- TNP Nation
- Castle in Confidence
- Discord
- .wonderess

Charter of The North Pacific Party For Dignity and Honor
I. Introduction
1. This document does hereby establish The North Pacific Party for Dignity and Honor.
2. The purpose of this party is to stand as a group of The North Pacific community who wish to promote respectful discourse and upstanding leadership throughout the whole region through a camaraderie fostered in this shared ideal.
II. The College of the Party
1. The College of the Party shall be the deliberative body of the party and shall consist of all members.
2. The college shall have the ability to plan events and scholarly discussions for the region that encourage thought, respect, and education.
3. There shall be a Dean of the Party elected every six months to act as head of the party, the college, and the functions of the party.
4. The Dean of the Party is to assign the projects approved by the college to its members for the purpose of managing and planning them. He or she is also the keeper of all votes unless this task is temporarily assigned to another individual.
5. Any member of the party who wishes to bring an item of deliberation before the college must have the support of two other members as coauthors in order for it to be heard. Thereafter, a vote can only be called if the primary author and another member motion for the vote. The Dean has three days to begin the vote. The vote shall conclude three days thereafter or when a majority of members have cast their vote in support or in opposition.
III. Membership
1. The first Dean of the Party shall be its founder, @Wonderess . He alone shall have the ability to grant membership or deny it for the first term of the Dean of the Party.
2. Once six months has elapsed, any new applicant of membership must be admitted by an act of the College of the Party as a motion which shall follow the procedures of Section 2.5.
3. Any member must take the oath of the party: "I promise to be an upstanding member of this party and region in my actions and words so that I may show the utmost respect for others and in turn show respect for myself, (so help me God.") (optional)
4. Membership can be revoked by an immediate motion of the Dean and a vote of the College of the Party.
IV. Amendments
1. This document can be amended by a motion of the College of the Party as found and enforced in Section 2.5
2. Amendments can edit wording of the document, subtract from, or add to it.
V. Symbols of the Party
1. The seal of the Party is to be as follows:
2. Any member shall have the privilege of displaying the collar of the party in their avatar or signature on the forum as well as in NationStates and Discord as they see fit so long as it is displayed in an honorable way. The collar of the party:
This article is hereby enacted by the sole member of the party.
El Fiji Grande
John Maynard
Dillon Honore
Jesper Berg
El Fiji Grande
John Maynard
Dillon Honore
Jesper Berg
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