think it already began to die down : (
[14:51:06] But that’s a decision for MJ to make that he said he’d make later in the transition, so we’ll see
[14:51:23] either that or if the transition is fast a spot will be freed up
[14:51:52] True
[14:51:57] I’m technically taking up a spot
[14:52:02] Hey yall,
Lulubellia contacted me about WADP endotarting results being omitted can anyone explain that to me [REDACTED LINK]
[14:52:07] But then again that happens every transition practically 
[14:52:34] Lulubellias priorities are messed up
[14:52:34] Lulu wants her clout
[14:52:39] Can’t blame her lol
[14:52:44] anyway
[14:52:54] Stealing clout is never good
[14:53:04] that aligns with when the script wasn't working, so that might be why
[14:53:11] Probably so
[14:53:18] You’re right. I forgot about that
[14:53:23] Madjack needs to pass wineclaw, Dar and R3 would be responsive to request to let him pass them
[14:54:25] I dont know who Bhara is and lulu will ignore anything that "risk her chances at cards"
[14:55:48] Nah
[14:55:53, edited 14:55:58] Lulu is a known quantity
[14:56:05] If we ask for something, they’ll comply
[14:56:21] (I say “we” as if I’m an SCer. I’m not  )
[14:56:24, edited 14:56:29] About that telegram. Do I say something about the script aint working at the time? I dont really know what they want
[14:56:36] we must be talking about two different Lulus  they have always been difficult with me
[14:56:57] Well, if the script wasn’t working then we likely are missing data for that day or for the two days it was out of storage space
[14:57:01] So… not much *can* be done
[14:57:14] The fact that she tracks this though is uh… dedicated, to say the very least
[14:57:27] wouldnt it affect all nations since the script was down?
[14:57:27] yea dedicated
[14:57:51] "We addressed the issue that caused the calculations to be missed, but we are unable to recreate the missing data officially. "
[14:58:36] very classy response
[15:03:19] [REDACTED LINK]
[15:04:13] Anyone know wineclaw?
[15:05:27] thats what I was thinking when I said that lol
[Tue Sep 21 00:44:21 2021] I am available at the time but clueless on what is happening for game night
[00:48:12] I am going to stream Jackbox and you can just join from your device if you want to play.
[00:48:56] aaaand that still does not clarify
[00:50:50] Are you asking what Jackbox is or how the game night will work?
[00:51:21] both a bit
[00:53:38] Jackbox is a game that has many games in it. There is Trivia, Funny Q and A, T Shirt Contest, and guess the data percentage game.
[00:55:04] For how it will work. I will do a discord ping before and send a telegram to those who responded back about the game starting. I will be streaming the game in voice chat and streaming it to youtube.
[00:55:49] I have to stream it because the players need to see the screen in order to play.
[00:56:14] ah, so not a game like among us or the codenames
[00:56:26] no
[00:57:49] here is a link to better explain what jackbox is
You can scroll down to find out more about each individual game
[Mon Sep 27 00:22:08 2021] Hey yall,
Dont have the fancy excel sheet cause something is wrong with the VD reports but nonetheless I shall provide some kind of information.
 I have contacted r3n about this and I hope I get access by the end of next week. @Robespierre please endotart since the gap between you and Pally is getting too close, I dont think we want Pallaith taking over the delegacy during the transition. MJ is going up in endorsements and so am I. I will send out alerts for both of us today.
[00:25:00] Will do
[00:25:07] I’ll endotart later tonight
[00:27:20] do it before your bedtime please
Pallaith, King of the North
[00:55:50] Kasto, how are your numbers? You and MadJack that is
[01:21:44] Hello Pallaith,
The numbers are going up. Which is what I want. My current numbers are 657 and MJs is 743. MJ is about 110 behind the closest SCer
Pallaith, King of the North
[01:39:29] And Robes and I have what?
[01:42:07] Robes is at 919 and Pallaith at 894. Really close
[01:43:15] Not really all that close but okay
[01:43:25] Ghost isn’t gonna gain 30 endos randomly
[01:43:41] It’s actually the same spacing that it was just now with lower numbers for both of us
[01:43:46] But same distance between
[01:45:23] I am worried that you might lose endorsements faster than Ghost
[01:47:31] No worries
[01:47:33] I get that
[01:47:38] I’ll endotart later tonight
[01:53:34] thanks matey <:PE_PandaPirate:730136185560891454>
[03:29:36] Anyway I should have the sheet VD report thing done tomorrow since the issue has been identified and fixed
[03:30:03] Hooray to r3n for helping me figure it out
Pallaith, King of the North
[Tue Sep 28 01:24:28 2021] Why are the rows out of order
[01:25:53] Thanks for catching that. I uploaded the unsorted sheet but I have fixed it. [REDACTED LINK]
Pallaith, King of the North
[01:29:43] When were these generated? Because that shows an even closer gap between me and Robes
[01:30:20] 2021-09-27
Pallaith, King of the North
[01:30:36] Yikes
[01:31:53] Like I said to Robes we risk you taking the delegate seat because Robes is losing endorsements faster than you
[01:35:36] Robes doesn’t have the auto telegrams backing him anymore also
Pallaith, King of the North
[01:39:19] Well it’s obvious what happens then. But as long as he keeps endotarting and keeps ahead it shouldn’t be an issue
[01:40:52] @Robespierre did you endotart before bedtime yesterday?
[01:41:31] [REDACTED]
[01:41:43] [REDACTED]
[01:41:49] [REDACTED]
[01:44:40] Please do it before bedtime I dont want you staying up late
[01:56:52] Lol
[Wed Sep 29 00:15:40 2021] 924
[00:15:48] How’s that for endotarting? @SIR KASTO
[00:15:55] I can do more if need be
[00:17:20] its good
[00:17:34] thanks "J.V. Rich"
[00:18:15] You’re welcome
[Thu Sep 30 02:42:51 2021] Hey yall,
The midweek update yall. The numbers are going down across the board for the entire SC but Robes endotarting helped make the gap between him and Ghost. Me and MJ gained quite a bit of endos since the monday update. It will look like I will break 700 by the next update. @MadJack you keep endotarting! I need you to get to the delegate position as soon as you can! We also gained back roughly 100 Keepers of the North.
[02:44:02] When was that data pulled?
[02:45:32] Hold on, did we have a surge in WA nations?
[02:46:08] I endotarted yesterday for 35 nations which was after a 4 day break of endotarting and today I have 43 new nations to endo
[02:48:37] This is yesterdays data
[02:48:49] I will update it after I get new data to better reflect today
[02:55:08] I also have a fun new idea to reach out to the community that I will get around to revealing tomorrow once I write in a legible format.
[Fri Oct  1 17:02:56 2021] in terms of the transition, when do you think we should invite our friends to help?
Just a Wah
[17:15:02, edited 17:15:17] Personally I think the best time would be when you are close to the lowest member of the SC.
[17:18:36] Just for clarification who do you mean by friends?
[18:18:45] Hey SC people,
We are going to be having an endo contest that Minister of Culture Sarah proposed. The basics of the contests is like the post, endorse MJ, and once MJ is at 800 endos we will choose a random person (who has reacted to the post) who will decide the TNP flag for the next 48 hours.
[18:21:45] allies
[18:21:56] and other regions we're friendly with
[18:22:24] ah understood
[18:24:39] Old Osiris and UDL buddies
[18:24:43] The MJ coup cometh
[18:27:03] NPO 
[Sat Oct  2 03:44:36 2021] Interestingly, at the beginning of the transition I predicted that I’d sit in the seat until the 120-something day mark
[03:44:58] With the way things are looking, where I’m almost at 112 days, I was seemingly correct
[03:45:30] Depending upon how things progress, I may have actually underestimated. I could end up reaching 130+ days
[03:46:14] i been running numbers and it seems so
[03:47:18] Yeah. I was going to check in with you guys to see what the projected completion date of the transition would be
[03:47:22] We’re getting closer to that time
[03:48:22] you dont want to see the projected date
[03:49:32] Yes I do
[03:49:40] I really don’t mind continuously sitting in the seat
[03:50:03] This is mostly just for the sake of my own curiosity and to see how the projected date compares to the prediction I made in the beginning
[03:51:32] its really hard to predict an accurate date when endos can spike randomly
[03:51:45] True
[03:52:11] what I can say is that MJ will have delegate seat by nov 20
[03:52:23] probably would be earlier than that
Pallaith, King of the North
[03:52:31] Oh my god
[03:52:33] Well we’d all sure hope so haha
Pallaith, King of the North
[03:52:36] It better be earlier than that
[03:52:40] it will be
[03:52:50] this is a projection if numbers rise at a steady non spikey rate
[03:52:58] Let’s see…
[03:53:03] It’s early October now, not even one month into the term
[03:53:07] We’re not in a bad spot
[03:53:23] I’d say… late October/early November is more likely
[03:53:28] But that’s just me eyeballing it
[03:53:41] You’ve ran the numbers and you study the WA population trends, so you’d know
[03:54:34] lmao I am not a stat person. I ran the numbers based on MJs current WA gain
[03:54:52] studying WA population trends would take too much time and knowledge that I dont have
[03:56:45] Shhh
[03:56:51] I’m making you look like you do things
[03:56:57] Just go with it
[03:59:19] ah of course
[12:36:04] I no longer have BC. Looking for where someone may have mentioned that to me.
[12:39:10] Apologies - that's on me. I asked for the change to be made yesterday. I should've mentioned it here.
[12:40:12] With the spammer threat receding, I felt like now was the time to ensure all my cabinet had RO status
[12:43:17] Thanks.
[17:38:26] Ah yes, sorry GBM
[17:55:13] Not going rogue, I promise
[18:09:08] *****WARNING**** Alert level raised to ORANGE!
[18:25:48] Haha
[18:25:54] “I like to keep things interesting”
[22:49:53] Did the WADP awards for September go out?
Pallaith, King of the North
[23:09:29] It did now
[23:11:51] Sorry about the delay : )
[23:18:59] Thanks! Now you have the fun job of card gifting. I know in the past we’ve gifted legendaries to the top 10 and epics to all the rest (including the WA shoutouts). We may want to consider no longer gifting epics to the WA shoutouts to preserve our deposits for longer.
[23:26:15] Let me clarify this for myself before I do it. The champion and top 10 receive a legendary card, and the top 50 get an epic card?
[23:30:36] 1-10 get legendary 11-50 get epic
[23:30:52] And also keepers of the month and vote early vote often get an epic too
Pallaith, King of the North
[23:31:19] I’ve broached the subject of some WADP changes with the delegate and the VD in the appropriate channel
[23:31:27] I’ll post them here as well
[23:31:49] 1. Reduce the daily lotteries from three to two. Keep the one based on number of endos and number of votes. Cut the one based on daily activity.
2. During WADP, only gift epics to the top-50, Keepers of the Month, and Voting award winners. No longer gift cards to the new WA shoutouts.
3. Change the random legendary selection formula. Currently, within each season, all cards have the same odds of being selected. This means that if I have 9 Siwales and 1 Testlandia, both of them are selected 50% of the time. We should change this so that it's a random pick from among the total deck. That way, in the above example we'd have 90% chance of picking Siwale, and 10% of picking Testlandia.
[23:33:07] But my card is better
[23:34:47] Thank you. I will send them out soon.
[Sun Oct  3 14:45:31 2021] Should I hold off on sending cards until we discuss the card changes to WADP or are those changes for future WADP?
[14:52:48] in the future - continue to operate under the current policy for now
[Mon Oct  4 01:17:06 2021] I have reached the 18th spot in the region! Hooray! Also posting this for the VD report thingie
[01:35:57] this is still shaping up to be a sloooooow transition
[01:42:56] its only been like 20 days
Pallaith, King of the North
[01:45:19] As long as it’s faster than TEP’s, I’ll consider that acceptable
[01:45:56] How long was TEPs?
Pallaith, King of the North
[01:51:09] Looks like the delegate took over on July 20. Their election was in June. So a bit over a month
[02:06:36] there's still another 100+ endos to go.
[02:21:56] It’s not that long of a transition
[02:22:04] It’s only 3 October
[02:46:02] should make it like US elections, there's a month transition between the vote and actually assuming office. :P
[03:05:53] imagine how quick it would have been if i won
Pallaith, King of the North
[03:11:56] I try not to
[03:14:03] You know, you still can win
[03:14:12] All you have to do is defeat me in a battle of the endorsements
[03:14:19] Get endotarting 
[17:37:40] Hey yall,
If I wanted to archive threads from the SC subforum (the one viewable to the public) would I send the archived threads to here [REDACTED LINK]?
[22:19:09] Yes, that's the publicly viewable forum archive
[22:19:57] if you want to archive war room threads you can ask Elu to make you a copy into the redacted prep archive and then move the full threads into the war room archive
[22:23:38] Ok thank you for that info. There are some threads that I wanted to archive but was not sure if I could.
[22:25:21] are you going to take up the declassification?
[22:25:44] Yes
[Wed Oct  6 03:27:27 2021] Hey yall,
Sorry for such slow progress from me in past few days I got slumped with college work this week because we had midterms. I am going to be done sending out cards by the end of today and start declassification of the archives tomorrow.
[03:37:08] RL is always the priority, especially with exams that can alter the course of your career
[03:37:13] Think you did well?
[03:38:33] Yeah everything is good except for excel where I uploaded the same document twice lol. Could have had a 100 instead of 93 
[16:03:11] Hey yall,
The midweek update! Madjack is nearing 800 endos that means the endo contest will draw a winner soon. MJ is also about 64 endos behind the closest Security Councilor and 134 endos behind Robespierre. I only moved up 1 spot in the region and closing the big gap with MJ. Also Tlomz and Sil, yall should probably endotart since you are getting close to Lulu. [REDACTED LINK]
Sil Dorsett
[16:12:53, edited 16:15:14] I can safely improve my endorsements given by 58. There are 224 other nations that have not endorsed me or that I have given endorsements to. That could cause a considerable jump. I'm only behind Ghost by 31.
[16:14:09] If you and MJ are okay with it, I'll clear it out. Just don't want to delay the transition by making it harder.
[16:16:36, edited 16:17:25] Also, legally, I'm not supposed to endotart because you're above the VD minimum now but still below me. And so we go back to the question of what constitutes "endotarting". For instance, if I hand out endorsements but don't telegram people asking for endos back, is that okay?
Pallaith, King of the North
[16:31:49] I think we’ve accepted that in the past
[16:32:12] I’m holding back for a similar reason
[16:49:33] Would you like me to top off my endorsements too? @SIR KASTO
[16:49:46] I’ve slipped maybe 6 or 7 since last week
[17:24:57] I've been endoing but not TGing, unless I run a check of who's not endoing both MJ and me and TG them asking them to endo him
[17:38:04] You are fine where you are right now. No need to top off.
[17:46:31] Yeah, you right about how endorsing 224 nations would cause a jump in your endos. I think it will be fine if you handout endo without telegraming people asking for endorsements. You could try maybe endorsing about 30 people today and see how much of a jump you will get before endorsing the rest of 200. Does that sound like a good idea?
[Thu Oct  7 19:19:42 2021] Oh hi Siwale and Lore 
[19:20:23] I spy a new #2 
[19:33:39] Brings back memories
[Fri Oct  8 19:48:04 2021] If we all remove our endos from we can move MJ up a spot
Pallaith, King of the North
[20:08:57] I think that would be very discouraging for the player
[20:21:45] agreed. MJ will naturally overtake them.
[20:22:27] I'll hire a squad to find the NS servers and remove them automatically if I don't
[20:32:21] mmm sounds like more work than just doing it the normal way. you know, like by being endearing to others.
[20:39:20] but what will I do with the NPIA's budget?
[20:46:28] what is this NPIA you speak of?
[20:57:17] absolutely amazing
Just a Wah
[Sun Oct 10 03:20:11 2021] Just a notice i will probably be unreachable monday and tuesday. Been under a lot of stress IRL and my plan as of now is to go completely off grid for a day or two.
[03:24:43] Send a smoke signal if you can
[Mon Oct 11 03:46:24 2021] We’re nearly one month in now, give or take a few hours, and we’re not in too bad a spot I don’t think
[03:46:47] MJ moved up to #13, so now all that’s left is to pass Lulu and then it’s on to the SCers
[03:47:30] Which, once you beat one SCer in terms of endorsements you more or less beat about 3-4 of them
[03:47:42] Since you guys are pretty close together
[Tue Oct 12 01:26:30 2021] Sorry yall about the delay
Delegate Madjack passed the 800 endo milestone! He is currently at 815 endorsements in 13th place in the region. He is approximately 40 endorsements behind the closest Security Councilor which means the transition is almost at the end. Delegate Madjack and Francois Isidore are about ~100 endorsements between each other. I have moved to the 16th spot and am at 739 endorsements and about 100 endorsements behind the closest Security Councilor. This is the fastest transition I have seen : ) [REDACTED LINK]
[02:04:32] I… can’t tell if that last bit is sarcasm or not lol
Pallaith, King of the North
[02:07:53] Freaking Siwale
[02:15:42] no i am being optimist
[02:19:28] or delusional
[02:19:53] wow so mean
[02:20:49] If this is your first time paying attention then technically it is
[02:21:30] tlomz gets it
[02:21:44] reasons why you don't deserve to be VD...
[02:22:11] can't argue with that tbh
[02:22:26] yall deserve LD not me 
[02:25:03] where do I fax my two week notice?
[Fri Oct 15 01:23:01 2021] Howdy fellers,
Here is an update on the current endo levels. A lot of red across the board luckily not for our delegate. MJ is currently 30 endorsements away from the closest SCer. I will send out an alert for MJ and hopefully he can get there before Sunday.
Pallaith, King of the North
[02:29:04] That top line gap has been cut in half
Just a Wah
[23:44:03] Robes the eternal delegate
[Sat Oct 16 23:04:32 2021] @Security Councillor Due to unforeseen changes in my real life situation, I am requesting that either @Pallaith, King of the North or @Siwale — the two highest members in the line of succession — take my place as in-game Delegate for the remainder of the transition.
I can no longer carry out the duties of the Delegacy in-game, so I’m making this request so as to provide advanced notice and so that there are no surprises
[23:21:07] Sorry to hear that you are unable to continue as in-game delegate and I wish you best with your real life situation. Since Pallaith is first in line of succession I believe it would be for the best for him to take the in-game seat of the WA Delegate for the rest of the transition until Madjack is able to take the seat.
Pallaith, King of the North
[23:40:10] I was equal in endorsements to Siwale and Lore
[23:40:22] I’ve unendorsed all the SCers who are close to me in endorsements
[23:40:34] And I’ll ramp up the endotarting immediately
[23:40:55] And I’ll ramp up the endotarting immediately
[23:41:20] If the executive staff unendorses them too, we should have enough of a buffer to make this happen by update
[23:41:57] If we needed more time @Robespierre how much would we have?
[23:46:48] Honestly? As much time as you need. There isn’t a set date where I’ll be dropping my WA status from Francois Isidore, so if you need a bit I’m not going to throw you guys straight into the fire
[23:50:54] So if it happens by tonight’s major, okay. If you need until tomorrow’s minor or tomorrow’s major, sure
Just a Wah
[Sun Oct 17 02:24:45 2021] 
Pallaith, King of the North
[02:50:14] I think the gap is too small to do this at major, we should call on the executive staff before we pull that trigger
[02:50:32] See how big a gap we can create in the next hour
Sil Dorsett
[03:04:55] Has anyone told r3n about the number of keepers going to 0 today?
Pallaith, King of the North
[03:08:57] Nope
[03:09:09] There’s a lot of communication that needs to happen
[03:10:13] I have reached out to him
[03:11:35] Should we have @Vice Delegate request the executive staff unendorse the top SCers? Siwale, Lore, Dreadton, Eras, maybe GBM?
[03:25:59] That sounds like a great idea. I will post a request asking executive staff to unendorse Siwale, Lore, Dreadton, Eras, and GBM
Pallaith, King of the North
[04:13:34] This wasn’t the swift and simple move I thought it would be
[04:26:48] Can any of the admins remove Robespierre's access from Security Channel & War Room. Thank you in advance.
Marcus Antonius
[10:08:21, edited 10:09:32] Woke up to this interesting 'Transition' 
[10:11:20] well at least I'm within 60 now >_>
[10:11:42] I didn't realise he was dropping so soon
Pallaith, King of the North
[10:47:44] He indicated he could give us more time if we couldn’t make it happen right away, but the fact is, we absolutely could have gotten it done that quickly and we did. I’m pleased with how quickly that was resolved. And this does make your ultimate endorsement goal a little easier to achieve, especially when you take into account a reduction in endorsements on myself when you get to second - you would only need over 40 at this current position and with NPA and outside help could widen the gap fairly quickly
[10:55:47] _nods_
Sil Dorsett
[15:40:19] Keeper numbers are correct today. 535.
[15:41:58] And I have only 165 left to endorse, but these are all nations under 5 days offline that haven't endorsed me, so I'm being cautious about those.
[15:55:22] Hey yall,
Lulubellia is currently 5 endorsements away from the closest Security Councilor. Is this close enough to send them a message to stop gathering endorsements?
Sil Dorsett
[17:36:40] Personally, I think yes, but you will receive resistance from them if you tell them to stop endorsing others. Their sole focus is on the Clout award for WADP, and that's contributed to their endorsement gain. I don't think they're sending TGs to ask for endorsements. I think they need to be told that they should be telegramming those they endorse to ask them *not* to endorse them back, so that hopefully atrophy will take effect, but I think we should also consider warning them that an unendorsement campaign may be headed their way, so that they drop off without their ever-so-precious Clout award standing being affected.
[17:38:36, edited 17:43:39] I'm also starting to wonder if we should just outright discontinue that award. It does contribute to overall consistent endorsement gain throughout the region, but the side effect is this very situation, where someone's endorsement count is too high through no fault of their own and also effectively being encouraged by us.
[23:34:31] done
[23:34:37] thank you
Pallaith, King of the North
[23:38:45] So that endotarting blitz I did was super effective
[23:38:59] Perhaps too effective
[23:39:18] lol
[23:41:59] Can you please endotart on my account
Pallaith, King of the North
[23:42:54] Just run through your list of people who you have not endorsed but have endorsed you
[23:43:01] There’s a link to it in the war room
[23:43:18] Make sure you also target the new WA people as soon as they join WA or right after
[23:43:33] Often they only respond immediately and once they’ve been around a few days you lose the chance
Sil Dorsett
[23:44:53] Just click the "Advanced Endotarting Queries" link on the endorse page.
[23:45:05] and then click on your name and then what you want to focus on
Pallaith, King of the North
[23:45:22] You could use that too
[23:45:26] I never do but that’s just me
Sil Dorsett
[23:45:43] it's the same thing as the war room link we used to use. Remember, r3n opened that up to everyone.
Pallaith, King of the North
[23:46:09] I pinned that tab a long time ago for convenience which is why I still use it
[23:47:24] use it to search for people not endorsing VD or Del and hit them particularly
Pallaith, King of the North
[23:48:01] And after a decent amount of time, hit up the people you endorsed but who haven’t endorsed you back
Marcus Antonius
[Mon Oct 18 10:27:08 2021] I had an 'unexpected' endorsement withdrawal. I know @SIR KASTO was on about getting the Exec. Staff to withdraw endorsements from some SC Members - so far this nation has been the only one. 
[10:57:17] ill endo a bit to stay up
[15:34:48] lol who wants help on how to endotart from Lulubellia? But Sil was right it all narrows down to that Clout award thing.
[15:48:25] They do realize that the law requires us to stop tarting at a certain point during a transition
[15:49:05] Im going to be the hardliner on this, They are interfering with the transition which is a security issue
[15:51:41] I was planning on tell them that and warning them about the endorsement campaign that may be headed their way
[16:00:59] I would explain that our role of ensuring a smooth and rapid transition supersedes the continued acquisition of higher endorsement counts at this point in time. It is important for us to safeguard against any "accidental delegacies" which have happened in the past. To that end, we ask nations with very high counts to stand down as a benefit to the greater good of the region.
[16:01:24] oh, and thank her for her lovely advice.
[16:03:11] and ask her for her permission to share it with the SC team. this will ensure a reply.
Marcus Antonius
[16:59:55] I have been passed this.....
Pallaith, King of the North
[17:07:58] We don’t need that anymore I think
[17:08:11] My endotarting was way more successful than anticipated
[17:13:25] What a condescending piece of nonsense that TG was
[17:17:10] MJ is at 837 and lulu is at 841
[17:17:44] just soon pull endos instead of trying to get them to comply
Pallaith, King of the North
[17:18:37, edited 17:18:44] Well surely we can all unendorse them for starters
[17:18:51] already did
[17:27:22] Unendorsed
Marcus Antonius
[17:30:27] O7
[17:36:32] ok lulu is down to 837 and madjack at 838
Sil Dorsett
[17:57:44] If, in between updates, one resigns from the WA and them immediately reapplies and joins, their endorsement count is still reset to 0, right?
[18:05:23] I'm wondering if we could bribe Lulu into resigning from the WA just momentarily to reset their endo count. Sure, they'd have to endorse everyone all over again, and it *could* impact their clout award, but that's why I'm thinking maybe offering one or even *two* legendaries for them to do it. I'd even take it out of my own supply (of 3 legendaries)...
[18:07:34] SCers removing their endorsements will make her less likely to comply with anything we might suggest
Sil Dorsett
[18:07:42] lol, wouldn't that be something... SCers becoming card farmers to bribe highly endorsed nations into quitting the WADP program.
[18:08:06] We could also just throw the book at them
[18:08:27] Sudden relocation to TRR right as they update
[18:08:29] clearly, i am not a fan of the heavy-handed approach
[18:09:09] a short unednorsement campaign would move madjack up which is our goal
[18:09:37] between us and the executive we can get him above lulu easily
[18:09:49] I believe I'm gaining endorsements at a greater rate than Lulu as it is
Sil Dorsett
[18:09:50] MJ's already ahead of Lulu now.
[18:10:02] albeit only by 2 at the moment.
[18:10:53] does the endorse tool on the forum update multiple times a day?
[18:11:22] yes
Sil Dorsett
[18:11:25] I believe it tracks when nations join the world assembly and adds them to your list. Otherwise, once per day.
[18:11:28] I did not know this
[18:11:39] I will be endotarting multiple times a day from now on
[18:11:50] they show up at the top of the list
[18:11:53] I thought it was just once a day, so I was just doing it each morning
[18:11:54] usually
[18:12:19] if you have the list set to activity and not alphabet it will place the new nations at the top
[18:13:02] Ah, I did not know that
[18:13:35] I must have it set right then. or maybe i once knew, but had forgotten about it
[18:13:59] i think it defaults to last log in unless you switch
Sil Dorsett
[18:14:01] It appears I've been shown the blue flag.
[18:14:28] [REDACTED LINK]
[18:15:02] i dont....
[18:16:30] nm... i'm not a formula 1 follower
[18:17:33] also pulled my endo from sil
[18:27:40] Think we will get any alert value?
[Tue Oct 19 00:21:51 2021]
[00:57:39] at 850 I'll call in allied support, I think
[00:57:56] along with bringing the NPA back in to support the transition
[01:00:07] I was thinking of doing the contest again but not sure on the prize. Would you be fine with having your flag chosen by someone?
[01:00:17] sure
[01:01:19] alright I will put things into motion
[01:20:29] sorry, gonna have to replace one of you :P
[01:21:59] that was me about a year ago
[01:22:09] security council sounded cool but not anymore
[01:50:49] we're not cool??? 
[01:51:36] don't know why i'm crying. i was *never* one of the cool kids
[01:52:44] [REDACTED]
[01:54:13] [REDACTED]
[01:56:19] [REDACTED]
[01:56:47] [REDACTED]
[01:57:16] [REDACTED]
[02:00:14] [REDACTED]
[02:01:20] [REDACTED]
Just a Wah
[04:40:44] [REDACTED]
[04:41:53] [REDACTED]
Marcus Antonius
[13:09:36] Madjack is in the #10 spot
[13:10:13] Maybe time to call in the troops
[13:11:32] yet sil has more endos so it will likely switch on update
Pallaith, King of the North
[14:42:42] I would start with calling in the NPA at this point, that’s a pretty wide gap to rely on outside help
[17:15:30] npa are deploying
Marcus Antonius
[Wed Oct 20 10:27:51 2021]
Sil Dorsett
[Thu Oct 21 03:01:12 2021] Lulu overtook MJ.
[03:01:33] I think it's about time we try the unendorsement campaign.
[03:02:18] either that or my bribery idea.
Pallaith, King of the North
[03:02:24] Have any executive staff people unendorse
[03:02:34] It can’t be by that much right?
[03:02:37] They are directly interfering in a transition
[03:02:49] they are tied rn
[03:02:52] 846 each
Sil Dorsett
[03:04:07] I just looked at the top-10 view, didn't look at the actual numbers.
[03:04:34] Lulu has more recent endorsements
[03:04:38] thus it places them above mj
[03:04:48] regardless I can send out a ping rn in exec if we want
[03:05:23] I still favor he spontaneous relocation to TRR tho 
Pallaith, King of the North
[03:05:33] Yeah I think we need to call the staff off
[03:07:44] > @TNP Executive Staff As Elected Delegate @MadJack rises in endos, it is asked that you unendorse at this time to ensure the transition continues smootthly.
[03:07:46] tthis good?
Pallaith, King of the North
[03:08:20] Yeah
[03:10:16, edited 03:10:21] sent
[03:11:29] And two staffers endorsed them
[03:11:33] Reading is hard
[03:11:34] ig
[03:12:37] > @TNP Executive Staff reading is fundamental, please read carefully
lmfao @Pallaith, King of the North
Pallaith, King of the North
[03:19:38] We haven’t even had all the SC members unendorse
[03:19:43] That would certainly help
[03:23:28] They know better then to pass the SC and was told about MJ
[03:23:54] Also on board with das boot
[03:26:36] Send them a red note to get their shit together
[03:28:17] I will have the red note written up in a few
Pallaith, King of the North
[03:28:21] If all they want to do is endorse people they shouldn’t care about being unendorsed
[03:29:18] And they’re not sending TGs are they?
[03:29:42] Sending TGs asking for them to be endorsed?
[03:30:27] REG requires two notices at least two days apart and a notice from the SC to the Delegate
[03:31:48] They are actively telegramming as well iirc
[03:31:51] the full shabang
Pallaith, King of the North
[03:32:17] Why do they need to guarantee they get endorsements back if they just care about endorsing the most people?
[03:32:58] I’m in favor of a red note/final and a recommendation to the delegate
[03:33:06] Because they are stubborn
Sil Dorsett
[03:33:14] REG can also be applied whenever someone's exceeding the VD minimum. Technically, MJ could act now if they wanted.
[03:33:37] Our last contact with them, they kindly told us to go fuck ourselves
Pallaith, King of the North
[03:34:08] This isn’t the first time we’ve run up against them
Sil Dorsett
[03:34:12] Whatever documentation we have, make sure it's up on the forum in the war room.
[03:35:04] this
Pallaith, King of the North
[03:35:22] @SIR KASTO can you make a formal thread on this topic? And anyone who remembers past interactions with them and has similar screenshots, please share
[03:35:56] Alright give me a moment
[03:36:47] I don’t think I still have the TG but I brought them up during my term and was told not to worry about it
Pallaith, King of the North
[03:37:44] Well generally it’s nothing to worry about
[03:38:00] [REDACTED LINK]
Pallaith, King of the North
[03:38:21] But I’m curious why someone who only cares about giving out endorsements is working hard to get them returned
[03:39:57] There were more SCers and like three buffer nations during the last transitional
[03:40:23] This is the first where they may have a chance to pull off something
Pallaith, King of the North
[03:41:29] The same approach should be taken. Tell them to stop sending TGs when they endorse until the transition is over
[03:41:47] Refusing to do that in my book is grounds for action because it proves the lie
[03:47:23] We did that and they told us to fuck off
[03:47:41] I need to get to bed,
Pallaith, King of the North
[03:50:23] That TG didn’t confirm they’re sending TGs with endorsements
[03:50:42] I think the effort should be made first even if it fails. Especially if it fails
[03:50:48] Because that erases all doubt
[03:50:50] [REDACTED LINK]
Marcus Antonius
Sil Dorsett
[14:34:24, edited 14:35:36] Wonder if I should just endotart back up to overtake lulu. I'd probably overtake MJ in the process, but I could say that we're in a delegacy emergency to ignore the instructions not to endotart. (Technically, we are. "...capture of the delegacy of The North Pacific by any nation not the legal or acting Delegate,  shall be considered an actual emergency...")
[15:20:02] @Eras and @Siwale can still pull their endorsement from lulu, we could also ask Pry, skaraborg, chimp, Fish, and Oracle
[15:35:06] I don't get why Sil can't endorse a bunch of people without TGs.  He'd get enough return to increase his lead over Lulu.  Who is currently *under* Sil
[15:58:45] Key word is currently, they have been trading spots with the SC for the last few days, we have spent more time dealing with them then really should have to
[16:05:29] I don't see the worry to be honest.
[18:19:47] I have written up what I was going to send. If anyone have any feedback or suggestions before I send it to Lulubellia please ping me here or reply on the forum.
[18:19:48] [REDACTED LINK]
[18:37:40] I saw some feedback I will revise my thing in a few
[18:59:13] ok added some changes - [REDACTED LINK]
[23:39:47] @SIR KASTO just one more tweak, please.
[23:40:03] yeah what is it?
[23:40:14] reading it now
[23:41:35] just some finesse i've picked up along the way vis a vis handling tarters
[23:47:40] These two sentences I changed into a form of a question which might get a response.
> Can we count on your cooperation during this delegacy transition?
> Right now are you able to put the security of the region above all else?
Do they make sense in the context of the telegram?
[Fri Oct 22 00:08:56 2021] yes, thanks
[00:12:30] @Sil Dorsett about bribing people with cards. should word get out that we ever did such a thing, we could have a ton of tarts being bad so they can get cards. and lols.
[00:13:18] Thank everybody for the feedback on the telegram
[00:13:21] I have sent it out
Sil Dorsett
[00:28:00] The problem is that we created this problem ourselves by attaching cards to the WADP program. We basically bribed people into reckless endotarting anyways.
Pallaith, King of the North
[00:38:41] Disagree. We want to offer incentives but most people are practical about it. One or two random annoying people over the course of years is hardly worth getting all hot and bothered
[00:38:56] One or two people we can handle, and that’s what we’re doing here
[02:50:56] SC appreciation post: when the unexpected happens, we’re prepared and randoms don’t get to sit in our delegacy
[03:15:59] Okay I stand corrected it’s not a random
[03:16:20] But I still think we manage our security apparatus better than most anyone else around
[03:19:35] Thank you ghost
Marcus Antonius
[13:37:15] Sorry I'm on my phone
[13:37:28] I will send a computer screen shot if needed
Sil Dorsett
[13:56:37] [REDACTED]
Pallaith, King of the North
[15:31:26] We’re never contenders for those awards
[15:31:48] If we were we’d always win them. Sigh
[15:32:19] The important thing is she agreed to stop sending TGs. We should see a decline in endorsements received now
[15:55:49] yes, Cretox explained that to her previously. she must have forgotten.  wondering if MJ would get many more endorsements if he sent personal messages with pastel hearts on them.
[17:22:24] You'd really think they'd grasp that we aren't eligible to win the award
[17:22:33] Just based on taking a cursory glance at our nations
[19:51:39] With me now being at 850, would now be a good time to call in allied/foreign support?
[20:17:34] i'd give it a little more time. we don't want to tie people's WA up for too long.
[20:26:03] ok
[21:27:40] lol suggest she nominate Aerilia for the Security Council so she can win easily
Just a Wah
[23:06:47] Tie them up in TNP forever to destabilize the entirety of NS
Marcus Antonius
[Sat Oct 23 10:16:43 2021]
[13:07:05] Just looked in the SC Handbook [REDACTED LINK]
 It's a little out of date and may need revision, also there is no blurb about nations entering the SC endorsement rankings, more detail about Delegate Transitions.
"To protect the Delegacy from rogue elements and accidental changes, the Security Council works with Vice Delegate Kastonvia to monitor regional endorsement levels and ensure that no unauthorized nation strays too close to taking the ingame Delegate position. If a nation does stray too close, the Security Council will contact them regarding their endorsement count and steps to take to address the issue. ***As of writing, nations can exceed roughly 900 endorsements before being contacted by the Security Council.***"
 IMHO That 'bold' part, should be removed. 
[13:45:10] I assume I am to hold off endotarting until VD elect passes me
Marcus Antonius
[14:16:06] It's getting really cramped for we poor SCer's 
*When did I actually seek endorsements last?*..............29 days ago! 
To be quite frank, I believe that Lulu and any non Scer should be at the 800 endorsement mark and should not be endorsing, full stop.
Experience has shown us that even if you endorse there is no guarantee what numbers will give an endorsement in return.  Why is @SIR KASTO  really struggling with endorsements?
[14:21:50] Uhmm no one wants to endorse back? I have sent telegrams out to ~40 and I have only got 10 endorsements back. I have endo telegram short and to point. GBM is right maybe I need to get pastel hearts.
Marcus Antonius
[14:27:34] It might get people's attention so I will try it.
Marcus Antonius
[14:28:03] Or....Bribery! 
[14:29:41] You and Sil love bribing people 
[14:30:36] I gave all legendaries to MoCards so i can't bribe 
[14:57:35] there is no blurb about nations entering the top 10, because when this was written, the SC did not have all the top 10 spots. it was, in fact, a rarity. it is only in more recent times that we have become a more responsible bunch.
Marcus Antonius
[15:38:20] O7 thanks for letting me know about that. 
[16:00:05] going to need to endo several times a day using the activity page
Pallaith, King of the North
[17:57:20] You also should make an effort to target new arrivals to the WA, sometimes the window to get endorsements from them is literally the minutes they’re online after joining it
[17:57:42] And periodically try to reach back out to nations you previously endorsed but who didn’t endorse you back
[17:57:50] You can sometimes scrape a few out of them
[17:58:33] Are your TGs targeted to individuals, or are you using stamps or sending to 8 at a time?
[18:00:04] individual since they cant get blocked
[18:03:22] I am currently tied with r3n and Dar Es Saalam hopefully before update I get enough to put me before Bharathvarsh
[18:05:29] Dar Es Saalam rose pretty fast. About 50 endos in a few days
Marcus Antonius
[Sun Oct 24 10:03:10 2021]
[10:29:07] bloody hell, top 5
[12:59:30] good work! i think once you pass Lore, that would be the time to ask for some outside help.
Marcus Antonius
[Mon Oct 25 10:30:16 2021]
[Tue Oct 26 05:24:48 2021]
Marcus Antonius
Pallaith, King of the North
[21:37:01] @Security Councillor what do you guys think? Can we do this tonight?
[21:43:33] I think we can put the call out to allies at least
Marcus Antonius
[21:45:07] Do you want us to remove our endorsements from you?
[21:46:50] If we put out a call to allies and ask TNP executive staff to remove endorsements from Ghost we can probably do it today.
Pallaith, King of the North
[21:46:58] I don’t want us doing that unless we are sure there’s more endorsements coming
[21:47:28] You don’t drop the endorsements until you know the gap is secured. Dropping is the last part of the process
Marcus Antonius
[21:48:00] Yeah I was going to say that we probably want MJ to have more endorsements before unendorsing anyone. How big is the allied support?
Pallaith, King of the North
[21:48:01] Look where he is compared to Siwale
[21:48:15] Marcus because of time zones, you should probably unendorse me
[21:48:23] Just in case
Marcus Antonius
[21:48:44] Wilco O7
[23:08:33] No idea. Haven't asked yet.
[23:18:49] Asked Euro, TSP and TRR - anyone else worth contacting?
[23:20:10] Last transition i believe TBH offered to help
Pallaith, King of the North
[23:27:14] I heard that TWP might be receptive to such a request
[Wed Oct 27 00:14:33 2021] yes, let's go!
[00:33:32] TBH offered to help in mine aswell
Marcus Antonius
[13:27:49] Euro, TSP and TRR all deploying to help out today.
Just a Wah
[16:08:21, edited 16:08:28] And the transition only took 6 months.
[18:53:25] ....
Pallaith, King of the North
[20:44:11] if we do it in the next few days, it will technically be faster than Tlomz's transition
[20:50:36] Hmmm
[20:51:01] It'll be close
Marcus Antonius
[Thu Oct 28 10:18:04 2021]
Sil Dorsett
[15:56:12] FYI: I'm effectively not going to be available for Z-Day.
Just a Wah
[17:45:38] Ill be around from ~8pm on the 30th til noon on the 31st est.
[17:53:42] i will be avaible
[18:23:15] i'm available except during the steelers game
[18:24:21] Hopefully I'll be both delegate and available except during those hours when I'm like working
[18:36:36] its the weekend for me and the only thing i have planned its the video stream so iwould be able to do both
[18:41:16] I'm totally on board :D
[Fri Oct 29 01:01:40 2021] ill be around for Z-Day
Pallaith, King of the North
[01:07:59] Why are we talking about Z Day and not the transition that we could totally be doing
[01:08:13] If you need me for that stuff I’ll be available later tonight
[01:09:27] so... let's all stop endorsing you. and done
[01:09:37] Yeah not sure why this wasn't already done
[01:11:09] MJ just needs to ask some buddies to temporarily unendorse Pallaith. Could've been done yesterday
[02:19:53] so.... are we doing this?
[02:20:12] could ping citizens and probably get enough people to remove the endo, no?
Sil Dorsett
[02:51:47] The gap between MJ and Siwale is healthy. I think we do the ping.
[02:52:01] Maybe start with Exec server and see where that gets us?
[02:56:47, edited 02:59:17] 5 to go.
[03:18:04] 2 more to go
Sil Dorsett
[04:28:00] Gap is 0. This may come down to CTEs.
Pallaith, King of the North
[04:33:23] I have myself down 2
Sil Dorsett
[04:34:02] Yep. Still too close. CTEs could throw this the wrong way. We need more volunteers. I asked for too few.
Pallaith, King of the North
[04:36:43] Well I just pinged WA
[04:36:48] That shook a few loose
[04:37:03] But what the hell is up with NPA having an op?
[04:37:04] How about RMB posts do you think that will work?
Pallaith, King of the North
[04:37:13] If MadJack called them back there shouldn’t be any ops
[04:37:25] I think there a few WA people active on the RMB I could get them to unendorse you
Pallaith, King of the North
[04:37:48] I assumed it was our plan not to do a mass call to unendorse me
[04:37:57] Those can be brutal to get endorsements back
[04:38:25] I thought of keeping the RMB post up and delete it once you lose enough endos
[04:38:36] but it doesnt sound like a good plan
Sil Dorsett
[04:38:57] People would probably quote you and there's nothing you can do about those.
[04:39:06] True that
Pallaith, King of the North
[04:39:18] Reach out personally to WAs active on the RMB
[04:39:39, edited 04:39:45] Hopefully they dont post anything I say in the tely on the RMB thats my only worry
Pallaith, King of the North
[04:40:22] I’m not kidding though, the NPA thing is a problem
[04:40:56] How do we know he was being serious?
Pallaith, King of the North
[04:40:59, edited 04:41:07] If they called for an op tonight when we were a few endorsements away from transition, despite MadJack’s command, that’s got to be addressed
Just a Wah
[04:42:00] #AbolishTheMilitary #PeacefulTNP
[04:42:12] I think Healiopolis is saying nonsense
[04:42:39] Looks like NPAers have their WAs in TNP
Pallaith, King of the North
[04:55:10] The MoD just said that they are on authorized deployment
[04:56:19] I’m sure MadJack can straighten this out. If he told them they could do an op then so be it, it’s his call even if it’s a weird one
Sil Dorsett
[04:56:34] Even if they were on an authorized deployment, you would think that the MoD would have the awareness that "hey, we're really close to the transition, maybe we can forego this op for a day to get this done."
Pallaith, King of the North
[04:57:07] [REDACTED]
[05:02:06] @MadJack would have been nice to have a heads up on the NPA’s movement given the transition was underway. And still is. You have a slim lead in endorsements currently
[05:02:24] It appears it was a joint op with TBH
Sil Dorsett
[05:11:59] So... four actions taken tonight.
Exec Staff ping
WA Resident ping
Pestered RP server VCers
RP server HypeSquad ping
[05:13:05] You might see continued losses for a bit as people see those messages.
[07:24:41] My apologies - that's an oversight on my part. I forget that not everyone in cabinet is in the NPA high command channel >_<
[07:27:18] Are any of us?
Marcus Antonius
[19:01:01] ah yeah they did, ugh
[19:01:55] i would be pissed if i was called to help a delegate transition and the native army was out doing ops
[20:00:05] Yeah not an ideal look tbh
[20:00:15] So that's why Bootsie was sending out pings
[20:28:33] i had a word with koopa about it. he is calling the troops back for update
[20:29:07] why wasnt that done when it was discovered this morning?
[20:30:27] 1. inexperience. 2. didn't realize our allies were propping up mj
[20:39:26, edited 20:39:31] I assumed they had already returned
[20:39:34] As per standing policy
[20:39:43] This isn't the first time weve run ops during a transition
[20:41:30] The orders I gave were to ensure that even if operations were being run, the NPA was to ensure that they still updated in TNP to help with the transition. That hadn't changed over the last week.
Sil Dorsett
[20:54:46] So, then Koopa disobeyed orders?
[20:56:34] No
[21:11:38] what i gather is that koopa thought once mj was over the top, it was all ok. i don't think he realized there was more to it than that.
[21:13:21] it wasn't obvious to him that the transition isn't really over until foreign support is no longer needed and we can re-endorse ghost and any others we may have removed endorsements from to facilitate the hand-off
Sil Dorsett
[21:17:38] We called Koopa back before MJ took the lead, and he pushed back saying the operation was authorized and that he wasn't going to abandon it.
[21:18:20] thats not good
[Sat Oct 30 04:56:01 2021] we have update. there is no gap, and no sign of npa returning from the warzone.
Pallaith, King of the North
[06:52:50] Agh
[06:52:57] We have to run an unendorsement campaign on me
[06:54:01] I’m not sure how this didn’t happen at update but I’m pretty sure I take delegacy at update
[06:54:37] If we have the same number of endorsements
[06:54:48, edited 06:54:57] I’ll send TGs to the people who reendorsed me I guess
[07:04:04] ffs
Pallaith, King of the North
[07:11:26] I lost one so the mini campaign has some legs
[07:12:21] also got rid of my elected delegate RO - GBM is back as a SC RO but I gave Tlomz BC so I can't give her BC for another 25 hours or so
Sil Dorsett
[07:14:21] Why Tlomz? Tlomz is at the bottom of the LoS, and I don't remember seeing an exception request with the RA.
[07:15:25] He's Surgeon General
Sil Dorsett
[07:15:33] Oh. K.
[07:16:15] I assumed this was legal cos he asked for it but if it's not, I'm blaming this cold that has knocked me on my ass and I'm fleeing to a region without extradition agreements, like the NPO
Pallaith, King of the North
[07:17:30] My Saturday looks bad for being able to do much of anything for Z Day. I don’t know how flexible Sunday is, but I am operating under the assumption it won’t be any different
[07:18:37] this starts like two hours after I finish work, so I should be around and alright to help out
Pallaith, King of the North
[07:19:14] Section 8.2.5 of the legal code may apply for assigning BC to Tlomz FYI
Marcus Antonius
[12:08:36] aw shucks. looks like i won't be banning mcm this year.
[12:47:35] Well if it's still going on at 9am tomorrow morning my time you still can
[13:08:03] ok. hope you feel better. here, have some chicken soup.
[13:14:28] Thanks 
[Sun Oct 31 00:20:59 2021, edited 00:21:02] 8 hours until you can kick McM @GBM XD
[00:34:20] Oooh can I kick mcm
Marcus Antonius
[12:40:50] @GBM border control granted
Marcus Antonius
[12:54:53] Bye MCM! 
[14:03:02] thanks!
Subject: Private SC discussion regarding Kastonvia's Security Council application made on Wednesday June 22nd, 2022.

Approx Date Record was Created/Discussed: Between Wednesday June 22nd and today.

Additionally, although I did not make the original request, I'd like to follow up on this request and subsequent response, as the thread does not seem to be publicly available yet:
Subject: Private SC discussion regarding Loh's Security Council application made on Friday April 29th, 2022. Specifically the War Room thread, not any related discord posts.

Approx Date Record was Created/Discussed: Between Friday April 29th and today.
The thread will be released as soon as possible.
Apologies for the wait. Here are the logs you requested:

All times are in EDT.

Chipoli — 06/11/2023 1:45 PM
Did we ever discuss the Rand controversy?

Sil Dorsett — 06/11/2023 1:52 PM
No. There is nothing to disclose because we did not talk about it.

TlomzKrano — 06/11/2023 1:59 PM
That's not even an SC issue, thus not our concern

Chipoli — 06/11/2023 2:20 PM
That’s what I was thinking… but I was wondering how to… disclose nothing. Do I just say there is nothing to disclose?

Sil Dorsett — 06/11/2023 2:26 PM
I would say "The Security Council did not discuss the matter in question, thus there is nothing to disclose." If you just say "nothing to disclose" without a reason, that may lead to people thinking we're hiding something. I mean, they still will, but, I think that's the best we can do.
Any other thoughts?

Pallaith — 06/11/2023 2:29 PM
My only thought is…does he have to disclose this little conversation now? Technically we’re talking about talking about the indictment but still

Sil Dorsett — 06/11/2023 2:32 PM
 Maybe. I don't see releasing this little discussion as being harmful.

Pallaith— 06/11/2023 2:35 PM
Agreed. Hi Cretox!

Chipoli — 06/11/2023 2:47 PM
Well… I guess this counts.

TlomzKrano — 06/11/2023 3:09 PM
Hi cretox! Have logs that have been requested ever included chat logs from after the FoIA was submitted?

Pallaith — 06/11/2023 3:10 PM
No? But I mean, it’s kind of open ended isn’t it? Present day it says

GBM — 06/12/2023 7:11 AM
I have nothing to add. I just want to be included in the release of the discussion about the absence of a discussion.

Marcus Antonius — 06/12/2023 7:21 AM
Cats, Planes & Trains that's me. Lol
Isn't 'Rand' a currency?
Is that helpful?
Glad to be included in this discussion.

Loh — 06/12/2023 12:50 PM
All your rum are [sic] belong to us, Cretox
This forum thread directly discusses the subject.

Below are appropriate Discord logs on the matter:

Chipoli — 07/03/2024 12:12 AM
@Security Councillor Please review this discussion: [REDACTED]

Eras — 07/03/2024 12:21 AM
lol i just wanted to put an aye, not much to discuss?

TlomzKrano — 07/03/2024 12:24 AM
Discussion provided

Chipoli — 07/07/2024 5:58 PM
@Security Councillor Marcus Antonius' Influence Exemption is now at vote:

GBM — 07/14/2024 7:30 AM
there is still a vote open here:

Pallaith — 07/17/2024 7:28 PM
I don’t know what’s worse, the fact this is still open and that wasn’t addressed or the fact that even with double the time to vote only half the SC bothered

Simone - 07/18/2024 1:17 AM
As an observer, is that vote actually valid for exempting Ethnon? Because it's 5/8 which isn't two thirds, the Legal Code doesn't say two-thirds present. Section 5.1/7 - I think you need an extra Aye vote.

Sil Dorsett - 07/18/2024 2:40 AM
R4R it if you want, but that would be inconsistent with every other vote in which abstentions and not voting never counts either for or against the vote.
The vote was 5 ayes, 0 nays, as per traditional counting, thus unanimous. Abstentions never count.
Would you like for the RA to require 68 aye votes to pass Legal Code legislation, or 90 aye votes to pass constitutional amendments? I didn't think so.

Sil Dorsett - 07/18/2024 2:49 AM
The only gripe that would be valid here is that we don't have a quorum mechanic like the RA.

Marcus Antonius (Ethnon) — 07/18/2024 3:34 AM
As the vote was about me, I thought it wiser not to vote.   [could have abstained I guess]

GBM - 07/18/2024 7:59 AM
RE: Exemptions to influence requirements: First, SC practices are much less rigid than RA rules. As well they should be. We are not a large group. This is a small group collaboration. Second, There are 9 of us. 5 voted formally, 3 others have weighed in informally, which leaves one. Really? One! Third, any concern over the formal vote count is overshadowed by the fact that the whole thing is in service to some bureaucratic red tape. The law was enacted to minimize the tendency to slack off on tarting. The fact that hard working individuals like Marcus are caught up in it is an unintended consequence. Any RO who takes one for the team should be automatically exempted from this nonsense.

Pallaith - 07/18/2024 12:49 PM
GBM, this is the problem we always fall into. That vote is public. It’s one of the only visible things we do in the region, and the public sees half the council just not do anything. It’s a bad look that opens us up to the kind of nonsense that plagued us a few years ago.

GBM is right and it does matter that some who didn’t vote still participated in this process. It’s also true that Marcus is an acceptable non-participant as the subject of the vote - no one would fault him for that. But this is still a political game and we’re an institution of the region’s government. We can’t be falling into easy traps like this. In my opinion, we’ll likely be fine here since no one is really paying attention at the moment. We should still keep our guard up though

All times are in EDT.