[SC - Nearing Quorum] Repeal: "Liberate Politics Amino"

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Not Just For Breakfast


Repeal: "Liberate Politics Amino"
Category: Repeal | Target: SC #277
Proposed by: Lord Dominator | Onsite Topic
Security Council Resolution #277 “Liberate Politics Amino” shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

The Security Council,

Recognizing that in the course of events that regions often fall under the sway of raiders seeking to destroy them,

Holding that Liberation resolutions must be passed by this Council to prevent the total destruction and refounding of regions,

Observing the recently needed Liberation of Politics Amino to prevent said events from occurring,

Saddened therefore that Politics Amino was refounded by raider forces before it could be saved from absolute destruction via a Security Council Liberation,

Believing that this has rendered the existence of SC#277 Liberate Politics Amino quite useless,

Further Believing that the continued existence of the aforementioned Liberation will only serve to make the now trophy region more valuable to its raider owners rather than any useful end,

Hereby Repeals SC#277 Liberate Politics Amino.
Voting Instructions:
  • Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
  • Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
  • Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
  • Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.

Detailed opinions with your vote are appreciated and encouraged!
Information For Voters:

This proposal is factually incorrect and misrepresents the current situation in the target region. Politics Amino is currently not under the control of raiders but is under the control of a defender. This proposal thus miscategorises a defender as a raider. While a repeal of the liberation is not a bad idea, the situation remains fluid. As such, it is important to ensure the contents of the proposal are factually accurate before decisions relating to the repeal are made. In this proposal a significant error has been made. Given all of the above, Politics Amino is currently in protective hands, and there is no reason to rush to change its liberated status.

For these reasons the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote Against this repeal.
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It was previously. I'll admit I should have updated that clause to reflect new ownership of the region since then, but it was successfully refounded by raiders.
Against. My WA is no longer in TNP—still remain against the resolution obviously.

This resolution omits important information. Including but not limited to the region is now under the control of Kuriko a defender after the raider founder nation CTEd.
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This resolution omits important information. Including but not limited to the region is now under the control of Kuriko a defender after the raider founder nation CTEd.

If its in the control of a defender, then isntit liberated?
If its in the control of a defender, then isntit liberated?
A liberation removes any Delegate imposed password. It does not remove the ability for a founder to impose a password.

This proposal wants to remove that ability (which is fine) as it is no longer needed, however, the proposal excludes relevant information.
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