- TNP Nation
- Ethnon
- Discord
- Marcus Antonius #8887
Nations of The North Pacific! It is with great pleasure and honor that I accept the position as Minister of Home Affairs of this great region.
I would like to pass on my thanks to my predecessor @BMWSurfer for carrying out his duties admirably, it was an honor to serve as one of his Deputy Ministers. He has left the office nice and tidy but has taken all the pens and I cannot find any rum anywhere.
As you may all be aware I was on a Leave of Absence (LoA) when our Delegate, Fiji, announced my appointment. I had planned this LoA a few months ago and reported my intention on March 11th 2019. I was unable to change any of my arrangements for my Fathers 79th and my Wife's 61st Birthday celebrations. I even missed my Nation's, Ethnon, 1st Birthday! (13th May)
I will be working very closely with the Delegate to bring more people into our community. I wish to streamline operations and be more targeted in the recruitment we do. HA will conduct weekly manual recruitment lists to boost regional participation and will concentrate initial efforts to update and rewrite recruitment telegrams. Recruitment isn’t the only concern; retention and mentorship of recruited nations is vitally important to a successful future. As such, HA will produce training resources and guides for newcomers looking to get started in each of our ministries and in other facets of our region, such as elected offices and roleplay. This will include producing NBS tutorials to help retain newcomers’ interest, updating and revamping the FAQ’s, and rebooting the in-person mentorship program that, prior to the forum emergency, was so active. These guides, training resources, and tutorials will form the backbone of TNP’s University. The mentorship program should not stop with a cursory overview of the boards and discord, but help train newcomers for success in each ministry. HA should partner with each ministry to make these efforts successful.
Additionally, HA cannot forget the Gameside Advocates, who are really an underutilized resource. GA’s should not only be moderators of the RMB, but stewards of activity. Their role should be redefined to build personal connections with new players, and recommend players to specific ministries or activities within TNP. This can be done by assisting in their nation development, directing them to useful resources in NS and in TNP, conducting RMB games and events, by introducing them to our forum and discord, and by promoting roleplays within our community, both on SR and Eras. The RMB AMA program will continue. GA’s would also be encouraged to host other events, like trivia nights and Cards Against Humanity sessions. It is the Delegates hope that the program will bring many more people to the offsite forums and the GA’s will hopefully be bringing many new players to our forumside.
HA will also continue the current NS Card programs. This includes the NS Card Giveaway, our daily Keeper of the North lottery, and our monthly WADP awards. NS Cards may also be featured as awards in contests and other regional events.
With all these tasks outlined above, I concur with the Delegates choices for my Deputies @Bobberino and @Robespierre. Nomination of DM's by the Delegate may be unprecedented but with my absence I would have done the same thing if the positions were reversed. A Ministry must have a presence of leadership in place even if it is temporarily headed by a DM. I may be adding more DM's during my term as and when required. So if you are interested in becoming a DMoHA please let me know.
So here's to a great term everyone!
ad astra "to the stars"