@StickySoda has ceased to exist and will be remasked as a member. @Karthikeya has failed to maintain a nation in the region and will be remasked as a member.
@DPRH, @egorus, @Pederlandia, and @Keld have failed to post on both the RMB and forums in the past 30 days and thus will be remasked as residents.
@JDMuscle has failed to maintain a nation in the region and will be remasked as a member. @Obi-Wan Kenobi has ceased to exist and will be remasked as a member.
The following members have not posted on the forums or the RMB for the past 30 days, and will be masked as residents: @Krtzbekistan @Frigistan @Wondama
In addition, the following members have lost their residency status and will be remasked as members: @Democratu/Regunalia (as they have ceased to exist) @Kazaman (For failing to maintain a nation in TNP)
@Russila have failed to post on the forum/RMB for the past 30 days and will be remasked as residents. @Wakefuldude has Ceased To Exist and will be remasked as members.