New Legland
Elections for Prime Minister and House of Representatives took place, the Prime Minister announced a new Cabinet, Roleplay is finally becoming active, and an official cheese of the month has been named.
Elections: Closer than Expected
The January 2019 elections were quite exciting, with many winning by a landslide vote, and with others struggling to be elected.
Cabinet Appointments: the SCUT Triumphs?
Prime Minister Libertatis Regalis has appointed a new cabinet for the first session of 2019. Going off of his plan to remove approximately 80% of the cabinet, there were many changes in the Cabinet with prominent members such as Elysium, being removed.
Deputy Prime Minister: Vamperiall
Minister of Foreign Affairs: New Legland
Minister of Internal Affairs: Chundukeratopia (now resigned)
Minister of Culture: Carropia
Minister of Communications: Marcelli
Minister of Defense: Lashnakia (now resigned), currently The Chariot
Domestic Policy Advisor: Waltonburg-Vallonheim
Foreign Policy Advisor: Sword BJ
Two of the initial appointments to the Cabinet as well as one of the appointments later on were all former high-ranking officers in the SCUT, a now defunct alliance Force was once at war with. New Legland served as their head of Foreign Affairs, Chundukeratopia served as their head of Internal Affairs, and The Chariot was head of their Armed Forces. With Chundukeratopia choosing to resign from the Cabinet, this now leaves two. Could the SCUT be making a comeback? Only time will tell.
Roleplay: Finally Active!
Roleplay in Force has finally become more active, with many new people joining, especially with the introduction of the new Official RP Community. This system introduces a number of programs designed to maximize the realism of the RP and help make calculating things such as populations and GDPs easier. There have been many map annexations and thus, the map of Force will soon be expanded. Many nations have chose to introduce policies; most notably tariffs on goods from other countries. Additionally, some nations have chose to form pacts to try and wield greater influence on the world stage. With this new activity, it is our hope that the lore of Force will continue to expand and reach new horizons.
Cheese of the Month
In recent news, the Prime Minister has declared Extra-Sharp Cheddar to be the official cheese of Force. Anyone caught consuming other types of cheese may be subject to dirty looks and peer pressure.
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