My resignation


The Legal Eagle
Hi everyone, I’m here to tender my resignation (not that it is necessary since I cte’d but hey). My time here has been wonderful, but unfortunately I have become very busy and have become progressively less active and for that I apologize. I hope to return when things in RL slow down but until then I bid thee adieu. You guys are awesome! Keep it that way.
Happy trails, Limerick. You surprised us all when you demonstrated a prolific knowledge of the workings of the Court and became a Court Justice without even a year of experience. You had and have a lot of potential both here and IRL. Go get em tiger. Hope to see you again soon.
It was great having you in our community, Limerick. Good luck on your future endeavors and I hope for your return.
It was great to have you here as a mentor and really a light to the noobs of TNP- that after merely a year, you were an incredible court justice. Happy trails, and keep bring awesome. O7