Commend Arconian Empire
Category: < Commendation > | Nominee: Arconian Empire
Proposed by: THX1138 | Onsite Topic
Voting Instructions:The Security Council,
Consonant with the tradition of acknowledging nations making beneficial, multilateral contributions, recognizes nation Arconian Empire for their singular commitment to the defence and restoration of vulnerable regions, international engagement, regional leadership, and years of selfless service to the WA community;
Establishing Arconian Empire as founder of Arconian Empire, a small, social region serving as the seat of power, and as commanding the efforts of multiple, benevolent proxy nations distributed throughout the WA realm, including:
• Imperial Republic of Arconia, the oldest, and currently residing in The Grand Imperial Alliance, a historically powerful region dedicated to hypothetical and theoretical strategic discussions and scenarios. This nation contributed greatly to the development of these discussions over many years, often in a leading role, while also serving diligently on the region’s Security Council
• Imperial Liberation Force, created in response to a 2013 invasion of The Grand Imperial Alliance. This event inspired a program of self-education in the defender arts, motivated by nothing more than a desire to help other imperiled regions. Learning as they progressed, and in partnership with one other, this nation began deploying as an independent defender
• Imperial Arconia, created in 2014, by invitation from the founder of region The SOP and in response to frequent raids there. This sentinel nation’s birth marks the beginning of an ongoing partnership between Arconian Empire and nations of the The SOP in defence of vulnerable, founderless regions
• Arconia Defender, established in 2015, and active today, this nation replaced Imperial Liberation Force and later, proxy nation Defender Z, as the continuous leader of a small, independent defender force that is now six-years active, making them unique in Nation States
Applauding the proxy nations of Arconian Empire in having quietly and without fanfare, led an astonishing 1000+ missions to vulnerable and occupied regions, ejecting occupying forces, restoring regional communication and embassies, and providing security to thousands of native nations. A very small sampling of regions assisted includes Southfield, Ravencroft, Christmas, New Jahkku, and International Space Station, among hundreds of others;
Highlighting further, notable accomplishments, including:
• liberation of Galactic Imperium and subsequent defence from several later raids, eventual password protection of the region, and then refounded by proxy nation Arconia Imperium, preserving this region’s unique culture, providing security for natives, and allowing the eventual re-opening of borders
• participation in the final operation by collaborating defender forces in the dissolution of notorious raider region The Black Riders, following the April Crisis of 2015
• participation in the liberation of Singapore in 2016 after occupation by raider forces from The Invaders, and with legislative support from this Council
• the single-handed password protection of 7 vulnerable regions, including Sikh Empire, Riders of Rohan, and Calhoun CC, preventing further intrusion by raider forces, and securing these regions for native populations
• the ongoing, parallel deployments of several influential sentinel nations under the common name Imperial Defender on an as-needed basis. These nations deploy to particularly hard-hit regions to deter raiders, maintain a custodial administrative role, and provide a quick, influential response to raider incursions when they occur
Lauding Arconian Empire in the development of an extensive first-warning embassy network through their home region, currently inclusive of 430 regions, and their willingness to come to the defence of any embassy region in jeopardy;
Impressed by the fact that despite their small stature, lack of formal training, and absence of a surrounding network, Arconian Empire has not been deterred in standing against the nefarious forces of Nation States;
Wishing to exemplify Arconian Empire to future generations, as proof that through dedicated action, a stalwart nation can make a significant contribution to the betterment of the community, and, with the hope that others may take inspiration from their fine example;
Hereby commends Arconian Empire.
Co-Authored by Kuriko
- Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
- Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
- Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
- Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.
Detailed opinions with your vote are appreciated and encouraged!
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