My citizenship check.
I thought I applied on the 28th but I was wrong, sorry about that.
So recently my Anniversary of Citizenship has passed and i'm happy i'm still part of the community I call Home!
I thought I never would rise the ranks of this refion and look at me now, I'm a Deputy Minister of Communications (main Deputy), Deputy Attorney General, Adjustant to the Deputy Minister of Defense, staffer in all ministeries, and other positions I may have forgotten. I have participated in 3 elections. While I lost 2 of them and withdrawn in one, I learned some valuable lessons. In May, I thought I was going to lose, I did however I won more wins than I thought I would. I showed that a Citizen could take on two Ministers. Though, I still lost, I definetly did a good job in my opinion. I would like to thank the following people:
I first met Brendog in the Communications Ministry in January. Kasch was the one who accepted me but Brend invited me to the Ministry. I would later see him in the May General Election, I was running against him and Deropia. The two were Ministers. Dero being the Minister for World Assembly Affairs and Brend as Minister of Home Affairs. I lost and came in foruth place, losting to Brend, Dero, and the Abstantions. However, when Brend was reappointed as Minister of Communications under Siwale, I applied to be his Deputy and was accepted. He teached me everything you needed to know to run The Northern Light and the Ministry. I helped code The Northern Light and accepted people into thr Ministry on his behalf. Eventually, Siwale was re-elected and appointed El Fiji Grande as Minister. Fiji was new to the Ministry (I was the one who invited them to the ministry) and needed Assistance running the Ministry, thry needed someone experienced in that Ministry. I was picked to under Fiji to continue serving as a Deputy. I wouldn't be where I am without Brend giving me the chance to serve under him.
Around the time the Vice Delegate and Deputy Attorney General Deropia suddenly disappered and SillyString rejoining the Court, Goyanes only had one more Deputy left. I applied to become his new Deputy and was accepted. I was encouraged to read more The North Pacifican Laws and eventually one day, I had the idea of Indicting Eraver for a few violations of the Law. Goys accepted and we gave the Court some activity. I regret doing that and would take the blame for that but i'm happy the Attorney General's office could flex their powers of Indicting. Eventually, Crushing Our Enemies chose me to stay in the Office and now his only Deputy due to Funk losing Citizenship. Goys gave me a bright new future in TNP Politics and thank him for that.
Siwale was Vice Delegate when I applied for Citizenship (both in October and December). He was quick to respond and I passed thr VD check. Eventually, in May, I ran for Vice Delegate. I wanted to be the new Siwale and even endorsed him for Delegate. Siwale didn't accept tickets but he did like my campaign. He of course voted for Dero but even after the election, he would give me the chance to rise. He once said after sending an application for Gameside Advocate that if for some reason another Gameside Advocate was dismissed or anything like that, I would be the next one. Siwale noticed me and is a guidance for me. He has helped form my opinion of voting in elections, I first aavoted for Mcmasterdonia for Vice Delegate in January but switched go Siwale, he got me to vote for COE in September, and much more. He's a mentor for me and a light. He's the Vice Delegate I always want to be ever since January.
Around the time I went inactive and was removed from the North Pacific Army, Zaz informed me of leaving, I didn't really want to leave it and reapplied. I was Private First Class for almsot half a year and thought I would be stuck there. I was wrong. Zaz gave me the chance to rise the ranks and sort of mentored me about Raiding and Defending. I got promoted to Corporal, Sergeant, and passed my Officer's test udner Zaz. I missed Zaz when he resigned and when he returned to serve the rest of the term as the Defense Minister again, he gave me the chance to be Adjustant to the Deputy Minister of Defense and promoted me to Captain.
There's others I may have forgetten but I have nothing but gratitude to this community. We should all get ready for the election that starts in 3 days. I encourage people who were once like me who are just citizens to get more involved in this region. Maybe do alot of work for a Ministry and be in it for awhile, then ask the Minister to become a Deputy Minister. Maybe after serving as Deputy Minister for awhile, aks the newly elected Delegate to be a Minister. Heck, maybe even particpepating in Regional Assembly discussions and votes is good enough. Whatever it may be, that'll be enough to get you ntoiced in Government. We need some fresh blood in the Government. Thanks for watching this TED Talk.
This has been Dino, signing out.

I thought I applied on the 28th but I was wrong, sorry about that.

So recently my Anniversary of Citizenship has passed and i'm happy i'm still part of the community I call Home!
I thought I never would rise the ranks of this refion and look at me now, I'm a Deputy Minister of Communications (main Deputy), Deputy Attorney General, Adjustant to the Deputy Minister of Defense, staffer in all ministeries, and other positions I may have forgotten. I have participated in 3 elections. While I lost 2 of them and withdrawn in one, I learned some valuable lessons. In May, I thought I was going to lose, I did however I won more wins than I thought I would. I showed that a Citizen could take on two Ministers. Though, I still lost, I definetly did a good job in my opinion. I would like to thank the following people:
I first met Brendog in the Communications Ministry in January. Kasch was the one who accepted me but Brend invited me to the Ministry. I would later see him in the May General Election, I was running against him and Deropia. The two were Ministers. Dero being the Minister for World Assembly Affairs and Brend as Minister of Home Affairs. I lost and came in foruth place, losting to Brend, Dero, and the Abstantions. However, when Brend was reappointed as Minister of Communications under Siwale, I applied to be his Deputy and was accepted. He teached me everything you needed to know to run The Northern Light and the Ministry. I helped code The Northern Light and accepted people into thr Ministry on his behalf. Eventually, Siwale was re-elected and appointed El Fiji Grande as Minister. Fiji was new to the Ministry (I was the one who invited them to the ministry) and needed Assistance running the Ministry, thry needed someone experienced in that Ministry. I was picked to under Fiji to continue serving as a Deputy. I wouldn't be where I am without Brend giving me the chance to serve under him.
Around the time the Vice Delegate and Deputy Attorney General Deropia suddenly disappered and SillyString rejoining the Court, Goyanes only had one more Deputy left. I applied to become his new Deputy and was accepted. I was encouraged to read more The North Pacifican Laws and eventually one day, I had the idea of Indicting Eraver for a few violations of the Law. Goys accepted and we gave the Court some activity. I regret doing that and would take the blame for that but i'm happy the Attorney General's office could flex their powers of Indicting. Eventually, Crushing Our Enemies chose me to stay in the Office and now his only Deputy due to Funk losing Citizenship. Goys gave me a bright new future in TNP Politics and thank him for that.
Siwale was Vice Delegate when I applied for Citizenship (both in October and December). He was quick to respond and I passed thr VD check. Eventually, in May, I ran for Vice Delegate. I wanted to be the new Siwale and even endorsed him for Delegate. Siwale didn't accept tickets but he did like my campaign. He of course voted for Dero but even after the election, he would give me the chance to rise. He once said after sending an application for Gameside Advocate that if for some reason another Gameside Advocate was dismissed or anything like that, I would be the next one. Siwale noticed me and is a guidance for me. He has helped form my opinion of voting in elections, I first aavoted for Mcmasterdonia for Vice Delegate in January but switched go Siwale, he got me to vote for COE in September, and much more. He's a mentor for me and a light. He's the Vice Delegate I always want to be ever since January.
Around the time I went inactive and was removed from the North Pacific Army, Zaz informed me of leaving, I didn't really want to leave it and reapplied. I was Private First Class for almsot half a year and thought I would be stuck there. I was wrong. Zaz gave me the chance to rise the ranks and sort of mentored me about Raiding and Defending. I got promoted to Corporal, Sergeant, and passed my Officer's test udner Zaz. I missed Zaz when he resigned and when he returned to serve the rest of the term as the Defense Minister again, he gave me the chance to be Adjustant to the Deputy Minister of Defense and promoted me to Captain.
There's others I may have forgetten but I have nothing but gratitude to this community. We should all get ready for the election that starts in 3 days. I encourage people who were once like me who are just citizens to get more involved in this region. Maybe do alot of work for a Ministry and be in it for awhile, then ask the Minister to become a Deputy Minister. Maybe after serving as Deputy Minister for awhile, aks the newly elected Delegate to be a Minister. Heck, maybe even particpepating in Regional Assembly discussions and votes is good enough. Whatever it may be, that'll be enough to get you ntoiced in Government. We need some fresh blood in the Government. Thanks for watching this TED Talk.

This has been Dino, signing out.