The North Pacific Party for Dignity and Honor


"I will be true to you whatever comes."
TNP Nation
Castle in Confidence
Greetings to you! Welcome to the page for our region's party that advocates for the respectful conducting of one's self. This organization exists for the sole purpose of bringing together those in the region who wish to embody respect, patience, kindness, and responsible argument. This party is not about any political position but rather acts as an institution for those who wish to always confront disagreement as all ladies and gentlemen, from a place of understanding, good will, and philosophical charity to those that one is in disagreement with. It is these ideals that allow for a robust, prosperous, and good willed community which is why this party has been founded to highlight this importance whether one be a political representative of The North Pacific or a citizen who contributes to the conversation and law of the region. With this in mind here is the charter of The North Pacific Party for Dignity and Honor.

Charter of The North Pacific Party For Dignity and Honor
I. Introduction
1. This document does hereby establish The North Pacific Party for Dignity and Honor.
2. The purpose of this party is to stand as a group of The North Pacific community who wish to promote respectful discourse and upstanding leadership throughout the whole region through a camaraderie fostered in this shared ideal.

II. The College of the Party
1. The College of the Party shall be the deliberative body of the party and shall consist of all members.
2. The college shall have the ability to plan events and scholarly discussions for the region that encourage thought, respect, and education.
3. There shall be a Dean of the Party elected every six months to act as head of the party, the college, and the functions of the party.
4. The Dean of the Party is to assign the projects approved by the college to its members for the purpose of managing and planning them. He or she is also the keeper of all votes unless this task is temporarily assigned to another individual.
5. Any member of the party who wishes to bring an item of deliberation before the college must have the support of two other members as coauthors in order for it to be heard. Thereafter, a vote can only be called if the primary author and another member motion for the vote. The Dean has three days to begin the vote. The vote shall conclude three days thereafter or when a majority of members have cast their vote in support or in opposition.

III. Membership
1. The first Dean of the Party shall be its founder, @Wonderess . He alone shall have the ability to grant membership or deny it for the first term of the Dean of the Party.
2. Once six months has elapsed, any new applicant of membership must be admitted by an act of the College of the Party as a motion which shall follow the procedures of Section 2.5.
3. Any member must take the oath of the party: "I promise to be an upstanding member of this party and region in my actions and words so that I may show the utmost respect for others and in turn show respect for myself, (so help me God.") (optional)
4. Membership can be revoked by an immediate motion of the Dean and a vote of the College of the Party.

IV. Amendments
1. This document can be amended by a motion of the College of the Party as found and enforced in Section 2.5
2. Amendments can edit wording of the document, subtract from, or add to it.

V. Symbols of the Party
1. The seal of the Party is to be as follows:

2. Any member shall have the privilege of displaying the collar of the party in their avatar or signature on the forum as well as in NationStates and Discord as they see fit so long as it is displayed in an honorable way. The collar of the party:

This article is hereby enacted by the sole member of the party.


El Fiji Grande
John Maynard
Dillon Honore
Jesper Berg
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I promise to be an upstanding member of this party and region in my actions and words so that I may show the utmost respect for others and in turn show respect for myself, so help me G-d.
It’s laughable that you’d associate yourself with respectful discourse. Particularly given your rampant disdain for anyone who holds a different view to you.

This party is a joke.
To paraphrase from what I've said in Discord:

You have created a- might I say heavily- organized political faction (I mean just look at that charter) to advocate for civility and respect in the government, with the purpose of gathering those who also believe in these things to join the Party to advocate for them. This means three things:

1. It very heavily implies (and yes, I know this is not the intention, but all the same) that if you do not join the Party, you're part of the problem and that you have an inferior moral character, and/or that you simply don't care.

2. It cracks down on your debative freedom by telling you what responses are or are not acceptable for members of the Party based on moral guidelines.

3. In creating this party, you neglect the heightened potential you have as the duly elected Speaker of the Regional Assembly to promote the values of civility and respect in debate through that office.

#DoYourJob. This party is a joke.
To paraphrase from what I've said in Discord:

You have created a- might I say heavily- organized political faction (I mean just look at that charter) to advocate for civility and respect in the government, with the purpose of gathering those who also believe in these things to join the Party to advocate for them. This means three things:

1. It very heavily implies (and yes, I know this is not the intention, but all the same) that if you do not join the Party, you're part of the problem and that you have an inferior moral character, and/or that you simply don't care.

2. It cracks down on your debative freedom by telling you what responses are or are not acceptable for members of the Party based on moral guidelines.

3. In creating this party, you neglect the heightened potential you have as the duly elected Speaker of the Regional Assembly to promote the values of civility and respect in debate through that office.

#DoYourJob. This party is a joke.
I will respond to your concerns as best I can.

1. In order to actually bring the importance of character and mutual respect as a good of the region to the forefront, I as a citizen believe that organized action is a good way of making that a reality. I know it is not only me that values these things and so why not allow others to also help make this respect more and more a reality everyday. I never once saw this party as a means to segregate the "higher" from the "lower." Just as those that do not join an art club do not automatically hate or are unable to make art, this party stands as an organization that wishes to bring to the forefront these ideals. Anyone who honestly wishes to help with this endeavor is welcome.

2. The party is not a babysitter. Those that join it do so because they already wish to conduct themselves in a way that expresses their reasoning and convictions but in a respectful way. If you are seeing this party as a limitation on your actions then that is something that pertains to you. This is a constructive organization and not an oppressive faction that forces members to behave a certain way.

3. The acting and reasoning in respect is not an exercise limited to the Regional Assembly but should be present across the region, the game, and even real life. As Speaker, I preserve the decorum of the Regional Assembly, but as a citizen, I fight here to make it a reality outside its halls as well as within them.
1. "This party stands as an organization that wishes to bring to the forefront these ideals." You never once said it, but it's very heavily implied, and that's what makes itnworse. Implying is worse than outright stating something, because that means that you either refuse to acknowledge these implications; or you are ignorant enough to not know they exist, the latter being what I believe to be the case here.

2. And yet my conversations with you about how members of the party 'ought to act' have proven the exact opposite.

3. Your entire answer for #3 only furthers the case that you are pushing and advancing your personal morals.
1. "This party stands as an organization that wishes to bring to the forefront these ideals." You never once said it, but it's very heavily implied, and that's what makes itnworse. Implying is worse than outright stating something, because that means that you either refuse to acknowledge these implications; or you are ignorant enough to not know they exist, the latter being what I believe to be the case here.

2. And yet my conversations with you about how members of the party 'ought to act' have proven the exact opposite.

3. Your entire answer for #3 only furthers the case that you are pushing and advancing your personal morals.
I do not find your answers to be logical conclusions of what I have said.

1. True, I am not a moral relativist, but I think we all have a core understanding of what it means to treat a person correctly even when we are in dispute with them. I find that to be something universal and a common good for all regardless of their understanding of morality's nature.

2. This is a matter of personal evaluation on your part. Because there are ways that are and are not acting in good character then of course one can be considered not to do so. This is not a party for everyone to join, this is a party for those that feel called to advocate for the rightful treatment of all. Whether you se yourself wanting to do so or not is a personal question and then you have to come to understand why you have answered the question the way you have. This is not a reflection on the party but on your own personal evaluations.

3. Once again, I find treating someone else with respect especially in debate as being essential to the human condition and certainly not an idea of just my own inclinations.
I don't see any problem with it. I think Wonderess is sincere in his desire for what the party should be, and given that, I shall join.

I promise to be an upstanding member of this party and region in my actions and words so that I may show the utmost respect for others and in turn show respect for myself.
I promise to be an upstanding member of this party and region in my actions and words so that I may show the utmost respect for others and in turn show respect for myself, so help me God.
I promise to be an upstanding member of this party and region in my actions and words so that I may show the utmost respect for others and in turn show respect for myself, so help me God.
I promise to be an upstanding member of this party and region in my actions and words so that I may show the utmost respect for others and in turn show respect for myself.
I would like to ask, what's the party's stance on Fraud in elections and as an Ambassador? Do you approve of the Fraud Law in the Legal Code and summarize the law? And do you have an idea for a punishment for someone who commits Fraud?
We the Party for Dignity and Honor find it appropriate to expound on the state of this organization in its capacity as a "political party" within The North Pacific. As a party, this organization gathers members of the citizenry for the united purpose of appreciating and encouraging the use of respectful discourse and debate throughout the different areas of the regional community. It stands to improve the mode by which betterment and change in the region occurs. However, with these ideals, the party is not interested in proclaiming actual policy, candidates, or laws to obtain this goal because this remains a matter of communal life rather than a matter of legal process. We its members in no way are calling for any particular change to the structure of the region. Instead, we stand as a communion of voices of different beliefs and interests together for the importance of rightful conduct of one's self when speaking and deliberating with the other. Therefore, as a party we stand not as a political party in the conventional sense, but as a communal party wishing to stand for the ties that bind us as a citizenry and as a loyal people to The North Pacific.
-signed by
@El Fiji Grande
@John Maynard
@Dillon Honore
I promise to be an upstanding member of this party and region in my actions and words so that I may show the utmost respect for others and in turn show respect for myself.
@Dinoium I thought our unitive release on behalf of the party would suffice in an answer. We are not looking to offer or propose any LEGAL change to the region in order for our vision to be realized. Rather, we wish to work in the community itself to promote the importance of respect and the dignity of others. For example we are going to plan some sort of formal debate event as a showcase of this as well as other outreach projects to push towards this goal as well.
I promise to be an upstanding member of this party and region in my actions and words so that I may show the utmost respect for others and in turn show respect for myself, so help me God.
PDH is proud to present the crown jewel of the Party: The Dignitas Initiative!

Dignitas is a Discord server where respectful debate is the center of its purpose. If you have ever feared unjust attack or demeaning while in an intellectual debate then fear no more for our administration team is dedicated to making sure such behavior is swiftly dealt with. We stick only to the merit of the ideas and nothing more, nothing less. Below is the governing document of Dignitas and the Discord join link. People who are not a part of the Party for Dignity and Honor are welcome to join and take part. I and the rest of the Party look forward to speaking and deliberating with you!

The Code of Dignitas

The Dignitas Initiative Discord
Fair enough. But I have to remind you that those who purport to high moral standards will be measured against those standards, and in nation states that often means being mocked mercilessly should they ever fall short of them. Be warned.

It is with great respect and pleasure that the Party for Dignity and Honor endorse for the candidacy of Delegate @El Fiji Grande. His outstanding character and discourse in this region is to be prized, and his ability to manage the Ministry of Communications and aid the region through his work is undeniable. This region deserves only the most dedicated and esteemed public servants to govern and guard her which is why El Fiji Grande is qualified and seen as a grand candidate for the office of Delegate.

For the greater good of The North Pacific,
I used to think this part was a joke, though, I believe this party does fit my views and does engage somewhat in regional affairs.

I promise to be an upstanding member of this party and region in my actions and words so that I may show the utmost respect for others and in turn show respect for myself. So help me God.
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I used to think this part was a joke, though, I believe this party does fit my views and does engage somewhat in regional affairs.

I promise to be an upstanding member of this party and region in my actions and words so that I may show the utmost respect for others and in turn show respect for myself. So help me God.

Welcome to the party! We are happy to have you.
I promise to be an upstanding member of this party and region in my actions and words so that I may show the utmost respect for others and in turn show respect for myself, so help me god.