Recall Reform Act

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I think specific and more stringent activity requirements should be put in place by the proper means. If not, we end up with too many SC members who have no incentive to actually be more than minimally active. Take, for instance, me.

I should have been more active in terms of actually interaction on the SC section of the forum. All things considered, I would have recalled me too after taking a closer look at it.
The trouble is to get it enacted. The SC is not technically part of the 'Goernment" but rather an ad hoc arrangement to use game mechanics to keep invaders, usurpers and rogues from seizing the Delegacy and in practical terms, works purely with manipulating game mechanics in a legitimate fashion (by cooperative efforts). SC members are not technically 'Government Officials' for this reason and that is why SC members can also be Delegate, Vice Delegate or any other elected position in TNP. Given the mechanical nature of the SC, might it also be possible that the SC can do more in the way of governing it's own membership if it provides a more effective means for the SC to act?
SC members are 100% government officials. It explicitly says so in Article 7; otherwise you wouldn't have been recalled.
SCers can hold other offices simply because the SC does not belong to any branch of government (executive, judicial, legislative), and so aren't restricted from being in another branch.
SC members are 100% government officials. It explicitly says so in Article 7; otherwise you wouldn't have been recalled.
SCers can hold other offices simply because the SC does not belong to any branch of government (executive, judicial, legislative), and so aren't restricted from being in another branch.
Constitution Article 7. General Provisions:
2. Government officials are the constitutionally-mandated elected officials, any officials appointed by them as permitted by law, and members of the Security Council.
SC members are 100% government officials. It explicitly says so in Article 7; otherwise you wouldn't have been recalled.
SCers can hold other offices simply because the SC does not belong to any branch of government (executive, judicial, legislative), and so aren't restricted from being in another branch.

OK, you are correct. I forgot about the kerfluffle many years ago about whether or not SCers were able to hold an elected position in addition to their SC position. That was a long time ago, per se.

I remember GBM delivering a very well worded description as per the theory behind SCers being of a game-mechanical nature that is supposed to be independent of the political aspects of government, or something to that affect.
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