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Wonderess for Speaker: Continuing the Vision
Reliance: One thing I learned early on is that despite my tendency to want to do the work myself, trust of others in the office and giving others the chance to serve alongside me greatly increases the range of the office, builds a working bond between fellow citizens, and allows the office to set it sights on other projects besides the daily record work. I want to thank very much @Prydania and @Artemis for their patience, eagerness to learn, and excellent work. I truly could not be here before you in one piece if not for their help.
Regarding the Speaker's Staff: Currently, the Speaker's Staff consists of @Bobberino, @Yuno, @Dinoium, and @abc. I did not know how to best utilize the staff at the start of the term and actually considered disbanding it. I decided to cease the production of the Regional Assembly Digest because it was mainly a list of things that were easily accessible to the public and it in no way was adding the the conversations that illumine the Regional Assembly. Public opinion also seemed to be apathetic towards its publication which all led to my ending of that document. Currently, the staff is working with the citizenry, that is right, you, to create the first edition if the Digest's successor which shall be a collection of scholarly insights into legislation that is facing and recently has faced the chamber. This will not only inform the region of what is going on in the chamber but also adds to the conversation in a respectful and insightful way. Whether I am reelected or not, I do hope this project can come to fruition.
What Has Excited Me: There have been some developments in the office that have really given me a joy for the job that I do. Firstly, I have loved the two assemblies we have had through the Voice to Excellence Program. Hearing citizens provide feedback and speak as a community to help improve legislation in a respectful way is exactly the type of moments I hoped for when I first considered running, and I am happy I could be a small part of allowing more opportunities for that to happen. I am also very impressed with the amount of activity that has graced the Regional Assembly these past months, though I cannot say that it is because anything I have done. However, I have enjoyed reading the many points of view and ideas that have come from it. This office is a union of record keeping and fostering community and I have enjoyed both these aspects immensely.
Citizenship Checks: The Christmas season seems to have brought more applications which is an excellent sign of growth in the citizenry. Thanks to @Siwale now those faithful members of the region who frequent the Regional Message Board have the opportunity to become and remain members of our regional family and take part in the discussions and elections that define our region's future. Purges currently occur every other day which allows time for them to build um while not allowing them to just sit in the roll for too long. I find this is a good balance that once again Artemis and Prydania have been very helpful with.
We Go On: Above all, I want to continue to serve the region because I love what I do and I believe that I can continue the trend of increasing dialogues within the RA. I know not everything has been perfect, but these mistakes have helped me to be a better public servant. Please ask any questions or voice your concerns below. It is mainly by interacting with you the people I serve that I become a better Speaker and a better citizen so please don't be shy. I hope that your new year may be excellent!
In faith to The North Pacific,

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