[SC - Passed] Condemn The Pacific

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TNP Nation


Condemn The Pacific

Category: Condemnation | Nominee: The Pacific

Proposed by: Topid | Onsite Topic
The World Assembly,

Recalls the history of the prior "Condemn The Pacific" resolution, which was repealed based in large part on The Pacific's apologies for the conduct of its government, the New Pacific Order (NPO), during the New Lazarus Order (NLO) coup of 2015,

Notes recent evidence such apologies were hollow, due to the continued infiltration of the sinker regions Osiris and Lazarus by notable members of the New Pacific Order (Feux through its puppet Adytus, and A mean old man through its puppet Wrektopia),

Recognizes this body's long history of using condemnations and liberations to combat philosophies and movements featuring dictatorial leadership, authoritarianism, aggressive foreign policies, deceitful propaganda, controversial intelligence operations, and valuing individuals based on national or regional origin instead of on their own merits,

Asserts the history of the New Pacific Order of The Pacific is one of aggression, with powerful members linked to coups in The North Pacific, The South Pacific, and Lazarus, and the ongoing forced exile of Topid from St Abbaddon,

Observes the government of The Pacific relies on the heavy hand of authoritarianism to strangle opposition and unacceptable speech within the region, and uses ejections to disenfranchise World Assembly Member Nations concerned with the region's policies and track record,

Aware the NPO has frequently engaged in highly controversial intelligence operations, including the aforementioned infiltration of Osiris and Lazarus,

Appalled by the narrative advanced by the NPO's ideology, "Francoism," which preaches distrusting certain individuals based on their origins and homes, rising far beyond reasonable security and to a level of unacceptable fear mongering used to justify the horrible conduct of the institutions of The Pacific,

Remembers this body has condemned regions for their aiding and harboring of nations associated with or guilty of the destruction of regional forums,

Outraged that Pergamon and Feux were made aware King Bradley was responsible for the destruction of regional forums and aided King Bradley by keeping this a secret, allowing King Bradley to continue to secretly reestablish connections with the NationStates world,

Concludes that contrary to past false apologies and propaganda, The Pacific is a region that is aggressive, authoritarian, deceitful, and advances dangerous ideologies that seek to divide NationStates and instill fear in all,

Hopes for the destruction of the New Pacific Order, and its replacement by a government that ceases terrorizing its own members, and various targeted groups across NationStates,

Hereby Condemns The Pacific.

Voting Instructions:
  • Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
  • Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
  • Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
  • Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.

Detailed opinions with your vote are appreciated and encouraged!

Condemn the Pacific was passed 14,008 votes to 1,866.
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Any criticism I have of this would be nitpicking. For.
I'd feel better if it wasn't written by Topid and didn't have the SC directly call for the destruction of the NPO, but this resolution is consistent with our statement about the issue. Looking forward to seeing this one pass.

Wholeheartedly For.

I couldn’t really add anything better than what has already been laid out here. I think it speaks for itself.

This is what they want. I'm not about to vote to give them a gleaming black badge.
I agree with Sil, I would have liked it more if it wasn't Topid proposing it. Furthermore, I personally believe that the people behind all these should be the ones that are condemned, not the region. Especially since natives who had no idea about the spying and stuff are suffering for it as well. I realize that due to game mechanics, we cannot condemn the NPO as a government. I guess I will have to settle for condemning The Pacific instead as a blanket condemnation. For.
Read through it, nothing too disagreeable. Really want to like the NPO but they're not making it easy, not voting present just to avoid taking a side this time around. For.

I do fully expect it to be repealed at some point if it passes (which I also fully expect it to), whether or not it'll be justified depends on whether or not proper changes are made in the region under LoD. Hopefully this will be more than another chapter in their cycle of controversy and reconciliation then controversy again.
I do agree with @Sil Dorsett and @BluieGamer in there being content which would be best modified and/or removed. Personally, I am most bothered by personally naming (and linking) of a player who has taken objectionable out of character actions. However, given Topid rushed this to vote, there was not sufficient time to address those concerns. I think as such it will most likely end up getting repealed in time as @Malphe mentioned and the faults will only result in the repeal happening quicker and easier.

This will do for now though.
Abstain. Any vote For or Against is just giving the NPO press it doesnt deserve
History has shown they don't want that press. This is why I changed my vote- as it turns out I was wrong. Ivan in particular went apeshit trying to get an earlier condemnation repealed.
FOR: No feeder region should be able to get away with this type of behavior, and I hope a condemnation will force them to rethink their actions.
Abstain. Any vote For or Against is just giving the NPO press it doesnt deserve
NPO will always have press, for as long as it's the government of TP it'll have the spotlight on it. All this is doing is shining a little flashlight in it's eyes.
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