1. What other regions are you currently involved in? What positions do you hold in other regions? Do you foresee a change in your answer in the near future?
None. I am only involved in The North Pacific, and I expect it to remain that way.
2. Is there sufficient transparency between the region and the Security Council? If not, how can this be improved?
I would say so. I think there are certain conversations about the security of the region that are best to remain behind closed doors, and the SC is designed with these candid conversations in mind. I think, especially as citizens become more involved in our regional government, that the role of the SC becomes more clear. Additionally, the Vice Delegate already produces weekly reports on the state of SCer endorsement counts, as well as what count of endorsements is enough to get nations monitored. While these reports do not include details from SC discussions, I don't think they should.
3. By what criteria should the Vice Delegate determine if an applicant for citizenship should fail their check? In your answer, please include on how foreign individuals and/or organizations (eg. Gameplay, other GCRs, allies) should impact the decision-making process.
The Vice Delegate should discuss the application of any individual deemed a potential security threat. The VD and SC should only consider the individual's history (including former coups). In my opinion, the VD should reject any applicant that
could pose a threat to our democracy in this way. I would leave it to the Regional Assembly to decide whether other factors should be considered in either upholding or overriding the VD's decision.
4. At what minimum frequency should it be expected for a member of the Security Council to tart?
I'd say about once per week. That's a lot of time to catch up if you fall behind, and it provides some leeway for people with a lot going on. That said, the expected frequency should be every day, and barring that, every two days. As you may be able to see from my history of endotarting, I have consistently met this standard.
5. Are the laws around the Security Council adequate? If not, how can they be improved?
I see no reason to change them at this time.