[GA - Passed] Disease Naming Compact

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Disease Naming Compact
Category: Health | Area of Effect: Bioethics
Proposed by: Tinhampton | Onsite Topic

Noting that both novel and recurring communicable diseases affect a diverse array of species in many member states, and that names for these diseases (as well as their vectors) can offer consistency and clarity whenever used,
Dismayed that there is no international consensus on the naming of novel communicable diseases, in particular those which could cross borders, and thus no single reference point for them; so imperiling the safety of those infected and the sanity of doctors who have to slug through pages of bureaucracy simply to find out what is to be treated, and
Committing to confidently cut down the currently cumbersome, copious compilations of confusing classifications which can crop up continually in the catalogue of communicable conditions...
The General Assembly hereby:
  1. creates, within the Epidemic and Pandemic Alert and Response Center (EPARC) of the World Health Authority, an Agency for the Branding of Communicable Diseases (ABCD),
  2. tasks ABCD with proposing in short order to EPARC's Medical Ethics Board names for those communicable diseases with no suitable name in common use, which have not previously been detected in sapient species and are likely to lead EPARC to confirm an international outbreak; and publicising those names once speedily confirmed by that Board to be appropriately informative,
  3. requires member states and healthcare organisations to use ABCD-publicised names for particular diseases when communicating about them to the public (but encourages other entities to use such names as intended); and to refrain from funding internal attempts to name such diseases where ABCD can do so efficiently, speedily, and on an international scale, and
  4. clarifies that this resolution does not affect the naming or taxonomy (such as binomial nomenclature) of disease vectors.

Voting Instructions:
  • Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
  • Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
  • Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
  • Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.

Detailed opinions with your vote are appreciated and encouraged!
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This proposal appears to be written opportunistically based on current real-life events. Unfortunately its provisions appear unnecessary as a common name for a novel disease would be adopted by most nations through communications between government authorities, and medical professionals would be aware of different names if they exist. In addition, the large variation in the languages of WA nations will make the task of creating a name suitable for all languages functionally impossible, and nations need flexibility to adopt a name that suits their language.
For the above reasons, the Ministry recommends a vote Against this proposal.
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Tell Tinhampton to come back in a year when hopefully COVID-19 isn't in circulation and let's see how the resolution does then.

Against. Very trivial and unnecessary.
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Not only do I not find their reasoning laid out very well, I also don't think it's written very well.

"Committing to confidently cut down the currently cumbersome, copious compilations of confusing classifications which can crop up continually in the catalogue of communicable conditions"

That's an ugly sentence if I've ever seen one.
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Stupid idea, terrible timing. Go away, Tinhampton, we're not your soapbox.

I understand that the scare of COVID-19 has on society, but it's better to have a unified naming system in place. Don't let a 3% mortality rate influence this.
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