Repeal: "Reproductive Freedoms"
Category: Repeal | GA #286
Proposed by: Marxist Germany | Onsite Topic
Voting Instructions:The World Assembly,
Applauding the efforts of the resolution GA#286 to protect the right to access abortion;
Noting that this resolution allows abortion on demand, disregarding the potential for sex-selective abortion, a practice that harms the gender balance and creates societal problems such as; low marriage rates and low birth rates; and other discriminatory reasons for abortion such as disability and skin colour, reasons that this assembly is attempting to eradicate;
Observing that the target resolution mandates the legalisation of abortion on demand up until birth, a stance which is radical and needlessly divisive,
Understanding that numerous member states have legitimate ethical concerns regarding the unconditional legality of abortions after fetal viability, especially when alternatives such as adoption are readily available;
Frustrated that the term "termination of pregnancy" forces member nations to legalize Dilation and Extraction procedures, for example, commonly known as partial-birth abortions, procedures in which a living and viable feotus is destroyed despite it being able to experience pain in late term pregnancy;
Disgusted because GA#286 "recognises that the termination of pregnancy is a medical procedure," it permits member nations to require parental consent for any abortion procedure performed on a minor or a mentally disabled person, as per the mandates of GA#29, thus hampering the ability of the minor or mentally disabled adult to access abortion, in case their parent or guardian refuses to allow them to undergo an abortion;
Cognisant that because "termination of pregnancy" is a medical procedure, it is therefore protected by resolutions such as GA#29 in emergency cases, as GA#29 states "Patients have the right to emergency medical treatment under circumstances requiring lifesaving procedures", which means that termination of pregnancy must be legalised in life threatening cases;
Acknowledging the resolution GA#128, which allows abortion in cases of extreme disability, rape or incest, and in life threatening conditions;
Aware that the radical approach of the target resolution has only caused division within this assembly, including 5 defeated repeal attempts and dozens of attempted repeal proposals by numerous ambassadors from different nations, and has led to many nations choosing to leave the assembly, thus reducing its power;
Concerned with the many flaws present in the resolution, which should be replaced by a better version that handles the issue in a manner that guarantees the right to abortion whilst placing reasonable restrictions that prevent abuse such as the example mentioned above;
Repeals General Assembly Resolution number 286, titled "Reproductive Freedoms".
- Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
- Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
- Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
- Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.
Detailed opinions with your vote are appreciated and encouraged!