- TNP Nation
- Kranostav
- Discord
- Tlomz
Opening Address and Appointments
As for myself, it was only 3 short years ago I joined TNP, and quite frankly it feels like yesterday I arrived here, new to the world and ready to learn. It is crazy how quickly time has flown by and how much I have witnessed and grown in this community. I am sure that many of you reading this never thought I would one day be in this position and I somewhat feel the same way. The goals and aspirations I've held for myself and this region have changed and matured over time and have ultimately culminated into this. I am truly honored and extremely excited that I have been chosen to lead this region by you, the citizenry of this region that makes TNP so great.
When I crafted the policy and goals I chose for my platform, I reached out to a diverse group of people with varying levels of experience, all with one central goal in mind. Instead of trying to find someone to adjust to my policy initiatives, I wanted to craft policy around the people who would be executing it and chasing after the goals I have set forth. Therefore, I am very confident in my chosen cabinet and I believe that we will be able to get quite a lot done this term. While I cannot promise the world, I promise both myself and my cabinet will do our best to achieve all the goals we have set forth and innovate for the future. This being said, I will not hesitate to re-evaluate and make changes as necessary if things do not work out or we can improve. Without further delay, I present my cabinet for the 2020 September term:
Chief of Staff - External Affairs - @Pallaith
Minister of Defense - @9003
Minister of World Assembly Affairs - @Cretox State
Minister of Foreign Affairs - @Sanjurika
Chief of Staff - Domestic Affairs - @Prydania
Minister of Home Affairs - @Nimarya
Minister of Culture - @Highton
Minister of Communications - @BMWSurfer
Minister of Radio - @El Fiji Grande
@Praetor has informed me that they no-longer wish to serve as the Guild-Master of the Cards Guild and therefore I will be slightly delaying this appointment for an announcement in the coming days. I would like to thank them to the enormous amount of work and time they have dedicated to cards to make it what it is today and I wish them all the best in future positions going forward. Other appointments may come as described in my platform at a future time.
For now, however, that is the cabinet. Again I am extremely excited to be working with some who I possess years of experience with and others who will be a first time experience. I cannot stress how thankful I am to be surrounded by you all and I am again honored to have been elected to this position. Please feel free to reach out to me for any questions or comments on discord at Tlomz #1590, on the forums via PMs, or in-game at Kranostav.
I thank you for your trust, I thank you for your support, and I promise I will work my hardest to not let you down.