- Pronouns
- He/His/Him
- TNP Nation
- Prydania
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- lordgigaice
OOC Note: This thread continues a story @Kyle and myself have been telling. It's finally gotten to the point where we need a thread. This is it! It'll continue the story from here on out. Please read this post, this post, this post, and this post to get up to date. Thank you!
Prydansk Í dag Studio
Býkonsviði, Prydania
J Johnas Juhl sipped his coffee, quietly thanking the studio hand who brought him an extra cream.
"We're on in five Mr. Juhl" the director called.
"Right, on it" he muttered. He was, despite his television persona, a rather mild mannered man. He had the same three restaurants he got take out from, he had the same coffee every day, and he tended to spend his free time reading. When the cameras came on though....
He reached for the envelope on his desk. It was unmarked, as always.
"Thorbjörn Höjsleth" he muttered.
"Emigrant NA Deputy...critical of Prydanian troop deployment...yadda yadda...Nygaard hardlining yadda yadda...common man approach....huh they want a few shots at Magnus' bow. Must be angling for an early election. Ok, got it." He stuffed the paper back into the envelope and tossed it in a trash bin hidden from the cameras.
"Two minutes Mr. Juhl."
"Right" he replied, leaning his head back as he relaxed, rolling his neck to loosen up.
"I could have stayed in Cerdagne. Stayed in documentary work. At least that's dignified" he muttered under his breath. The director counted down and suddenly Prydansk Í dag (Prydania Today) was live.
"J Johnas Juhl here! And, dear citizens, make no mistake about it, we are being challenged. Challenged to defend our way of life. Our very being. Our very sovereignty as a people. We had to fight for fifteen years to get it back, and now that we do? The same new world order that props up the PGU, that props up the banks in Callise, the same evil force that forced the Syndicalists on this country, are back. They're smarter now, you better believe it. Used to be they came with bullets and tanks, but no. Now they're insidious. Worming their way through our so-called allies."
"Our government, in an act of solidarity with our Andrennian brothers, sent troops into Ducrijeka to pacify that rogue terrorist state. And you know what the inhuman scum looking to control the world did? They sent a dog after us, for daring to exercise our sovereignty. That's right. And it was one of our own, just to make sure the bite stung. Thorbjörn Höjsleth fled to Saintonge in 2006 to flee Syndicalism, but somewhere along the way he got co-opted by the cabal of world manipulators, and now he's doing their bidding. He became a Deputy to the Saintonian National Assembly- very likely with a series of well-placed connections in the shadowy halls of power- and has DEMANDED, yes, DEMANDED that Saintoge stop all foreign aid to Prydania because he doesn't like this war. Well Mr. Höjsleth, the Kingdom of Prydania does not abide by a Saintonian. We do not bend to demands of moralizers from afar. We didn't fight in the muck and the mud for fifteen years to lose that FREEDOM!"
"And meanwhile what about our leaders? Magnus Brandt, our tired and ineffective Prime Minister, is heeing and hawing over such a clear attack on our rights as a nation. As a people! At least Tenna Nygaard has some sense, I'll tell you all that much. But I promise you all as God as my witness, we will monitor this. Anything, we'll keep you up to date. Aren't beholden to Saintonian money like the RÚV or papers. Come to us. We'll keep you up to date."
"Up next a message from our paid supporters. Please folks, I beg ya. Listen to what they have to say. Every penny helps keep the lights on here" he finished. It came out so effortlessly for such a boldfaced lie. PÍ was actually better funded than the RÚV. Oh well. Juhl sipped more coffee as he unwound from that tirade. He was on again soon. He had to be amped up again.
Prydansk Í dag Studio
Býkonsviði, Prydania
J Johnas Juhl sipped his coffee, quietly thanking the studio hand who brought him an extra cream.
"We're on in five Mr. Juhl" the director called.
"Right, on it" he muttered. He was, despite his television persona, a rather mild mannered man. He had the same three restaurants he got take out from, he had the same coffee every day, and he tended to spend his free time reading. When the cameras came on though....
He reached for the envelope on his desk. It was unmarked, as always.
"Thorbjörn Höjsleth" he muttered.
"Emigrant NA Deputy...critical of Prydanian troop deployment...yadda yadda...Nygaard hardlining yadda yadda...common man approach....huh they want a few shots at Magnus' bow. Must be angling for an early election. Ok, got it." He stuffed the paper back into the envelope and tossed it in a trash bin hidden from the cameras.
"Two minutes Mr. Juhl."
"Right" he replied, leaning his head back as he relaxed, rolling his neck to loosen up.
"I could have stayed in Cerdagne. Stayed in documentary work. At least that's dignified" he muttered under his breath. The director counted down and suddenly Prydansk Í dag (Prydania Today) was live.

"Our government, in an act of solidarity with our Andrennian brothers, sent troops into Ducrijeka to pacify that rogue terrorist state. And you know what the inhuman scum looking to control the world did? They sent a dog after us, for daring to exercise our sovereignty. That's right. And it was one of our own, just to make sure the bite stung. Thorbjörn Höjsleth fled to Saintonge in 2006 to flee Syndicalism, but somewhere along the way he got co-opted by the cabal of world manipulators, and now he's doing their bidding. He became a Deputy to the Saintonian National Assembly- very likely with a series of well-placed connections in the shadowy halls of power- and has DEMANDED, yes, DEMANDED that Saintoge stop all foreign aid to Prydania because he doesn't like this war. Well Mr. Höjsleth, the Kingdom of Prydania does not abide by a Saintonian. We do not bend to demands of moralizers from afar. We didn't fight in the muck and the mud for fifteen years to lose that FREEDOM!"
"And meanwhile what about our leaders? Magnus Brandt, our tired and ineffective Prime Minister, is heeing and hawing over such a clear attack on our rights as a nation. As a people! At least Tenna Nygaard has some sense, I'll tell you all that much. But I promise you all as God as my witness, we will monitor this. Anything, we'll keep you up to date. Aren't beholden to Saintonian money like the RÚV or papers. Come to us. We'll keep you up to date."
"Up next a message from our paid supporters. Please folks, I beg ya. Listen to what they have to say. Every penny helps keep the lights on here" he finished. It came out so effortlessly for such a boldfaced lie. PÍ was actually better funded than the RÚV. Oh well. Juhl sipped more coffee as he unwound from that tirade. He was on again soon. He had to be amped up again.
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