The Lake Prime Declaration


"I will be true to you whatever comes."
TNP Nation
Castle in Confidence

The Lake Prime Declaration
A Declaration to the World by the United and Faithful Dominions of Sutherland

It is by peace that nations come into their own and rise to face the challenges that unite a people. It is in the face of chaos and destruction that a people reject this reality as absolute and work to build something in audacious opposition. Through the gifts of human reason and the charity of faith overcoming this can become a reality and make known the way for a future of greatness and success.

This unilateral declaration has become necessary as the deliberations with the McMasterdonian crown have proved unable to provide this desired future for Sutherland, a robust people who desire much more than what McMasterdonia is willing to allow and tolerate. It is with great joy, respect, and courage the we the Sutherlan people no longer remain privy to that McMasterdonian struggle for tolerance and understanding.

As of today, this Sutherland Federation declares its unconditional separation from McMasterdonia without any other consideration.
The Sutherlan potential has become too strong to be tethered by the old world order any longer. We as a united people among the dominions reach for a future that is greater than our present time and only by removing the shackles of old ideas and limited understandings may we do that. It begins here through the breathing and living promise of this document. The ink on this page is a testament to what it is Sutherland can and will become through the help of friendly nations and a faith unshakable.

The faith that leads us may set us apart from many others in this world, it may be misunderstood or opposed, but we see its beauty and guiding nature to that which is better than what is of now. It is this guidance that brought Sutherland together in the first place, and it shall continue to be like the star in the distance. We may lose sight of it if only for a moment, but we are determined to always find it again and pave the way forward. We the people in the cities and in the fields unite as one to overcome those shadows of our past and know only what is good for ourselves, our children, and those who come after.

We depart from this conflict in every way. We wish McMasterdonia well in all that it wishes to accomplish for its people, but we will have no part in it for we see a good very different from our southern neighbor, and we must seek it out for in it we see something too precious to give up. May God be with McMasterdonia and lead the nation to where it must go. We pray that He may lead Sutherland as well for our hope knows it shall be, and our faith seals this reality in our hearts.

Go forth all Sutherlan people and live out the truth. Worry no more of foreign oppression but only freedom and all that awaits us in it. Our chance is now and our certainty a foundation. We stride on only by grace. Let all these things be known in the hearts and minds of all nations, but most of all let them know that:

Sutherland is free!

International Compact
Here let all nations that affirm Sutherland's free status be listed by signature of their leader or a representative therein.

Arc-Wonderess of Sutherland

The Imperial Goyanean Federation
Ministry of Foreign Affairs

January 13, 2018

Your Excellency,

While Goyanes has already affirmed the independence of Sutherland in the past, by participating in the Eras Society of Honorable Nations, and the establishment of an embassy and consular presence, we still believe it just to provide our confirmation that we recognize Sutherland as an independent and sovereign nation state. We offer our full support and express the best of luck as Sutherland develops its international presence. We look forward to continue working with both the Government of Sutherland and yourself.

Good things come to those who wait,
Ken Lorge
Minister of Foreign Affairs


Statement on the Lake Prime Declaration

It has been the consistent position of His Majesty's Government that the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all countries should be fully respected by all states, for the sake of stability and order in an increasingly uncertain world. We have believed that the Sutherland issue should have been resolved through peaceful means and through consultation and dialogue between the concerned parties.

As the McMasterdonian Civil War begins to grind to a halt it is paramount that as little further strife occur as possible, lest conflict begin anew and more deaths occur. HM Government therefore embarked upon a stance of non-recognition, in hopes that Intelligentsia and Archcentre would be able to forge a diplomatic agreement to end the crisis and peacefully reintegrate Sutherland into the McMasterdonian realm.

HM Government has taken note of the Unilateral Declaration of Independence by the Sutherland Federation made earlier today in the city of Lake Prime. We have watched the Sutherland situation closely and have noted that, though tensions have not risen, the aforementioned diplomatic process between McMasterdonia and Sutherland has, and that it is unlikely that any meaningful diplomatic processes would have occurred in days to come had the Lake Prime Declaration not been issued.

To that end, it has become necessary for the Empire to offer its recognition of the Sutherland Federation as an independent and sovereign state. We do so accompanied by a call for peace. The terrorist group known as the Patriarchate of Cape El is on the run, with defeat inevitable. International recognition of Sutherland has continued to grow; a trend we strongly urge those Imperial allies and/or fellow Commonwealth member states who have not yet offered diplomatic recognition to Sutherland to participate in. The calamitous civil war in McMasterdonia is nearly over.

We solemnly urge our McMasterdonian allies, in the spirit of the friendship between our own states, to formally recognize the independence of the Sutherland Federation and let peace, calm, reason, and fraternity prevail in these dark times.

Rahul Khanna
Secretary of State of the Syrixian Empire
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Your Excellency,

Though we have previously recognized the independence of the Dominions of Sutherland it is with much enthusiasm and joy that the government of the Kingdom of Prydania greets the news of your declaration. We too are a nation emerging from the trials of conflict, and it's through the shared bonds of struggle and faith that we believe our two nations can grow closer in mutual respect and cooperation. The Prydanian Realm wishes the Dominions of Sutherland good fortune in the coming years. It shall always have common bonds with our Realm and our people.

With much regards,
Harald Daaé
Minister of Foreign Affairs​
Letter from the Office of the President

We wish the congratulate Sutherland on their Declaration of Independence. In the opinion of the Cojedan nation, it has been a long time coming. We are pleased that we are able to number ourselves among the allies of the country and do hereby reaffirm our promise to stand by the nation. We call on McMasterdonia to recognize the Independence of Sutherland. We wish Sutherland all the best in the future and pledge our continuous support for its right to self determination.

With all sincerity and hopes for the best,
Irene Molina, President of the Republic of Cojedes

Statement on the Lake Prime Declaration- Ministry of Foreign Affairs, State of Iraelia

It is the position of the State of Iraelia that self-determination is a fundamental right of all people. It is also the belief of the State of Iraelia that all governments have the right to maintain territorial sovereignty and integrity.
The State Government acknowledges that these sometimes conflicting beliefs can offer no clear way forward. It is because of this that the State Government of Iraelai has withheld recognition of Sutherland's independence in the hopes that the conflict with the Kingdom of McMasterdonia could be resolved peacefully in a manner that respected the rights, dignity, and wishes of all parties.
The State Government regrets that negotiations in this dispute have stalled, but must also recognize the political realities of the southern Meterran continent. The unilateral declaration of independence of the Dominions of Sutherland is a final step, securing in a legal sense what has already been the reality in a practical sense. The Dominions of Sutherland are independent in so far as that government effectively controls the territory it claims. To deny this claim would not only be to foolishly ignore the political realities of the region, it would also be to deny the people of Sutherland the right of self-determination they have exercised through their government.
It is for these reasons that the State Government of Iraelia recognizes the independence and sovereignty of the Dominions of Sutherland and wishes that government and its people happiness in pursuit of their own destiny.

Amir Chaviv
Minister of Foreign Affairs​
Statement from the Dominion:
CoA 500x500.png

Dominion of Sundred
Ministry of Foreign Relations

On Behalf of her Ladyship, the Oracle of Sundred, the Government of the Dominion of Sundred formally recognizes the Sovereignty and Independence of the Sutherland Federation and its people.

We wish the newly independent state all the well wishes of a prospering society and self-determinating state as they stake their claim in Eras. A proverb of a past Oracle goes "When the snows fall and the white winds blow, the lone wolf dies but the pack survives." May the citizens of Sutherland stand together in unity, for otherwise their venture surely shall not succeed.

Signed in the Name of the Oracle,

Athena Mineveral

Minister for Foreign Relations




Statement on the Lake Prime Declaration

Your Excellency,

It is the position of His Majesty's Government, that Sutherland has every right to be free, and has the right to determine its own destiny. As such, the Most Serene State of Predice offers its recognition of the Sutherland Federation.

Predice calls for peace and calm during these tough times, and calls upon the international community to recognise the Sutherland Federation as well.

Umberto Alexander Giugini
Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Most Serene State of Predice
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From the Mondic government
Despite how close the McMasterdonian government is to our government, and despite how important of an ally McMasterdonia is; we in the Republic of Mondari support the Sutherland Federation's move to officially seperate from McMasterdonia due to the fact that we believe that self determination is a right that should be afforded to all people.
Preston Milton
President of the RM
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*Aussenministerium(Außenministerium)-Seine Kaiserliche Majestät Riegerung
(Department of Foreign Affairs - His Imperial Majesty’s Government)

**His/Her Imperial Cimmerian Majesty is the style used for Cimmerian passports, as well as most international correspondence and relations.

***Hauptstraße - Main Street
The Crowned Republic of Highton reaffirms its recognition of the Sutherland Federation as a fully sovereign independence state. The Sutherlan people have exercised their right to self determination and as such such seceded from the Kingdom of McMasterdonia. As Highton was the first nation to recognize Sutherland after the initial declaration of independence last year, it hopes the friendship between the two democracies will continue, and that the Federation will prosper and continue to develop on the international stage.

Antonio Fernández
Secretary of International Affairs
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The Kingdom of McMasterdonia does not recognise or accept the independent sovereignty of the province of Sutherland and asserts our right to protect our territorial integrity.

The Kingdom acknowledges that the following nations have accepted this unilateral and illegal declaration of independence:
  1. The Imperial Goyanean Federation
  2. The Syrixian Empire
  3. The Kingdom of Prydania
  4. The State of Iraelia
  5. The Dominion of Sundred
  6. The Democratic Districts of Midir
  7. The Crowned Republic of Highton

The Kingdom orders that the Embassy and Consular staff of all of the aforementioned be reduced by 20% within 48 hours. In addition, all military advisers in The Kingdom on behalf of The Syrixian Empire are ordered to immediately leave the Kingdom.

The Kingdom will remember this betrayal and the failure of the international community to protect the territorial integrity of a legitimate nation state. On this occasion, the international community has partnered with theocratic rule, instead of supporting and defending a secular state under siege.

This is truly a sad day for the international community and The Kingdom of McMasterdonia.

For media enquiries contact:

Statement from the Minister of Foreign Affairs
After much discussion, His Majesty's Government has decided that the territory of the Kingdom of McMasterdonia, our ally, must not be violated nor torn apart by religious separatists.

We strongly condemn the actions of the separatists and hope that a conclusion amicable to all parties is reachable. We urge our allies in McMasterdonia to look into the question of the supposed persecution of religious minorities there and to put to any conflict or hostility.

We regret that many other nations have decided to insult the territorial integrity of the Kingdom of McMasterdonia by rushing to recognize the illegal actions of separatists without consulting the central government first. We urge all other nations making such a move to reverse their actions immediately.

Arturo Menendez
Minister for Foreign Affairs

Trokhym Vuorela Announces The National Councils Decision on Sutherland recognition
To the surprise of most of the atheist communities within Valamo, the Speaker of the National Council of the Commune, Trokhym Vuorela has announced the Commune's decision to recognize Sutherland independence.

According to Trokhym's announcement, the proposal was initially met with confusion, due to Valamo's stance on religion. After numerous debates that continued for a few days, and no progress on the debate being made, it was decided to have a vote for the Council. With representatives from the "National Party of Socialists and Anarchists", the "Social Reform Party", the "National Republic Party", and the "Democratic Party" handling the vote, 60% of the Council had voted in favor for Sutherland Independence.

Additionally, Trokhym later stated during his announcement, "Whilst the Commune is not particularly religious in terms of its official stance, We are willing to overlook it, in the face of future diplomacy, trade, and to support the independence of nations that were stuck in the imperialism of the various empires and kingdoms in the world." Trokhym later said that the Commune was willing to trade and establish relations between the two nations.
Samtök Reykja Fullvalda Dax Recognition of The Sutherland Federation

It was with a joyful heart that I communicate the full and unconditional recognition by Dax, of The Sutherland Federation, as a free people, a free culture, a free nation. A resolution today has passed in Nýtt Beaconsviði with unanimity officially acknowledging and respecting the Lake Prime Declaration as part of our Affirmation of Freedom. Self determination is a thing which our government recognizes as a clearly superior status to the alternatives and it is in this spirit that we wish the people of Sutherland nothing short of prosperity and stability in the decades to come.

Klemenz Bech,
President of The Samtök Reykja Fullvalda Dax