Dear TNP,
Here we are. Half a decade. Five years. I apologize if this isn't the right place to make this kind of thread, but I didn't want to say nothing at all; and I know I made a thread for a previous milestone, though I can't seem to find it. And yes, I know this is late, but in my defense, on the big day, October 11th, I was busy and I may or may not have forgotten.
In my five years here in TNP, specifically TNPRP, I've learned a lot of things. I've made friends here, I've learned new things, I've put what I know about the humanities and beyond into action to develop my nation, and I've become more mature as a person. I feel like, in a way, I've grown up alongside all of you. TNP has taught me about where and who I am as a person. There are people here who, when I was their age, I was an idiot compared to them. There are people here who know and can do so much more than I ever could. Both of these things, I think, have helped to humble me.
I have been a regular member of three online communities during my life. This was the one where I finally found what I was looking for. The last two were toxic as all hell and I left one in tears. This one was nothing of the sort. It was both welcoming and easy to jump into. I can explore my passions to the fullest here, and collaborate with others doing the same. NS, for me, is the ultimate sandbox game; my nation was and still is mine to create, and I've loved every moment. There've been some ups and downs; some good and bad eggs; but overall my five years here have been tremendous fun. When you can pontificate about international relations theories in a world that doesn't exist, you know you've helped create something special.
Thank you, @Prydania, for being a valuable mentor and someone I can always ask for advice. Thank you, @Nogori, for being a terrific rival IC and for our riveting political discussions OOC! Thank you, @Lotion, for the top notch memes. Thank you, @St George, for running the show in TNPRP and, along with @Kanada, for all the fun we've had in Minecraft. Thank you, @El Fiji Grande and @mcmasterdonia, for renewing my trust in our regional government and making TNPGP great. And thank you, most of all, to @Iraelia, @Goyanes, @Andrenne, and @Highton for being the best of friends. I love you guys.
And honestly, those people are only a fraction of those I've known here since, with the exception of Madjack/St George, 2017 at the earliest. There are many more people both earlier and since who I've encountered throughout my half a decade here, and most of them are just as great of people! That's the beauty of the community I've found here, and I treasure it greatly. I have no plans to leave NS anytime soon, so how's about, now that I'm at the halfway mark, I go for the full ten?
Best Regards,
Minister of Shite of the North Pacific
Here we are. Half a decade. Five years. I apologize if this isn't the right place to make this kind of thread, but I didn't want to say nothing at all; and I know I made a thread for a previous milestone, though I can't seem to find it. And yes, I know this is late, but in my defense, on the big day, October 11th, I was busy and I may or may not have forgotten.

In my five years here in TNP, specifically TNPRP, I've learned a lot of things. I've made friends here, I've learned new things, I've put what I know about the humanities and beyond into action to develop my nation, and I've become more mature as a person. I feel like, in a way, I've grown up alongside all of you. TNP has taught me about where and who I am as a person. There are people here who, when I was their age, I was an idiot compared to them. There are people here who know and can do so much more than I ever could. Both of these things, I think, have helped to humble me.
I have been a regular member of three online communities during my life. This was the one where I finally found what I was looking for. The last two were toxic as all hell and I left one in tears. This one was nothing of the sort. It was both welcoming and easy to jump into. I can explore my passions to the fullest here, and collaborate with others doing the same. NS, for me, is the ultimate sandbox game; my nation was and still is mine to create, and I've loved every moment. There've been some ups and downs; some good and bad eggs; but overall my five years here have been tremendous fun. When you can pontificate about international relations theories in a world that doesn't exist, you know you've helped create something special.
Thank you, @Prydania, for being a valuable mentor and someone I can always ask for advice. Thank you, @Nogori, for being a terrific rival IC and for our riveting political discussions OOC! Thank you, @Lotion, for the top notch memes. Thank you, @St George, for running the show in TNPRP and, along with @Kanada, for all the fun we've had in Minecraft. Thank you, @El Fiji Grande and @mcmasterdonia, for renewing my trust in our regional government and making TNPGP great. And thank you, most of all, to @Iraelia, @Goyanes, @Andrenne, and @Highton for being the best of friends. I love you guys.
And honestly, those people are only a fraction of those I've known here since, with the exception of Madjack/St George, 2017 at the earliest. There are many more people both earlier and since who I've encountered throughout my half a decade here, and most of them are just as great of people! That's the beauty of the community I've found here, and I treasure it greatly. I have no plans to leave NS anytime soon, so how's about, now that I'm at the halfway mark, I go for the full ten?

Best Regards,
Minister of Shite of the North Pacific
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