Opening Address


Just a blob chasing cars
TNP Nation

Opening Address and Appointments
I feel it necessary to reflect on the election now that we have reached its conclusion. For those unaware, we have just experienced the closest election TNP has witnessed in near a decade (if not longer), and as such I tip my cap and wish the absolute best to all of those who ran. This was a hard fought election from the first ballot cast to the very last and I feel I don't speak purely for myself when I say I was sweating it out till the very end. I wish everyone the best of luck in future endeavors and hope to see all of you in future elections.

As for myself, it was only 3 short years ago I joined TNP, and quite frankly it feels like yesterday I arrived here, new to the world and ready to learn. It is crazy how quickly time has flown by and how much I have witnessed and grown in this community. I am sure that many of you reading this never thought I would one day be in this position and I somewhat feel the same way. The goals and aspirations I've held for myself and this region have changed and matured over time and have ultimately culminated into this. I am truly honored and extremely excited that I have been chosen to lead this region by you, the citizenry of this region that makes TNP so great.

When I crafted the policy and goals I chose for my platform, I reached out to a diverse group of people with varying levels of experience, all with one central goal in mind. Instead of trying to find someone to adjust to my policy initiatives, I wanted to craft policy around the people who would be executing it and chasing after the goals I have set forth. Therefore, I am very confident in my chosen cabinet and I believe that we will be able to get quite a lot done this term. While I cannot promise the world, I promise both myself and my cabinet will do our best to achieve all the goals we have set forth and innovate for the future. This being said, I will not hesitate to re-evaluate and make changes as necessary if things do not work out or we can improve. Without further delay, I present my cabinet for the 2020 September term:

Chief of Staff - External Affairs - @Pallaith
Minister of Defense - @9003
Minister of World Assembly Affairs - @Cretox State
Minister of Foreign Affairs - @Sanjurika

Chief of Staff - Domestic Affairs - @Prydania
Minister of Home Affairs - @Nimarya
Minister of Culture - @Highton
Minister of Communications - @BMWSurfer
Minister of Radio - @El Fiji Grande

@Praetor has informed me that they no-longer wish to serve as the Guild-Master of the Cards Guild and therefore I will be slightly delaying this appointment for an announcement in the coming days. I would like to thank them to the enormous amount of work and time they have dedicated to cards to make it what it is today and I wish them all the best in future positions going forward. Other appointments may come as described in my platform at a future time.

For now, however, that is the cabinet. Again I am extremely excited to be working with some who I possess years of experience with and others who will be a first time experience. I cannot stress how thankful I am to be surrounded by you all and I am again honored to have been elected to this position. Please feel free to reach out to me for any questions or comments on discord at Tlomz #1590, on the forums via PMs, or in-game at Kranostav.

I thank you for your trust, I thank you for your support, and I promise I will work my hardest to not let you down.

Congrats Cretox, 9003, and Sanjurika on getting into cabinet for the first time. Well deserved and I’m looking forward to seeing what you achieve.

Two chief of staff is unusual but I wish them the best and hope that we can see the benefits of this diversification in future.
i hope that i can get more involved