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- Bluie Gamer#6287


Minister of Home Affairs Bluie Gamer demands a sugar from her deputy as she settles into her new office.
Hello! I am Bluie Gamer, your Minister of Home Affairs! Some of you already know me, but for those who don’t, I am a TNP resident for over four years, have been part of Home Affairs for almost two years, and had been Deputy Minister of Home Affairs twice by now. So you could say that I am quite experienced

Introductions aside, let us dive right into our term goals:
Lists, Lists, and More Lists
Home Affairs is notorious for spamming the inboxes of our residents, and we are not about to let up on it. To that end, HA Leadership will have the goal of churning out weekly lists for our staffers to sink their teeth into. The goal is to keep the flow of telegrams steadily coming out. Of course, we do have a couple of different lists, so the same people are unlikely to get the same TG every week. After two weeks have passed, any unclaimed or unaccomplished rows will be picked up by Leadership, but if there’s too many, we may have staffers help us by giving enticing bonuses

RMB Interaction
While it may seem that TNP mostly exists in its forums and Discord server, that is simply not true. There are many, many residents who have never gone out beyond the game’s site. Although we encourage them to join the forums, some do not want to, and some cannot. As such, I would like to see a focus on the Regional Message Board. Which leads to my next point:
Stricter Membership
Now, HA is a thankless job. Some people even dislike us because of our TGs. But we still do it anyways, because we all love TNP. Because of this, you would think that we’re desperate for members. However, inactive members are frankly not helpful. As such, I will be instating a standard for HA: You have to have done at least 20 rows or have posted on the RMB every two weeks to maintain membership.
Forum Mentors
Whenever we get a new person to join the forums, we want them to stay. Of course, the forums can get a bit scary at times. Which is why we need active Forum Mentors to help show them around! Anyone can apply to be a Forum Mentor at any time. Forum Mentors will essentially be a list of people that I can assign to newcomers to the forums to help them out. However, anyone can help! If no Forum Mentor is available, Leadership may ask for a volunteer in our channel in the Executive server. Of course, since this would be on top of your normal HA duties, it will have an incentive: Every person you mentor successfully will net you 25 rows to help increase your rank.
Gameside Advocates
I will admit, this is a field that I am not very familiar with. For now, I will be keeping the existing infrastructure and all that, while looking for improvements. I do not want to make assumptions that will harm the Ministry.
Regional Census
McMasterdonia mentioned that he wanted surveys and censuses done to see what the TNPers really want. HA is going to be the vector for that. It would likely take the form of Google Forms surveys every month or so. It will be our job not only to make the survey, but to make sure that as many TNPers are informed about it, and have answered it.
Cleaning Up
The many, many parts of HA have to be checked over to see if they are updated or not. TNP dispatches, TG templates, FAQs, will all have to be scrutinized, cleaned, updated, and modernized. Yes, we are also going to be branching away from mere textwalls and the occasional graphic. In line with McM’s goals, we will be making video FAQs as part of our term goals. More details about this soon.
Deputy Ministers
For now, I shall be appointing @King SillyString as one of my Deputy Ministers. Her help will be invaluable for the surveys and censuses that we hope to produce and get good results out of. Even disregarding that, she has been a steadfast presence in TNP, and you would be amiss not to know here also I can easily get her to ban y’all if you act up. For my other Deputy/Deputies, however, I will be holding Deputy Applications. Anyone who thinks they’ve got the stuff to be a Deputy Minister of Home Affairs are free to DM me over on Discord (Bluie Gamer#6287) to schedule an interview. Application deadline will be September 19, 11:59PM EDT.
Final Words
And with that, I am starting a roll call! If you are still around, alive and kicking, reply to this thread with either a question that you have, or just say something like “Aye aye cap’n!” or “Command received.” or “Job’s done!” Anyone who hasn’t replied by September 14, 11:59PM EDT gets the boot and will have to reapply!
Let’s make this a great term for Home Affairs!