The Forward Bloc is a Brand New Political Party in The North Pacific with an aim to improve the welfare of its citizens.
The Forward Bloc will be the first of its kind party in the region that'll host its own internal elections for the nomination of candidates that'll then contest in the May 2020 Delegate's Elections.
This Party will serve as a platform for TNP's citizens to run in the elections.
The Party will have its own Working Committee that'll decide the policies and programmes for The North Pacific's welfare.
If the candidate from The Forward Bloc wins the elections, he or she will have to put forward the policies and programmes drafted by the Party.
The Forward Bloc will have its 5 divisions to make it the most responsive and accountable party within the region.
The Party will have these elements.
Party Chief - Party chief will be the highest position within the party. The chief will have all the rights to instruct its members/divisions, supervise its members/divisons and also, ban its members (under special circumstances). Elections for The Forward Bloc's Party Chief post will be held every 4 months.
Party Leaders - These leaders are the ones who are elected by the people of TNP during elections. These also contain leaders who may not have won the TNP's elections but had won in Party's Internal Elections
Party Workers - These include the new members and citizens who have joined the party and are gaining experience within the party. These workers are the backbone of the Party as they help in formulating , drafting policies and helping and assisting party leaders. Without them, Party won't be able to survive. These workers will then have full rights to contest in Internal Elections of the party after gaining some experience.
These are The Four divisions of The Forward Bloc.
The Central Command
This Division will be the Brain of the Party. Its members will work together with , and give instruction to the members of Marketing Team, Response Team, Assembly Commitee and Zero Committee. It will also serve the purpose of resolving Party Disputes and Party member's issues that may be brought forward by TNP's citizens. It will be headed by the Delegate and The Party Chief Jointly.
The Central Command will have all the rights to ban any Party member who may act rudely and misbehave with other party members or TNP's citizens.
It has 5 subdivisons each led by the elected party leaders or the leaders nominated during Internal Elections.
- Home Affairs Command
- Foreign Affairs Command
- Cultural Command
- WA Command
- Defense Command
Forward Marketing Team
This Division will serve the purpose of marketing and advertising The Parties Policies.
The Marketing Team shall serve the purpose of framing Party's taglines and muster support from TNP's citizens to win Elections.
Forward Response
This Division will work Day and Night being active to listen to demands and needs of the citizen.
This division will also take up complaints and issues regarding party's policies, members and leaders from the fellow citizens of TNP.
Forward Assembly Committee
This Division will be responsible for framing new policies and programmes that may be then put into vote in the Regional Assembly
Forward Zero Committee
Apart from Legislature, Administration, The North Pacific's citizens also want a delegate that is fun to talk around with.
Hence, this Division will serve the purpose of putting forward advise and assistance to the Delegate or any other Elected minister(from The Forward Bloc) in helping them and training them on how to engage and respond to the new and old faces and maybe unknown faces within the TNP.
Citizens who are interested in joining the party may do so by taking the oath below.
NOTE - All new party members will serve as Party Workers who may then become Party leaders by contesting Internal Elections of the Party.
I would like to join The Forward Bloc andserve the party and its members to the fullest. I shall promise to serve the People of The North Pacific whilst living in the party and take every possible step to improve the welfare of the people.
(The Forward Bloc Party Chief Temporary)
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