- TNP Nation
- Kranostav
- Discord
- Tlomz

World Assembly Sponsorship Application
Program Details
Are you planning on submitting a proposal to the World Assembly? That's fantastic! The Ministry of World Assembly Affairs would like to assist you in making your dream of passing a World Assembly resolution a reality. How can we do this? Successful applications can expect assistance with in-house drafting and acquiring the votes of TNP's delegate as well as taking advantage of lobbying opportunities which may otherwise not have been available.
Basic Requirements
To apply for sponsorship, you must have at least a general summary or goal for your proposal to achieve, and the ability to submit a draft when applicable. Candidates do not have to reside within TNP but are more than welcome to join in order to acquire the amount of endorsements needed (2) to submit a draft of their future proposal.
Application Process
Upon applying, your proposal/proposal summary/ideas will be evaluated by the WA Ministry leadership in order to determine viability and possible drafting opportunities. If you do not have a complete draft, assistance in drafting will be supplied and additional resources will be given including exposure to experienced WA members both within and outside the region. Additionally, it is strongly recommended that you add your draft to the NS World Assembly forums for additional help in drafting. Once your draft is complete, your proposal will be reviewed by the sitting WA Minister and Delegate, If approved by both, it will gain the vote of the Delegate and an IFV in favor of the proposal as well as aforementioned lobbying opportunities.
Application Form
In order to apply, simply fill out the appropriate form that best reflects the current state of your idea/draft and post it as a reply to this thread. A response should be expected within a few business days. If it has been more than five, please bring it to the attention of the sitting WA Minister or their superior.
Code for completed drafts -
WA Nation:
Proposal Title:
Council: < General Assembly, Security Council >
Proposal Category: < Repeal, Moral Decency, Social Justice, ect. >
Link to Proposal (if applicable): <NationStates topic/Forum topic>
Proposal Summary:
Code for ideas/concepts -
WA Nation/Main Nation:
Potential Title:
Council: < General Assembly, Security Council >
Proposal Summary/Ideas:
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