[GA - Failed] Repeal: "Ban on Secret Treaties"

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Peasant Wizard
TNP Nation


Repeal: "Ban on Secret Treaties"
Category: Repeal | GA #408
Proposed by: New Waldensia | Onsite Topic
General Assembly Resolution #408 “Ban on Secret Treaties” (Category: Furtherment of Democracy; Strength: Mild) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Observing that GAR #408, "Ban on Secret Treaties", includes a closing clause defining "secret treaty" as "military-grade weapons and feline animals of varying sizes with tabby coats", a statement that is incongruent with the text of the rest of the measure, and to most appearances is so wildly different as to appear to be meant as a joke,

Believing that it is very inappropriate for such a clause to be found in a General Assembly resolution, making a mockery of this august body,

Noting that the General Assembly ought to be an institution dedicated to serious discussion, necessitating a certain level of decorum and respect be observed when proposing resolutions,

Mindful that GAR #408 sets a precedent that could be detrimental to future operations of the General Assembly,

Convinced that this definition is an improper meddling with the plain understanding of language and the long-standing meaning of the phrase "secret treaty",

Therefore be it known that the General Assembly repeals GAR #408, "Ban on Secret Treaties".
Voting Instructions:
  • Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
  • Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
  • Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
  • Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.

Detailed opinions with your vote are appreciated and encouraged!
GA#8 "World Assembly Headquarters":
Ignoring the findings of a recent census of WA diplomats, revealing a disturbing prevalence among international envoys of "drunks, stoners, weirdos, military fruitcakes, sex addicts, rejects, dear little kiddies, honest family types" and militant machistas;"

Declaring, nonetheless, that it would be nice for these inmates to have an asylum to run;
That's in GA#8, so if we follow the logic in Repeal "BoST", we should repeal this one too. And the resolution which literally includes the recipe for an Orange Julius.

Joking in legislation is a tradition as old as the WA itself. Against.
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Against. The joke definition clause doesn't even have any legal effect. It was only put in because forum-goers kept pestering IA to add in a definition clause when one wasn't at all needed, so he put in that unnecessary definition as the WA desired it. Why should we repeal what the masses wish for?
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