Hello! This day will be remembered!

Empire of Pruznia

Hi everyone!
Gracious greetings from the land of art & culture i.e. Empire of Pruznia.

Since the unification of several clans and nomads just a year ago, our great leader Norsk Zik Kazan (Zikan) heartily welcomes our generous nation and state leaders, flourishing on The North Pacific (TNP).

We are here to flourish on this beautiful region and to grow our nation in harmony. Our base is art & culture yet we are very aggressive while defending our national integrity, sovereignty and freedom and would go against warmongers and trouble makers. No doubt we will be in touch with international conflicts and would place our views and countermeasures into action.

We believe in controlled governance since people are to be protected yet heard of. No one can think of creating chaos inside our borders nor the idea of humiliation and subjects of propaganda over the international media.

" Love the people " is our motto and in return the government desires of national prosperity and civil discipline from the people, who willingly hand over their security and economical control to us.

Thank you!

Rasbik Nikol
International affairs speaker
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Empire of Pruznia
a Nationstates.net nation