FOIA Request: Gameside Advocates

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official floof
TNP Nation
Under Section 7.5 of the Legal Code, aka the Freedom of Information Act, I would like to request all private government communications, either on the forums, Discord, or on-site, between members of the Gameside Advocates, between the appointment of the current Gameside Advocates on 13 May, 2019, and the present day. This includes the #gameside-advocates channel, any non-public threads and forums set aside for these officials, and any on-site non-public communications between members of the Gameside Advocates team.

In particular, I would like to request any public action taken by Lotion, Highton, and Malphe while acting as GAs, categorized by the person performing the action. This includes, but is not limited to: RMB post suppression, RMB AMAs led, and cautions issued. Private conversation and other such matters should not be included in this list, due to being covered by the previous request: this request is only for action taken in the public eye. Public conversation and actions not limited to those in authority, such as advice, recruitment, ad hoc mentorship, and alerting regional officers of potential rule violations should also not be included in this list.

Only communications between these individuals while acting as GAs should be included. As access to the Discord channel and any non-public fora requires acting as a GA, all records here should be included. Other media should be filtered to only include actions and discussion by these GAs while acting as GAs, and should not unrelated private conversation.

Thank you for your time on this matter, Mr. Delegate.
Response to the Attorney General’s FOIA Request:
Darcania, July 1, 2019:
Under Section 7.5 of the Legal Code, aka the Freedom of Information Act, I would like to request all private government communications, either on the forums, Discord, or on-site, between members of the Gameside Advocates, between the appointment of the current Gameside Advocates on 13 May, 2019, and the present day. This includes the #gameside-advocates channel, any non-public threads and forums set aside for these officials, and any on-site non-public communications between members of the Gameside Advocates team.

In particular, I would like to request any public action taken by Lotion, Highton, and Malphe while acting as GAs, categorized by the person performing the action. This includes, but is not limited to: RMB post suppression, RMB AMAs led, and cautions issued. Private conversation and other such matters should not be included in this list, due to being covered by the previous request: this request is only for action taken in the public eye. Public conversation and actions not limited to those in authority, such as advice, recruitment, ad hoc mentorship, and alerting regional officers of potential rule violations should also not be included in this list.

Only communications between these individuals while acting as GAs should be included. As access to the Discord channel and any non-public fora requires acting as a GA, all records here should be included. Other media should be filtered to only include actions and discussion by these GAs while acting as GAs, and should not unrelated private conversation.

Thank you for your time on this matter, Mr. Delegate.

Following their reappointment, Lotion*, Highton*, and Malphe* have all taken their Oaths of Office. As such, they are included in the full list of currently-serving Gameside Advocates provided below:
Nessuno (Lead Gameside Advocate)
Lotion Empire
Highton Islands

Under Section 7.5 of the Legal Code, aka the Freedom of Information Act, I would like to request all private government communications, either on the forums, Discord, or on-site, between members of the Gameside Advocates, between the appointment of the current Gameside Advocates on 13 May, 2019, and the present day. This includes the #gameside-advocates channel, any non-public threads and forums set aside for these officials, and any on-site non-public communications between members of the Gameside Advocates team.
The only private government communications between Gameside Advocates has occurred within the #gameside-advocates chat on Discord. A full transcript of this channel starting from 13 May, 2019, and the present day is provided in the spoiler below. Note that all dates included in the transcript are in reference to July 1, 2019, the date on which they were recorded - which is also the date on which the FOIA Request was posted. As such, when in the transcript it refers to ‘yesterday,’ it is implied that this is June 30th. Also note that some emojis and similar images failed to load when I copied the transcript over. These have not been included given their irrelevancy and due to the amount of time it would take to document them all.
Lord Nessie, Ender of Regions05/13/2019
What a surprise

I could hear the maniacal laughter.

Lord Nessie, Ender of Regions05/13/2019

Lord Nessie, Ender of Regions05/13/2019 apparently this two were also ultimate byzantine puppets(edited)

Never gets bored huh


Eww who put up all these Nessie posters? This was a nice looking channel last time I was here...

Oh boy, Nerdimus Prime is here.
Welcome Zaz to the Nessie Secret Society. (edited)

Lord Nessie, Ender of Regions05/13/2019
who let chewbacca in?

privileged bob05/13/2019
@Zazquatch ew its you

Lol Nessie

privileged bob05/13/2019

If you think my opinion of the GA has changed think again. I'm only here to destroy you all from the inside.

privileged bob05/13/2019
I'll destroy ur face
@Mefphu am I doing this right

Lord Nessie, Ender of Regions05/13/2019
ehi, no fight in the war room

privileged bob05/13/2019
We have an entire war server
you should join just so I can ban you

So what's on the agenda? Banning Aerilia?
Can I add this to our docket?

Definitely. We can't let the nerds continue to poison us.

privileged bob05/13/2019
Then get out

Lord Nessie, Ender of Regions05/13/2019
there's too many nerds here, there can only be one

You're right.
@Zazquatch Quick, delete all of your Games and Art posts. I must be the only one.

With me now GA Aerilia is sure to win all the Gold Literary Awards. I was the only person keeping him in his place. We must move to ban at once.


Lord Nessie, Ender of Regions05/13/2019
sure, we got so many of those awards we don't have any more space for anything else

@Lord Nessie, Ender of Regions We're subpoenaing you to testify before the Gameside Community at your own AMA.


Lord Nessie, Ender of Regions05/13/2019
I did no AMA

Too bad, you're now.

Lord Nessie, Ender of Regions05/13/2019


Only @privileged bob can ban me.
And that's a fact!

privileged bob05/13/2019
I can



May 14, 2019
El Fiji Grande05/14/2019
@Gameside Advocates - Can you periodically promote this dispatch?



Lord Nessie, Ender of Regions05/14/2019
it's working!

@Lord Nessie, Ender of Regions can you consider removing this nation?
They made an OOC accusation on the RMB against Vapia. Their post was deleted by the mods.

privileged bob05/14/2019
I would if I were you tbh nessie

Sil Dorsett05/14/2019
You mean banning them?
Their post was deleted by the mods because I GHRed it myself.
It'll cost 28k to ban them. Is it worth it?

privileged bob05/14/2019
Absolutely it's worth it.

Sil Dorsett05/14/2019
Personally, I'd rather wait to see if I can get the ban for a cheaper price. They've already moved out of the region.

Is 28k a lot?

Sil Dorsett05/14/2019
Not to me it isn't...

Okay, I would do it then

May 15, 2019
Lord Nessie, Ender of Regions05/15/2019
It's Not the cost, but He hasen't done anything since He left
I rather prefer see what He does before banning him
But If you all think we need to ban him i guess is fine

I would support a ban.

Lord Nessie, Ender of Regions05/15/2019
Alright then
Apparently it can't be banned

May 16, 2019
Lord Nessie, Ender of Regions05/16/2019
Not sure about it

What a charming fellow.

Eject and ban
Nvm in TSP now

May 17, 2019
Lord Nessie, Ender of Regions05/17/2019
You didn't know?

May 18, 2019
In the one second between I typed the first sentence and then the second? No, I didn’t.

Lord Nessie, Ender of Regions05/18/2019

Lord Nessie, Ender of Regions05/18/2019
@Gameside Advocates it's good to promote endorsing the SC and the delegate but remember that we need Fiji to get his place, and to do that we need to unendorse Ghost(edited)

Already did that a day or two ago. (edited)

Lord Nessie, Ender of Regions05/18/2019
Yeah well...
A bit confusing

OH that's what you mean.
What I meant was I have been endorsing Fiji and not Fiji for a day or two.


May 19, 2019
Lord Nessie, Ender of Regions05/19/2019
@Gameside Advocates i'll be away for the most part of today, keep an eye on the RMB



There's a lack of grey flags. Seems to be an improvement.

Lord Nessie, Ender of Regions05/19/2019

May 20, 2019
El Fiji Grande05/20/2019
Watch out for this guy:
I submitted a GHR against him because he sent me an inappropriate telegram. I don't if he's sent it out to anyone else, and he might discover the RMB before the mods get to him.


Lord Nessie, Ender of Regions05/20/2019
What kind of tg?


El Fiji Grande05/20/2019
It just had a few slurs and explicit words in it, Nessie. Completely random. Not even directed at me, or anyone else. Just a troll TG.


May 22, 2019
privileged bob05/22/2019
@Lord Nessie, Ender of Regions what's your UCR?

Lord Nessie, Ender of Regions05/22/2019
My what?
@privileged bob

privileged bob05/22/2019
the region you created
fwiw UCR is user created region

Lord Nessie, Ender of Regions05/22/2019
Oh ok

May 24, 2019
Lord Nessie, Ender of Regions05/24/2019
@Gameside Advocates is there someone of you who will be around 10 PM EDT tomorrow?(edited)

murica fuck yeah05/24/2019
Is that US Eastern?

I'm usually around then

Lord Nessie, Ender of Regions05/24/2019
good good
i need someone to do the first AMA

Changed my mind. Guess you'll have to stay up late tomorrow.

Lord Nessie, Ender of Regions05/24/2019

murica fuck yeah05/24/2019
Is it US Eastern?
Then possibly


May 25, 2019
Lord Nessie, Ender of Regions05/25/2019
@Gameside Advocates remember the AMA at 10pm EDT

El Fiji Grande05/25/2019

Starts in about 40 mins right?
I'll make a post.

El Fiji Grande05/25/2019
Thanks, Zaz

Glad you posted my reminder was an hour late.

@Zazquatch Incase you go absent, I'm here.

Quit sniping me. XD

El Fiji Grande05/25/2019
Thanks, @Zazquatch - I'd say that was a hearty success.

Very nice turn out. Thanks @Prydania hope we didn't overload you too much.

Lord Nessie, Ender of Regions05/27/2019
@Zazquatch did a good job? What next, there's life on Mars?

privileged bob05/27/2019

@Lord Nessie, Ender of Regions Marcus's next.



May 29, 2019
murica fuck yeah05/29/2019 very long
sorry pry

privileged bob05/29/2019
should I suppress or leave this? @murica fuck yeah

leave it

Message @Prydania first
Add spoilers



I wanna join

the riot welcomes all

Yalkan is behind it so it must be for a good cause.

May 30, 2019
Lord Nessie, Ender of Regions05/30/2019
I will just pretend nothing happened

They’re joking

June 2, 2019
Lord Nessie, Ender of Regions06/02/2019
@Gameside Advocates what is your position on the "Remove Kebab"? Should it be always suppressed or should it be suppressed only in particular occasions?

privileged bob06/02/2019
Suppress always, full stop


Suppress no matter what.
I understand its a funny meme but its supposed to be a stereotypical/rude one towards the Turkish grouping.


Yeah probs supress always


privileged bob06/02/2019
It's not even a funny meme.


Lord Nessie, Ender of Regions06/02/2019

murica fuck yeah06/02/2019
Suppress 100%


June 4, 2019
Lord Nessie, Ender of Regions06/04/2019
@El Fiji Grande you got a fan


Would be a shame if the wrong one got banned...

Hah, it wouldn't be funny if it happened but it's fun to imagine. XD

June 5, 2019
El Fiji Grande06/05/2019
Not sure how this happened, but I figured I'd pass it along in case you haven't seen his RMB posts yet.

June 6, 2019
Lord Nessie, Ender of Regions06/06/2019
@El Fiji Grande leave him be, he's not true
He leave the region with his puppets because i say him to stop pretending they were his friends, he got into another with them when he got warned by the mods about it and Yesterday he came in TNP with one of them and started a discussion

El Fiji Grande06/06/2019

June 8, 2019
@Lord Nessie, Ender of Regions status of the AMA?

Lord Nessie, Ender of Regions06/08/2019

slowpoke snek


Lord Nessie, Ender of Regions06/08/2019
@El Fiji Grande you might want to ping everyone for the AMA

El Fiji Grande06/08/2019
I was about to ask you the same

I don't have the ability to ping everyone

Lord Nessie, Ender of Regions06/08/2019
do i have the power to?
well, me neither
El Fiji Grande06/08/2019
I asked McM to

Sil Dorsett06/08/2019
That was bootsie.

El Fiji Grande06/08/2019
Next time, remind me this is happening. I should be more careful myself, but I forgot.
We could have also put it in the WFE

El Fiji Grande06/08/2019
@Lord Nessie, Ender of Regions - you can end the AMA now


privileged bob06/08/2019
@El Fiji Grande i suggest a ~remindme

El Fiji Grande06/08/2019
I know you can specify the number of days, but can you also specify the time?

privileged bob06/08/2019

June 9, 2019
Marcus Antonius06/09/2019
So here is where the GA's hang out! - Gotcha!

Lord Nessie, Ender of Regions06/09/2019
well, you should had know from before

El Fiji Grande06/09/2019
@Lord Nessie, Ender of Regions - do we have a plan for who's next up in the AMA line up?
Time/date when they'll be going as well, so we can make a WFE announcement in advance?

June 10, 2019
Lord Nessie, Ender of Regions06/10/2019
Going to ask mcm, kranostav and sil(edited)

Lord Nessie, Ender of Regions06/10/2019
@El Fiji Grande McM will be this saturday at 9am GMT +8, wich i think it's 9pm EDT



privileged bob06/10/2019
correct, Nessie.

Lord Nessie, Ender of Regions06/10/2019
Yay, i'm learning!

privileged bob06/10/2019

Marcus Antonius06/10/2019
@Gameside Advocates I noticed the Delegate has mentioned the apparent lack of announcements of the last AMA. It's important that the message gets out about these events. As MoHA I would like the GAs to make a special effort to recruit players who show promise from the RMB, by personally reaching out to them via telegram and recommending that they join a given Ministry, the NPA, or one of our RP worlds. If they do, please notify myself and/or the Delegate. Thank you.(edited)

Got it.


Yes boss. Will try to post on RMB for notification stuff

Lord Nessie, Ender of Regions06/10/2019
it's treason then @Mefphu

June 11, 2019
Lord Nessie, Ender of Regions06/11/2019
@Gameside Advocates thoughts on this:
Should i ban Miurma? Because right now i'm very tempted to since i don't belive an inch of what he wrote.(edited)

I hate when people say "My friend or brother got on my computer and did this". And if it was on his PC, how did he talked, then the spam, then him, then the spam, then him.
Obviously he was switching accounts to make the RMB "Active".
At least the RIOT had more sense into it.

Lord Nessie, Ender of Regions06/11/2019
This only makes me more tempted to kick him
Still, i want to hear what you think before taking any action

I would ban him


Lord Nessie, Ender of Regions06/11/2019
Waiting for more opinions about it

you’ve been given the only opinion that matters

Lord Nessie, Ender of Regions06/11/2019

I just want to be sure
But if anybody have to say anything about It i will procede to ban him

I don't mind. Dewit.


I think everyone should take 10 and cool down. All that's happening now is RMB drama and it's quite annoying.
(referring to the current bickering on the RMB)(edited)

Ban them all.

Srsly though, I'd just tell them to keep it civil

Lord Nessie, Ender of Regions06/11/2019
I've sent a tg to the mods, in case they know something more

Lord Nessie, Ender of Regions06/11/2019
Alright, i take my decision. Miruma will be banned

Sil Dorsett06/11/2019
I really don't think you have reason for it.
the spamming got under control. the incident is 3 hours old. If you didn't ban them as they were spamming, you don't have that reason available any longer.

Lord Nessie, Ender of Regions06/11/2019
you wouldn't have banned him so? even in the first place?

Sil Dorsett06/11/2019
The law that allows for those kinds of bans is intended to get a problematic situation under control quickly, not to punish others for old offenses. The incident is over, no action was taken during it, so there's no action to be taken any longer.(edited)

Lord Nessie, Ender of Regions06/11/2019
ok then

As far as I know, the law has no stated intention of getting things under control quickly and you can ban someone later. It’s been on the books for a long time. Such bans have happened plenty of times before, particularly as we can’t necessarily even be awake when a lot of stuff goes down.

June 12, 2019
Lord Nessie, Ender of Regions06/12/2019
I will keep an eye on him
If anything else happens, anything, It will be an immediate ban

June 13, 2019
Lord Nessie, Ender of Regions06/13/2019
@Gameside Advocates start advertising for McM AMA, once i get to my computer i will update the dispatch as well

privileged bob06/13/2019

Lord Nessie, Ender of Regions06/13/2019
It's in the post i linked
This saturday at 9pm

I won't be able to make it. But I'll def mention it when I get online



El Fiji Grande06/13/2019
Thanks for being on the ball with this one, Nessie. Good work.
I updated the WFE to advertise for it as well.

June 14, 2019
Lord Nessie, Ender of Regions06/14/2019

Pretty sure ya'll already know but this guy is just annoying :P

Lord Nessie, Ender of Regions06/14/2019
i've give him enough warnings, one more thing and he's out

Lord Nessie, Ender of Regions06/14/2019
@Gameside Advocates i really have to go now, if something else happen with ask for a ban, he already got more warnings than he deserve for all that flaming.



Jeez I left for an hour and it's still happening.
I'm just not.

June 15, 2019
Lord Nessie, Ender of Regions06/15/2019
Me neither
This isn't the first time he post something like that

murica fuck yeah06/15/2019
Wow Nin
I can’t believe you’ve don’t this

Lord Nessie, Ender of Regions06/15/2019
@Gameside Advocates someone for McM's AMA?

O sure

Lord Nessie, Ender of Regions06/15/2019

@mcmasterdonia are you around for your ama?

June 16, 2019
Lord Nessie, Ender of Regions06/16/2019
@mcmasterdonia !!!!


El Fiji Grande06/16/2019
Did McM's AMA ever happen?


confused noises

Lord Nessie, Ender of Regions06/16/2019

Do you know him?


Doesn't ring a bell.
Forwards or reverse.

Lord Nessie, Ender of Regions06/16/2019
@Gameside Advocates Is starting a campaign to silence us regarding what happened with him. I want you to keep an eye on him and stop him by spreading lies in other regions. I've replied to his post so far, i would encourage you to do the same if i can't
Here's some example, remember to don't start a drama on other RMB

Wait, what exactly happened? The name rings a bell but I can't remember

Yeah what did he do that was just a friendly joke?

Doesn't appear they even posted on our RMB today. Why were they suddenly banned?

After gathering context I'm confused. The post he's crying about is this:

Wasn't even suppressed by Nessie. I wouldn't worry about it. Laz already suppressed.

Lord Nessie, Ender of Regions06/16/2019
basically some time ago i've ejected him for being far too offensive to other player and before he was also RP banned for goodmodding and trolling. he then move to other regions playing the victim and accusing our community for being corrupted, totalitarian and bad towards him

I am very sorry I didn't show up for the AMA, change of plans happened and was tired.

Lord Nessie, Ender of Regions06/16/2019
there wasn't an AMA anyway dino


shakes fist at McM

June 17, 2019
Lord Nessie, Ender of Regions06/17/2019


Lord Nessie, Ender of Regions06/17/2019

You promised me to do an AMA yesterday

privileged bob06/17/2019

Circumstances changed and I ended up spending all weekend in bed.
privileged bob06/17/2019
mood af

@Lord Nessie, Ender of Regions stop being corrupt and give power back to Fiji!

privileged bob06/17/2019
we need to coup

Not with snek at the helm

Lord Nessie, Ender of Regions06/17/2019
Power is good
As long as i got got the Fijisnack you all work for me

Lord Nessie, Ender of Regions06/17/2019
Is this threatening?

lol. Doesn't sound like he means it but it sounds like one


You're just fueling him at this point. Let him go about complaining. Nobody outside TNP cares what our RMB mods do.(edited)

Lord Nessie, Ender of Regions06/17/2019

El Fiji Grande06/17/2019
This and the next few posts are iffy in my book:

June 18, 2019
Sil Dorsett06/18/2019
Looking at it now, the problem I see is that we're already pages along with this discussion. I don't think suppression is going to solve the problem.
And I think the Bill of Rights will come into play if some people are ejected or banned for homophobic comments.
It sucks how intolerant others are, but unless the conversation devolves into flat out flaming, I don't think we have the opening to take unilateral action. I think it's a matter for the NS moderators to adjudicate.
We're already under fire for having a light trigger for bans as of recent times.

El Fiji Grande06/18/2019

El Fiji Grande06/18/2019
I think we might want to reconsider.
I'll submit a GHR

Sil Dorsett06/18/2019
Yeah, reconsidered and banned.

Lord Nessie, Ender of Regions06/18/2019
Damn sil
You stole my kill!!

Sil Dorsett06/18/2019
and another GHR for offensive TGs. not gonna be surprised if he's disgraced.

El Fiji Grande06/18/2019
What are the odds this is the same guy?

Lord Nessie, Ender of Regions06/18/2019

Sil Dorsett06/18/2019
and if it's not him, there's another nation that got banned that I can think it might be.

Lord Nessie, Ender of Regions06/18/2019
For the "i fire a commendation on you"? I Need to check the comments to find something in common
But i don't think it's him
Nah, don't think it's him
If i'm it's not too bad, he get deleted as well hopefully

Sil Dorsett06/18/2019
Yeah, well, he's got the exact same flag as Germericah, which you previously banned, Nessie.(edited)

Lord Nessie, Ender of Regions06/18/2019
Oh sorry
I confused

Sil Dorsett06/18/2019
It's okay. I was focused on the other dude.

Lord Nessie, Ender of Regions06/18/2019
Lol i misreaded
I've banned him
He also got the same motto

Lord Nessie, Ender of Regions06/18/2019


Sil Dorsett06/18/2019
wow, if he's not DOS for that, I question the mentality of the NS mods.
lol, I just got told to kill myself.

Sil Dorsett06/18/2019

I'm just pissing off all kinds of people today. First a notable forum RPer and now this shit...

Needless to say he's been reported twice.

Lord Nessie, Ender of Regions06/18/2019
I don't see why you have to even answer him sil
It's just pointless

Sil Dorsett06/18/2019
oh, I'm done now. They've dug their own grave.
in my opinion, responding generated more evidence for the NS moderation team to decide whether to DOS that person or not.

Sil Dorsett06/18/2019
Fuklandiastan is probably Germericah, but I'm waiting for more solid evidence.

Lord Nessie, Ender of Regions06/18/2019
Me too
Also well, i haven't answered him, but i got the same TG as you lol
Fortunately he's not the smartest troll around

ftr has already been reported by someone so don't GHR it yourself if you think it's actionable. Don't want to clog up the mods

I'm watching the feed as he makes them. Assumed Nessie was already on it with the GHR's.

Lord Nessie, Ender of Regions06/18/2019
well malphe, i've already reported the first two
you're late!

I'm honored I got a fan now.

Lord Nessie, Ender of Regions06/18/2019
i'm so jealous !!

I just wanna know how they found out about Oriental.

Lord Nessie, Ender of Regions06/18/2019
he might had the news from some little bird….

June 19, 2019
Alright this guy is causing trouble

@Lord Nessie, Ender of Regions he's back

Lord Nessie, Ender of Regions06/19/2019


Why can't these sorts of people move along to another region and just play the damn game.(edited)

most likely because they think its funny
when in reality, their making a fool out of themselves(edited)

Ofc just indulging in some wishful thinking.

Sil Dorsett06/19/2019
At least it's more interesting than the telegrams I get...

That's what I usually get as a response to the WADP 3rd day API telegram.

Lord Nessie, Ender of Regions06/19/2019
That reminds me about the Litetary awards, wich i forget to post...

I miss those.

Lord Nessie, Ender of Regions06/19/2019
i'll post them later


Lord Nessie, Ender of Regions06/19/2019


Lord Nessie, Ender of Regions06/19/2019
@El Fiji Grande can we exclude this guy from receiving the literary awards tg? he just asked me that.

June 20, 2019
Lord Nessie, Ender of Regions06/20/2019
@El Fiji Grande @Sil Dorsett
I think it's malaya singapura, he usually come back with those kind of post
But i can't guarantee it

El Fiji Grande06/20/2019
Not sure.
Also, not sure I can exclude anyone from the Literary Awards. That's a question for r3n.

Lord Nessie, Ender of Regions06/20/2019
I'll ask him then

June 21, 2019
Lord Nessie, Ender of Regions06/21/2019
@El Fiji Grande i may have discovered who Is:
The North Pacific
Currently Banned
Thank you for the explanation. Nice to see the rationale sometimes. ;)
The North Pacific
Zachster331 is a TNPer at The North Pacific

Lord Nessie, Ender of Regions06/21/2019
@Gameside Advocates advertise!

Sil Dorsett06/21/2019
You might want to make it clearer that Bob is on Sat. and I'm on Sun. The way you have it sounds like we're both pulling double duty at the same times.

That's exactly what I thought was happening.

Lord Nessie, Ender of Regions06/21/2019
Isn't It clear enough? The WFE, the dispatch and the post cleary shows that

I'd change "Bobberino and" to "Bobberino followed by".

Lord Nessie, Ender of Regions06/21/2019

Sil Dorsett06/21/2019
"Our guests will be Bobberino (Minister of Defense) and Sil Dorsett (Vice Delegate), respectively.
that's how you'd do that.

Lord Nessie, Ender of Regions06/21/2019

June 22, 2019
Lord Nessie, Ender of Regions06/22/2019
@Gameside Advocates anybody around to take Bob's AMA at 1pm EDT? I won't be here today unfortunately(edited)

I'm not sure I will be there. I'll let you know later.

Lord Nessie, Ender of Regions06/22/2019
I have to go now, see you all later

I'll set an alarm.

privileged bob06/22/2019
oh shit, Zaz doing my AMA. We've really come full circle haven't we.

I wanna be there when the RMBers break you.

privileged bob06/22/2019
If GP can't break me the RMB can't
unless it's Tonga

Tonga will literally destroy any ounce of your brain you have

privileged bob06/22/2019
oh he's done it already
oh god oh fuck

privileged bob06/22/2019
the NPA basically relies on pings to get turnout, and he requested to not be pinged "for the summer" while he's "gone"

@El Fiji Grande Is there going to be a ping about Bob's AMA?

El Fiji Grande06/22/2019
It's in an hour, right?

It's about to begin.

El Fiji Grande06/22/2019

June 23, 2019
Lord Nessie, Ender of Regions06/23/2019
@Sil Dorsett are you around?(edited)

Sil Dorsett06/23/2019
I'm here, but I'm not due up for another half hour.

El Fiji Grande06/23/2019
Yep. Just good to know you're here.

Sil Dorsett06/23/2019
Do we really need the RMB notices every 5 minutes?

Lord Nessie, Ender of Regions06/23/2019
No, it's only because nobody Is posting much

Lord Nessie, Ender of Regions06/23/2019
@El Fiji Grande can you do the ping when it's time?

El Fiji Grande06/23/2019
The citizen ping here on #the-agora ?

Lord Nessie, Ender of Regions06/23/2019

El Fiji Grande06/23/2019
@Sil Dorsett - you'll need to allow me to make such a ping again

Sil Dorsett06/23/2019
I'll unlock it with a minute to go.

Lord Nessie, Ender of Regions06/23/2019

Sil Dorsett06/23/2019
You can start us off in 30 seconds, Fiji.
Punch it.

Lord Nessie, Ender of Regions06/23/2019
Start it on the RMB

Sil Dorsett06/23/2019
Time. I'll answer all questions up to this point, and then handle Aerilia's questions.

privileged bob06/23/2019
oh shit I forgot to answer Aerilia's from yesterday lmao


El Fiji Grande06/23/2019
Well done, Sil. Thanks for doing this again.

Sil Dorsett06/23/2019
You owe me an overtime question, Fiji.

El Fiji Grande06/23/2019
It's pretty basic. I'm not really qualified to ask about RP.

June 25, 2019
The Anomaly: RobespierreLast Tuesday at 1:49 PM
Hello, Gameside Advocates!

LotionLast Tuesday at 1:50 PM

The Anomaly: RobespierreLast Tuesday at 1:56 PM
Would this be the appropriate place to discuss the Ministry of Home Affairs’ plans to reform the mentorship program?
You all do have a pretty substantial role in that.

privileged bobLast Tuesday at 1:57 PM
we should suppress the entire RMB

correct or correct

LotionLast Tuesday at 1:57 PM

privileged bobLast Tuesday at 1:58 PM

The Anomaly: RobespierreLast Tuesday at 1:58 PM
Nope, let’s not do that.
Bob’s here too, so while no plans are official I think this is a great place to introduce the topic.
Now, in the coming weeks I plan to be a lot more active on the RMB side of things now that I’m a regional officer.
Typically, I’m extremely active on the forum side and on Discord, but I lack in-game activity unless it’s voting on World Assembly resolutions or participating in R/D
Gameside Advocates are much more aware of the RMB’s climate than I, so feel free to correct me where something could be improved.

ZazquatchLast Tuesday at 2:01 PM
less Nessie

The Anomaly: RobespierreLast Tuesday at 2:01 PM
Alright, so: A couple days ago Fiji and I were having a discussion about some of our options for what we can do with the mentorship program. I’d like to get some of your thoughts to see if this would be something we could get behind for newer nations.
One thing that we will have to work to pioneer is the mentorship program. Ideally, we'd have each person who joins the offsite forums personally welcomed to the region, and DMs set up to help guide that person. NBS tutorials could accompany that approach, and be used as resources by those who aren't as talkative in DMs. Mentorship has traditionally been conducted on a one-on-one basis, but this doesn't necessarily have to be the case; instead, we could have one big thread for newcomers to ask questions in the general discord server.
One thing that's pretty critical to the approach of welcoming each new person who joins the forum is knowing who those people are. That actually presents a bit of a problem, as our version of XenForo does not provide such a list, and the admins already have enough on their backs as it is. There's one way to find that information though - and this is, only here, to the left, under newest members:
This next part is more of an HA leadership thing then a GA thing, but we’ll need to createt a list of members who joined the forums either through a spreadsheet or otherwise that lists their date of joining too. We can use that statistic to see if this way works.
Remember, not everyone is as proactive as we’d like when it comes to asking mentors questions. Perhaps they feel intimidated, or maybe they’re not very active on Discord or don’t like engaging in DM conversations.
This accounts for that, and also it eliminates unnecessary and restrictive barriers when it comes to mentor-mentee communications because using this method nobody has to be reliant upon their mentor’s personal activity.
Instead, they can get answers from people qualified to answer them and it also brings into play a diversity of opinions so that mentees get an authentic experience and get to know not only one person but more than one person in the community since people can chime in on various questions.

LotionLast Tuesday at 2:15 PM
I mean, I think it seems good to me.

The Anomaly: RobespierreLast Tuesday at 2:15 PM
(Sorry for the textwall, I said my piece )

LotionLast Tuesday at 2:15 PM
Oh, its fine :P

The Anomaly: RobespierreLast Tuesday at 2:16 PM
What I’m really looking for is opinions on if this is worth pursuing as an alternative to what we have now. Taking into the account the abilities of the forum and how it can be used, I think this is an improvement.
Also, whenever GAs engage in conversation with nations coming to the forums we’d need to add them to the list once they do so.

June 26, 2019
KoalaLast Wednesday at 6:44 AM
So what I'm getting is you want the GAs to help with the mentors when we see someone who had been on the RMB? Like, help them fit in when getting used to forum? Or am I completely missing the point here lol

The Anomaly: RobespierreLast Wednesday at 7:03 AM
Something along the lines of that, yes. A big part of this is having newer nations make the transition from the RMB to the forums, and GAs already have a role in that am I correct?
This is more like an expansion upon that, just taking it another step further to kickstart this new system.

June 28, 2019
Lord Nessie, Ender of RegionsLast Friday at 7:49 AM
Is this thing fine again?

MefphuLast Friday at 2:28 PM
Mass mentions?
If so that's only 11 people and I'd guess that they're fine with it
Lord Nessie, Ender of RegionsLast Friday at 3:08 PM
nah, about the riot thing
i've already send them a warning

The Anomaly: RobespierreLast Friday at 3:33 PM
That was a meme gone too far, I think.
Didn’t the NS mods even give them a slap on the wrist for that?

LotionLast Friday at 3:41 PM

Lord Nessie, Ender of RegionsLast Friday at 4:48 PM
but somebody haven't got the message apparently

MefphuLast Friday at 4:51 PM
Since when was the riot injoke inherently an offense? I thought it was just spamming up RMBs(edited)

ZazquatchLast Friday at 4:57 PM
That's correct. And they've acknowledged not to repeat that. I see no issue with it tbh.

LotionLast Friday at 6:25 PM loud cough

The Anomaly: RobespierreLast Friday at 6:29 PM

privileged bobLast Friday at 6:31 PM
Suppressed. @Lotion

LotionLast Friday at 6:32 PM
He might need to be kicked or banned tbh, just by looking at this;

The Anomaly: RobespierreLast Friday at 6:34 PM
What sort of posts are we allowed to suppress?
I just suppressed his second one

ZazquatchLast Friday at 6:36 PM

The Anomaly: RobespierreLast Friday at 6:37 PM
Just casually warning people
I’m allowed to do that, yes?

privileged bobLast Friday at 6:38 PM
anything that's suspicious, just suppress it

The Anomaly: RobespierreLast Friday at 6:38 PM
Got it.(edited)
@El Fiji Grande eject a guy for me?

ZazquatchLast Friday at 6:43 PM
He had a run in with the mods previously in the Pacific. Interesting history.

The Anomaly: RobespierreLast Friday at 6:43 PM
That is interesting.
All the more reason to get rid of him here.

El Fiji GrandeLast Friday at 6:45 PM
Eject, or banject?

The Anomaly: RobespierreLast Friday at 6:46 PM
Whatever you see fit
Eject and if he comes back banject

El Fiji GrandeLast Friday at 6:46 PM

The Anomaly: RobespierreLast Friday at 6:47 PM

El Fiji GrandeLast Friday at 6:48 PM
That's the first time I ever ejected anyone from TNP

The Anomaly: RobespierreLast Friday at 6:48 PM
Too bad you had to waste it on that guy
It’s funny because he was a troll who told me not to ban him even though I don’t have border control authority

El Fiji GrandeLast Friday at 6:52 PM
Did someone file a GHR against him?

The Anomaly: RobespierreLast Friday at 6:53 PM
Do we need to do that?
He’s just some troll, who cares?
Probably not even worth that.

ZazquatchLast Friday at 6:54 PM
He's currently ban evading. Definitely should GHR.

The Anomaly: RobespierreLast Friday at 6:55 PM
GHR him
Want me to do it?

El Fiji GrandeLast Friday at 6:57 PM
Yep, go for it

LotionLast Friday at 6:57 PM

The Anomaly: RobespierreLast Friday at 6:57 PM
Will do.
“Good day,

Unfortunately, it seems as though we have a troll who’s made a handful of appearances on the regional message board of the North Pacific. As per our regional handbook, we aim to keep our RMB a fun, safe and language-friendly place for everyone. The following nation has continued to use excessive and unnecessary profanity even when asked to take his comments elsewhere:

Could the moderation team please look into this? He’s evading his banishment and will not cease posting on our RMB from our embassy in the Rejected Realms. We’ve been suppressing his messages until something is done.

Thank you.”
Yay! I got a nasty telegram too!
I wonder if he knows the moderation team can read that too...
Feds hate me

LotionLast Friday at 7:02 PM
probably not

ZazquatchLast Friday at 7:03 PM
Your first troll. You're an official member of the club.(edited)

The Anomaly: RobespierreLast Friday at 7:04 PM
sweeps the RMB
Cleaning, cleaning

El Fiji GrandeLast Friday at 7:05 PM
You can always attach TGs to GHRs by using the telegram ID

The Anomaly: RobespierreLast Friday at 7:06 PM
He sent it after I filed the GHR
Doesn’t matter though, mods can read them.
His only question was “What does GHR’d mean?”
You’ll find out soon enough
The Commonwealth of Utopicican
3 minutes ago

For some reason every time I try to post something I just get a message saying I failed a security check. Did I get restricted for something? I’m on a phone by the way.

El Fiji GrandeLast Friday at 7:11 PM
Get - Help - Request

The Anomaly: RobespierreLast Friday at 7:11 PM
This is what I said back to him: “Aye there!
By the looks of it, no, you have not been restricted. We actually don’t have the authority to do that for specific nations, so if you had done something actionable it would have just been an ejection or most likely a warning from a communication officer. You seem to be a rule follower, so i thank you for that. Let me look into your failed security check error message and I’ll see what the Gameside Advocates say.”
Do you guys know what may be preventing him? I was going to tell him to GHR it but I figured it’d be best to ask you guys first.

El Fiji GrandeLast Friday at 7:12 PM
Failed security check is typically what happens when you accidentally log out and try to post

The Anomaly: RobespierreLast Friday at 7:13 PM

LotionLast Friday at 7:28 PM
Yeah, that stuff happens to me sometimes. I'd wager they can just reload their page before posting and it'd work. Worked for me.

The Anomaly: RobespierreLast Friday at 7:29 PM
They resolved it.
I got them through it.

LotionLast Friday at 7:29 PM
Perfect then

The Anomaly: RobespierreLast Friday at 7:31 PM
People are feisty tonight

The Anomaly: RobespierreLast Friday at 8:39 PM
Oh my... he went to TSP, did the same thing, got banned.

El Fiji GrandeLast Friday at 11:12 PM
TSP was fun this evening
Zaz came too

June 29, 2019
The Anomaly: RobespierreLast Saturday at 8:22 AM
This dude is STILL doing this...
How is he still a nation? His posts have been suppressed by moderators on multiple RMBs
Poor TRR... they can’t eject him.
AND he moved to TWP

ZazquatchLast Saturday at 8:32 AM
Come on mods.

The Anomaly: RobespierreLast Saturday at 8:33 AM
BBD also just reported him.
Normally trolls just move on after their banned
But I like TWP so I poked their RMB watchdogs to go suppress him.
They’re not as quick as us.

ZazquatchLast Saturday at 8:35 AM
Oh you didn't need tell TWP to banject. They probably have the least tolerance for trolls than anyone.

The Anomaly: RobespierreLast Saturday at 8:36 AM
That’s true.
I just didn’t want him disrupting their RMB like he did ours for a moment.

ZazquatchLast Saturday at 8:36 AM
They'll ban for just a stupid name alone

The Anomaly: RobespierreLast Saturday at 8:36 AM
I know TWP will banject

privileged bobLast Saturday at 9:11 AM
we should riot again tbh

KoalaLast Saturday at 10:50 AM
It still says N/A on the dispatch. O.o

murica fuck yeahLast Saturday at 11:51 AM
Then what time is it tonight?

The Anomaly: RobespierreLast Saturday at 11:53 AM
Hmm... ask him?
I know my time for tomorrow is looking like it’ll be in the afternoon sometime.
I’m not on this

ZazquatchLast Saturday at 11:55 AM
It's also not updated with Sil and Bob's starting posts.

murica fuck yeahLast Saturday at 11:55 AM
I may be able to do it depending on the time

The Anomaly: RobespierreLast Saturday at 11:55 AM
May be able to update it?

murica fuck yeahLast Saturday at 12:06 PM
No the AMA

The Anomaly: RobespierreLast Saturday at 12:14 PM

Lord Nessie, Ender of RegionsLast Saturday at 1:21 PM
sorry guys for McM's AMA, i totally lost the sense of time
@The Anomaly: Robespierre do you have a time for tomorrow?

The Anomaly: RobespierreLast Saturday at 1:22 PM
Yes, it looks like it’ll be sometime tomorrow in the afternoon.
Aim for about... 2PM CDT? 3PM CDT?

Lord Nessie, Ender of RegionsLast Saturday at 1:27 PM
is that is fine for you then no problem

The Anomaly: RobespierreLast Saturday at 1:28 PM

Lord Nessie, Ender of RegionsLast Saturday at 1:28 PM
if not me another GA will start the event

The Anomaly: RobespierreLast Saturday at 1:28 PM
Thank you!

Lord Nessie, Ender of RegionsLast Saturday at 1:28 PM

Lord Nessie, Ender of RegionsLast Saturday at 1:42 PM
@El Fiji Grande should i let yalkan keep going with his riot thing?

El Fiji GrandeLast Saturday at 1:43 PM
Are people really irritated by it?

ZazquatchLast Saturday at 1:44 PM
I really don't see it as a problem. At most just ask him not to double post if it's an issue.

El Fiji GrandeLast Saturday at 1:45 PM
I'm with Zaz on this one. I think it's fine, for the most part.

Lord Nessie, Ender of RegionsLast Saturday at 1:45 PM
not really, but last time it become a spamfest and mods shows in to stop
as long as it's just him then it's fine

The Anomaly: RobespierreLast Saturday at 1:45 PM
That’s not good.

Lord Nessie, Ender of RegionsLast Saturday at 1:45 PM
like zaz said

The Anomaly: RobespierreLast Saturday at 1:45 PM
If other people join in with him you may want to tell him.
But if it’s just him, I don’t think there’s any harm done.

Lord Nessie, Ender of RegionsLast Saturday at 1:46 PM

The Anomaly: RobespierreLast Saturday at 1:46 PM
You didn’t ask me, but you know

Lord Nessie, Ender of RegionsLast Saturday at 1:47 PM
well, everyone is free to say it's own opion here, i don't mind listen to all. but i can't ping everyone
oh wait, i can

evil laugh

The Anomaly: RobespierreLast Saturday at 1:50 PM
Just didn’t want to seem like I was inserting myself in the conversation when I wasn’t asked to be a part of it. But, if you’re fine with it then that’s cool.

Lord Nessie, Ender of RegionsLast Saturday at 1:52 PM
nah, don't worry, feel free to do it

The Anomaly: RobespierreLast Saturday at 1:52 PM

Lord Nessie, Ender of RegionsLast Saturday at 3:10 PM
@The Anomaly: Robespierre is 2 pm fine for you?

The Anomaly: RobespierreLast Saturday at 3:10 PM

Lord Nessie, Ender of RegionsLast Saturday at 3:10 PM

The Anomaly: RobespierreLast Saturday at 3:29 PM
Did McM’s get scrapped again?

ZazquatchLast Saturday at 3:32 PM
Unsure, I think the scheduling for that was between Nessie and McM. Also is tomorrow's ama 2pm EDT?

The Anomaly: RobespierreLast Saturday at 3:33 PM
3PM EDT, 2PM CDT, 12PM PDT, and 1PM MT

ZazquatchLast Saturday at 3:35 PM
Alright alarm set.

The Anomaly: RobespierreLast Saturday at 3:35 PM
Thanks Zaz

ZazquatchLast Saturday at 3:39 PM
Alrighty I'm about to make an RMB post. Once someone else posts so I don't double post. XD(edited)

The Anomaly: RobespierreLast Saturday at 3:45 PM
Oh? You’ve ascended?

ZazquatchLast Saturday at 3:46 PM
It's about to be edited to promote the AMA is nobody posts soon.

The Anomaly: RobespierreLast Saturday at 3:47 PM
People posted lol

Lord Nessie, Ender of RegionsLast Saturday at 4:10 PM
McM will be hopefully next saturday, hopefully
otherwise i just need to check who's next

ZazquatchLast Saturday at 4:11 PM
How about Sil for a 4th time?

Lord Nessie, Ender of RegionsLast Saturday at 4:12 PM
he would probably ban me

June 30, 2019
Lord Nessie, Ender of RegionsYesterday at 5:56 AM
I have to go now, be sure to advertise the event on the RMB
I think i will be able to return in time to start it


El Fiji GrandeYesterday at 10:55 AM
One hour to go!

Lord Nessie, Ender of RegionsYesterday at 10:55 AM
Wait what?
1 hour?
Oh yes...

KoalaYesterday at 11:07 AM
Zaz is taking it right?

ZazquatchYesterday at 11:08 AM
Not if Nessie is around

KoalaYesterday at 11:09 AM
Okee dokee. I'm finally around this time to ask questions. XD

The Anomaly: RobespierreYesterday at 11:12 AM
That’s great! I’m excited to hear from you!

El Fiji GrandeYesterday at 12:01 PM
Let's go @Lord Nessie, Ender of Regions !
or @Zazquatch

The Anomaly: RobespierreYesterday at 1:06 PM
Thank you, @Lord Nessie, Ender of Regions and @Zazquatch, for giving me the opportunity to do this. It was a blast! I’ll be answering them all the next few hours probably, but I’ll try and get them done in one hour lol


Lord Nessie, Ender of RegionsYesterday at 1:12 PM
take your time, don't worry

The Anomaly: RobespierreYesterday at 1:16 PM
Will you guys go easy on me with double posting?

privileged bobYesterday at 1:17 PM
yeah you get unequivocal ability to double or triple post on AMAs

KoalaYesterday at 1:41 PM
fills whole page with posts

Lord Nessie, Ender of RegionsYesterday at 2:07 PM
only the one who is taking the AMA

privileged bobYesterday at 2:08 PM
yeah that was implied

July 1, 2019
El Fiji GrandeToday at 12:42 AM
This is a disturbing post:

The Anomaly: RobespierreToday at 1:00 AM
Gee, you think?
You didn’t eject him, though, so he must be okay unless he posts something like that again.

GhostToday at 1:02 AM
GHR that and let the mods take out the trash
Also make sure the offensive posts aren’t quoted and suppress those as well

The Anomaly: RobespierreToday at 1:14 AM
I don’t want to get into the habit of GHR’ing everyone for everything they post.
Mods may get sick of me, I’ve already GHR’d one troll this week.

Lord Nessie, Ender of RegionsToday at 2:49 AM
No need for ejecting him or filling a GHR every time Robespierre, Just send him a warning
If he persist then we can talk about ejecting or filling a GHR
Mods don't really gets sick if you spot a troll for them, i've the same feeling every time i send them a request

The Anomaly: RobespierreToday at 2:53 AM
I didn’t do that. I think it was Ghost saying we should for that guy.(edited)

Lord Nessie, Ender of RegionsToday at 2:58 AM
I thought he was referring to the post

The Anomaly: RobespierreToday at 3:04 AM
I think so, yeah

El Fiji GrandeToday at 10:00 PM
@Gameside Advocates - While I've already spoken to Highton, Lotion, and Malphe individually, there may be other information that must be provided in order to fully respond to the AG's FOIA Request.
The North Pacific
FOIA Request: Gameside Advocates
Under Section 7.5 of the Legal Code, aka the Freedom of Information Act, I would like to request all private government communications, either on the...

murica fuck yeahToday at 10:01 PM
Everyone please collaborate so that we can move along smoothly.

El Fiji GrandeToday at 10:32 PM
Are there any private GA chats that exist besides this channel? Perhaps on the offsite forums?
I'm aware of none, but I just want to check.

murica fuck yeahToday at 10:33 PM
There are none

El Fiji GrandeToday at 10:37 PM
Has any communication occurred between gameside advocates - in the service of your government roles as GAs - via Discord, TG, PM, etc?
I find this unlikely, but we need to consider that possibility.

LotionToday at 10:46 PM
For me, there are none.
(Sorry for the late response, I am currently writing something)

murica fuck yeahToday at 10:47 PM
Same here– I haven't spoken with any GAs regarding GA work outside of this channel.
El Fiji GrandeToday at 10:50 PM
We'll need everyone to respond to that, not just Malphe, Lotion, and Highton
In particular, I would like to request any public action taken by Lotion, Highton, and Malphe while acting as GAs, categorized by the person performing the action. This includes, but is not limited to: RMB post suppression, RMB AMAs led, and cautions issued. Private conversation and other such matters should not be included in this list, due to being covered by the previous request: this request is only for action taken in the public eye. Public conversation and actions not limited to those in authority, such as advice, recruitment, ad hoc mentorship, and alerting regional officers of potential rule violations should also not be included in this list.

Lotion Empire:
There’s nothing to report for Lotion Empire. Between May 13, 2019 and the present day, Lotion Empire has not conducted any public activity under the pretense of being a Gameside Advocate.

Highton Islands:
Highton Islands has issued one private warning via TG during this time frame.

There’s nothing to report for Malphe. Between May 13, 2019 and the present day, Malphe has not conducted any public activity under the pretense of being a Gameside Advocate.

While all three could be more active within the office, this is the full extent of the actions taken by them during the specified time frame over which they were acting as Gameside Advocates without an Oath of Office.


El Fiji Grande

A few questions/comments.

1. The "remove kebab" has previously been deemed actionable by the mods and can be GHRed. I believe meta discussion is permissible.

2. The conversation below piqued my curiosity.

Gameside Advocate Logs:
June 11, 2019
Lord Nessie, Ender of Regions06/11/2019
@Gameside Advocates thoughts on this:
Should i ban Miurma? Because right now i'm very tempted to since i don't belive an inch of what he wrote.(edited)

I hate when people say "My friend or brother got on my computer and did this". And if it was on his PC, how did he talked, then the spam, then him, then the spam, then him.
Obviously he was switching accounts to make the RMB "Active".
At least the RIOT had more sense into it.

Lord Nessie, Ender of Regions06/11/2019
This only makes me more tempted to kick him
Still, i want to hear what you think before taking any action

I would ban him


Lord Nessie, Ender of Regions06/11/2019
Waiting for more opinions about it

you’ve been given the only opinion that matters

Lord Nessie, Ender of Regions06/11/2019

I just want to be sure
But if anybody have to say anything about It i will procede to ban him

I don't mind. Dewit.


I think everyone should take 10 and cool down. All that's happening now is RMB drama and it's quite annoying.
(referring to the current bickering on the RMB)(edited)

Ban them all.

Srsly though, I'd just tell them to keep it civil

Lord Nessie, Ender of Regions06/11/2019
I've sent a tg to the mods, in case they know something more

Lord Nessie, Ender of Regions06/11/2019
Alright, i take my decision. Miruma will be banned

Sil Dorsett06/11/2019
I really don't think you have reason for it.
the spamming got under control. the incident is 3 hours old. If you didn't ban them as they were spamming, you don't have that reason available any longer.

Lord Nessie, Ender of Regions06/11/2019
you wouldn't have banned him so? even in the first place?

Sil Dorsett06/11/2019
The law that allows for those kinds of bans is intended to get a problematic situation under control quickly, not to punish others for old offenses. The incident is over, no action was taken during it, so there's no action to be taken any longer.(edited)

Lord Nessie, Ender of Regions06/11/2019
ok then

As far as I know, the law has no stated intention of getting things under control quickly and you can ban someone later. It’s been on the books for a long time. Such bans have happened plenty of times before, particularly as we can’t necessarily even be awake when a lot of stuff goes down.

June 12, 2019
Lord Nessie, Ender of Regions06/12/2019
I will keep an eye on him
If anything else happens, anything, It will be an immediate ban

While this conversation does not specify which laws are being referred to, I have included the ones I thought are relevant below (if I made a mistake, do correct me).

Section 7.3: Onsite Authority
11. Violators of NationStates rules, or residents banned offsite by forum administration, may be subject to summary ejection or banning.
12. Residents banned on the basis of forum bans imposed by forum administration may not be banned for longer than the length of the ban imposed by forum administration.
13. Nations recruiting for other regions may be subject to summary ejection or banning.
14. Nations for which the Court has issued an indictment permitting it may be ejected or banned.
15. Nations that have been so sentenced by the Court will be ejected or banned.
16. The official performing an ejection or ban will promptly inform the region and Government.
17. The Serving Delegate may regulate the Regional Message Board as they see fit.
18. Such regulations may not prohibit speech which is in the context of TNP politics.
19. All actions of the WA Delegate, the Serving Delegate, or of their appointed Regional Officers related to this section will be subject to judicial review.

From this section, it appears that the conditions under which someone may be banned are:
  1. Violators of NationStates rules
  2. Residents banned offsite by forum administration
  3. Nations recruiting for other regions
  4. Nations for which the Court says they may be banned
First, Are there any conditions I am missing in which a nation may be banned?

Secondly, with what consistency are these conditions applied? Based on my interpretation of the above conversation, it would appear the justification would be under the first condition, yet it was not banned.

Thirdly, the nation was not banned in that particular case (and I agree with not banning in that case at that point). What determinants are used to see if a NationStates Rules violators merits a ban?

3. Looking at the conversation below, I was rather confused by bob's comment. Was this comment serious or a joke? From the context (and potentially the aforementioned lack of emoticons) I am unable to see if so. I presume it is so but would like clarification.

The Anomaly: RobespierreLast Friday at 6:34 PM
What sort of posts are we allowed to suppress?
I just suppressed his second one

ZazquatchLast Friday at 6:36 PM

The Anomaly: RobespierreLast Friday at 6:37 PM
Just casually warning people
I’m allowed to do that, yes?

privileged bobLast Friday at 6:38 PM
anything that's suspicious, just suppress it

Would you be able to clarify the suppression policy?

The RMB Guidelines present a list of what can result in suppression, additionally, the previously quoted section on Onsite Authority mentions the Delegate may regulate the RMB as they see fit provided the speech is not in the context of TNP politics.

We’ll happily answer your questions, @Praetor. However, I would like to note that the reason for the initial FOIA Request by Darcania was to determine if there were any mechanical offenses that the three Gameside Advocates who failed to take their oaths had done. As far as I have been able to determine, there were none. Your questions present a different, and entirely unrelated line of enquiry - that into the suppression policies of the entire GA - something much wider in scope. Nevertheless, in an effort to promote transparency, we will do our best to answer these questions appropriately and in a timely fashion.
1. The "remove kebab" has previously been deemed actionable by the mods and can be GHRed. I believe meta discussion is permissible.
June 2, 2019
Lord Nessie, Ender of Regions06/02/2019
@Gameside Advocates what is your position on the "Remove Kebab"? Should it be always suppressed or should it be suppressed only in particular occasions?

privileged bob06/02/2019
Suppress always, full stop

Suppress no matter what.
I understand its a funny meme but its supposed to be a stereotypical/rude one towards the Turkish grouping.

Yeah probs supress always

privileged bob06/02/2019
It's not even a funny meme.

Lord Nessie, Ender of Regions06/02/2019

murica fuck yeah06/02/2019
Suppress 100%
“Remove kebab,” for those who aren’t familiar, is a reference to white supremacy, and promotes the genocide of Muslims. Thus, it is inherently against NS Rules, and represents an actionable offense. The comments made on June 2, 2019 in the GA chat are in agreement with this position.
From this section, it appears that the conditions under which someone may be banned are:
Violators of NationStates rules
Residents banned offsite by forum administration
Nations recruiting for other regions
Nations for which the Court says they may be banned

First, Are there any conditions I am missing in which a nation may be banned?
You’re not missing anything. These are the full list of reasons. The incident that piqued your interest would indeed have fallen under category one, as spamming is considered a violation of NS Rules. Specifically:
"The following cannot be posted: any content that is: obscene, illegal, threatening, malicious, defamatory, spam"
Secondly, with what consistency are these conditions applied? Based on my interpretation of the above conversation, it would appear the justification would be under the first condition, yet it was not banned.
There are two main lines of reasoning. Firstly, it’s important to note one of the inherent issues of the Gameside Advocates as an institution. We have a few issues with diversity of location, in that while it’s important to maintain a constant presence on the RMB, we often can’t, simply due to timezone. Furthermore, it’s important to remember that real life comes first, and each of our GAs have their own lives to attend to and can’t be omnipresent. What that amounts to is a situation where GAs may not be present for every situation that occurs on the RMB, and may only come across it some hours later. Secondly, we don’t try to ban anyone if we don’t need to. The GAs would much rather have someone learn their lesson and resume orderly behavior than to simply ban them without hesitation. The use of bans should only be a last resort used only if the player is clearly causing trouble intentionally or has caused other severe damage/rule violations.

In most cases, there aren’t any problems. In the situation outlined in your post, GAs weren’t present when the incident occurred, and considered taking action later based on the spam that nation was producing. Instead, a warning was issued, and the nation was not banned.
Thirdly, the nation was not banned in that particular case (and I agree with not banning in that case at that point). What determinants are used to see if a NationStates Rules violators merits a ban?
The determinants are the severity of the violation and the frequency of the violation. If borderline spamming occurs, we may consider suppressing it, whereas obvious, unrelenting spamming will be suppressed and a GHR filed. Furthermore, if an actionable offense occurs and persists even after a warning is posted, GAs may consider a ban under NS Rules violators.

In the case of the nation in question, the severity was mid-range, but it only occurred once. We decided to give that nation the benefit of the doubt for the time being, but would follow through with a ban should the nation later continue with actionable behavior. This reasoning also explains Bob’s quote.
3. Looking at the conversation below, I was rather confused by bob's comment. Was this comment serious or a joke? From the context (and potentially the aforementioned lack of emoticons) I am unable to see if so. I presume it is so but would like clarification.
It should be noted that Bob is a member of the Executive Council, and is not a member of the GA. Bob clarified on his statement:
“If there's something questionable, it's better you suppress rather than let it fester. The mods won't immediately respond to GHRs.”
Simply put, he was not joking. For clarity, no emojis were used in relation to his post.
Would you be able to clarify the suppression policy?
I think you answered your own question to some extent by linking the RMB Guidelines. This general policy is outlined below:
1. When engaging in a conversation, please use the quote button to notify the other user you have responded.
2. When writing long paragraphs of conversation, please use spoilers.
3. Do not spam, flame, or harass other players on the RMB.
4. Keep all posts PG-13.
5. Do not speak on behalf of the community unless it is your duty to do so.
6. Do not quote spam or offensive posts. If a post you quote gets suppressed, please proceed to delete your post or to edit out the suppressed quote. Otherwise, your post will be suppressed as well.
7. Try not to post multiple times in a row. If you have more to say, you can edit your original post. Multiple messages may be removed.
8. Recruitment posts are prohibited.
9. Do not engage with players who break the rules. If you see rule-breaking, report it to the Gameside Advocates.
10. Always listen to Regional Officers and Gameside Advocates.
Failure to adhere to these guidelines may result in the suppression of posts without warning.
While I’m aware that simply quoting the policies outlined by the RMB Guidelines doesn’t really answer your question, in that it does not clarify the policies, I fail to see how they could be made more clear.

It is noted that the Delegate can regulate the RMB as he or she sees fit. Personally, I defer to the GAs, who themselves follow the rules as listed above. There has not been any occasion in which I have superseded these rules with my own reasoning.

Additionally, I’d like to note that some of these criteria can be somewhat subjective. That is why conversations like the one you quoted above occur. GAs do their best to follow the rules outlined in our Constitution, Bill of Rights, and Legal Code, and these conversations represent the best way we know how to check with one another that the actions we believe are right based on the RMB Guidelines are indeed within the rules we live by.


El Fiji Grande

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