The Peanut Gallery - Criminal Complaint Against McMasterdonia


Legal Nerd? Yeah, that's me
She/Her They/Them
TNP Nation
Just in time after an election, the start of a brand new case!

As you can see here, @Siwale has formally accused the delegate, @mcmasterdonia of Gross Misconduct.

For those who don't know what Gross Misconduct is, it can be found within the Legal Code:
"Gross Misconduct" is defined as the violation of an individual's legally mandated sworn oath, either willfully or through negligence.

For that, they claim that the delegate has broken their oath (given as evidence in the case) for promoting themselves to be the WA Secretary-General, a spot that has little to no actual value.

I see one fatal flaw for the accusation: The Form.

In order to present criminal charges, such as this one, there are rules to follow: the Court Rules and Procedures.
All criminal charges brought before the Court must be presented in the form of an indictment.
The form presented upon the court by the accusation is a criminal complaint, not an indictment. So, in my opinion, just by the formulation of this, the court shouldn't accept such topic to discuss.

On the matter at hand, however, it's a bit more uncertain whenever there was Gross Misconduct. But I don't believe so, for they would be acting in the moreover benefit of the region, and not for personal gain, which would still be good with the oath.

But that's just me.
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For the past few days, I have been campaigning to become the World Assembly Secretary-General, and more recently, the Vice Secretary-General. I am dismayed by allegations that I entered into this endeavour for my own personal gain. As with everything I've set out to do as delegate, I have tried to honour the trust the citizenry places in me by electing me to this high office again and again. I have always acted in the best interests of the region, and in keeping with my oath of office.

The entire campaign was motivated by my deep investment in the continued success of our region, not by personal gain. I took a central role in this campaign on behalf of The North Pacific, in keeping with my role as the elected in-game Delegate of The North Pacific and the fact that The North Pacific is a notable region in all aspects of the game - something I believe is in our interests to maintain and continue to build upon. This allowed us to mount an incredible campaign for The North Pacific and to make a strong showing in the April Fools Day event, leveraging my in-region popularity and name recognition to ensure the region performed incredibly well in the polls.

So, we fought hard to win the Secretary General election. Our campaign saw increases to my endorsement level, a surge of activity on the regional message board, and a great number of WA nations from our region actively participating in the event - both by campaigning and voting. People were highly enthusiastic about our campaign and patriotic about our region. In addition, many other nations in The North Pacific and members of the cabinet as well (including 9003, Racoda, Dreadton, Gorundu, Valentine among others), were campaigning for the position and made the top 25 in multiple rounds.

By running our campaign we were able to work closely with our allies and partners abroad. Later into the campaign, I worked with Erinor from The South Pacific to grow our support base. Our telegram campaign was also highly targeted in order to allow us to mount a successful strategy to keep Jocospor, a fascist and enemy of The North Pacific, out of contention for the title of Secretary General. There were many other regional leaders involved in this process in the later stage - including Kuriko, North East Somerset, and others including candidates like Valentine, Caelapes, and many others who stayed in the race to eat away at Jocospor’s vote share. This effort demonstrated once more our continued leadership and advocacy for anti-fascist initiatives in NationStates.

Finally, once the final five were determined I approached the executive council with three options. One option was that we stay in the race until the end. The second option was that we could withdraw and endorse Kuriko. The third option was that we could withdraw and endorse The Cat Girls. The consensus was that endorsing the Cat Girls was the best option, both diplomatically and in terms of ensuring a highly competitive race for the final result.
So let me get this straight: the TNP delegate, head of state and head of government of the largest region in the game, commander in chief of the most formidable NS military, and whose vote carries greater weight in the WA than any other single nation in the game, is seeking to increase his notoriety and prestige by becoming....the WA Secretary General? That's a laugh.

Mcm, if you need a lawyer, I'm your huckleberry.
I see one fatal flaw for the accusation: The Form.

In order to present criminal charges, such as this one, there are rules to follow: the Court Rules and Procedures.
All criminal charges brought before the Court must be presented in the form of an indictment.
The form presented upon the court by the accusation is a criminal complaint, not an indictment. So, in my opinion, just by the formulation of this, the court shouldn't accept such topic to discuss.
I don't imagine where Siwale put the form would have mattered and it hardly seems fatal to the overall issue. He could always put it wherever it needed to be again. Looks like the Chief Justice moved it to the appropriate spot though.
OOC: I came back to NationStates after a 15 year hiatus, and I am new to TNP entirely. Participating in the campaign for McM helped me to meet other players, learn about new aspects of the game that weren't there 15 years ago, and get a "lay of the land" more than any other thing I have tried thus far.

I extremely doubt somebody as already involved as McM did this *entirely* for himself and himself alone, as the charges suggest. It was a direct benefit to me, to my nation (my influence points), and it obviously benefited TNP as a whole as well.
This is absolutely laughable. I hope CoE gets in there and gives Siwale the what-for with a heaping pile of logic so this lunacy can be put to bed as is only proper. I will commend Siwale, though, for acknowledging that this complaint will cause him to be labelled as a disgrace, a deceiver, and as someone purposefully attempting, through political and legal maneuvers, to disrupt McM. Because he's right. He is all of those things. But, on the plus side, though some of us already knew, now it's clearer than ever to all of us what his true colors are.
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Now now, Syr. Such vehement disgust is reserved for one thing, and one thing only: turnips. :ill:
I don't think the personal attacks and labeling are necessary or warranted; however, I must say that a gross misconduct filing is way too excessive in this situation. McM's actions though the campaign stood to overwhelmingly benefit TNP and its institutions, sparking a wave of regional activity, diplomatic engagement, and friendly competition. Any gain he would have had is literally notional and of no value.
To answer all these issues we shall conduct snap elections to prove whether the trust and confidence of citizenry or all member nations are still on MCM. If MCM won then this criminal case must be abolished