Grecoideatia: A Growing Perspective


"I will be true to you whatever comes."
TNP Nation
Castle in Confidence

Grecoideatia: A Growing Perspective
Hi all! I decided to try something new for the sake of both promoting an understanding of my new nation Grecoideatia while also helping me to build that perspective. There is currently an introductory RP going on called The Journey Through the Forgotten World.

This thread exists to answer your questions about the nation. This pushes me to develop the nation from your inquiries while also giving Eras RPers growing familiarity with Greco. This being said, feel free to ask any question about the nation that you would like, and I will try and answer as best I can. Be warned that you may receive other kinds of responses which may include: That question will be answered in my RP, I have not gotten to a point to answer that question yet, or even I dont care to answer. I hope by us working together the greater story can be developed and the nation's character deepened. This is not the place for suggestions or opinions as that is best left to Discord. I ask for inquiries only, please. Happy asking!
Would Grecoideatia be interested in Prosper Auroria and/or the Aurorian Union once it opens up?
Grecoideatia is the sort of nation that will be very choosy on who it associates itself with. Its ideals are paramount, and if there is too great a degree of corruption, money worship, power hunger, or any other sort of endeavor that may be considered disingenuous, the nation will not give a second thought to communication or relations with said government. I will leave you to consider the implications of that position.