Restoration and Renovtion


Restoration and renovation:

After the long and devastating plague of Tommatito, the country was left ravaged. With a good chunk of the population dead or needing extreme treatment, the country is economically, politically and morally damaged. But there is still hope as the country has started to rebuild and recreate. The people are helping and are stating to help recreate what used to be pre-disease, maybe even better. Luckily the leader, Thomas Nelson, and many of the more important government employees survived, but the government is still severely crippled because of the amount of employees killed or permenently out of commission.

The first step in the process of getting the nation back on its feet is to reach out to the nations of the world, to plea for financial aid and personnel to help and also to try to set up more businesses and job opportunities. The government will be trying to hire more employees and supporting smaller businesses and education.

Thomas Nelson has a public, televised conference to plead for help from the nations of the world.
“Our country is in desperate need for assistace from our fiends of the world. Many countries helped to cure the horrible disease that caused this and now we ask them to help us once again. We have a plan set in motion but with our limited staff and, *cough, cough* sorry... and limited resources it will be extremely difficult to do alone. So once again, I ask from the bottom of my heart... please.” The color in his face was drained and he was lead off the podium.
A short while before the cure was finally discovered Thomas Nelson had contracted the disease. It had devistating effects on his health but before it got too life threatening the cure was discoverd and he was cured. But damage left a lasting scar on his health and his friends and family insist he retires.
Hello Tommatito, I am Glen Cordova, the Prime Minister of Tontheon. My nation is always ready to offer aid. I have military personnel available to protect your nation from foreign invaders as it continues to heal from this devistating plague. My navy is also ready in giving aid to those in need of food. My theocratic nation also has plenty of eager missionaries and evangelists to help in the aid of increansing moral, and mental and emotional health. We hope that you accept our aid and may this be an everlasting aliance between our two nations.
Democratu is willing to provide as much monetary, material, and manpower as you need. All you need to do is ask.

-Neal Peterson | Democratuan Minister of Foreign Affairs

To the Government of Tommatito

When the horrific disease that ravaged the nation of Tommatito earlier this year, we didn’t pay much attention nor care too much as we were dealing with issues and other things of our own, however after hearing just how much your country has been affected we have decided to send over aid and financial support if you so need it. Ninhundland is a prosperous country that has emerged into a economic powerhouse and a progressive society. We are willing to lend out a hand to help bring Tommatito into a functioning country and to gain a new friend. I hope your nation the best and know that we on the behalf of the Federal Republic of Ninhundland are ready to restore Tommatito after this horrible event occurred.

Gödrich Eigelberg, Minister of Foreign Affairs
Brent Fauchern, Prime Minister of Ninhundland
Official Letter from the Government of Cojedes:

To the Government of Tommatito,

Greetings from the City of Rosario. The Government of Cojedes extends its deepest condolences for the plague that has caused much destruction in your country. We have been attacked by several plagues throughout our history so we feel we know your pain. On behalf of our government, the Cojedan government is granting the ability to send 500 million dollars in aid to your country including food, medicine, water, and other necessary resources to your country. We also would like to extend the offer of sending medical experts to your country to give the help they can, while we would also be willing to send educators and builders if necessary to help you get back up off the ground.

Sincerely and with the utmost respect,
Juan Berrocal, President of the Fifth Republic of Cojedes
Sebastian Rega, First Vice President of the Fifth Republic of Cojedes
Diego Alejandro Andrade, Second Vice President of the Fifth Republic of Cojedes
Ari Miralles, Secretary of Foreign Affairs of Cojedes
As a public broadcast begins, Thomas Nelson was wheeled up to the podium in a wheelchair, the pressure of putting the country back together is clearly getting to him and his health.
“Hello! I just felt it urgent that I come up to thank all of those who have offered assistance! I am so happy, so happy- *cough* -and... and of course we accept all of your offers of course. Yes- *cough cough* -we even have been rebuilding and improving here, and now that people will start to help us! Well I can just hardly imagine the progress that we would make! It’s just so amazing, so... -*cough, cough, cough, cough* -uhg....” he slumps over in the wheelchair, people rush over, shouting, to him and-

The signal goes fuzzy and goes out.

An hour later the signal comes back on and it is a man at the podium in a suit.
“Um... so... Thomas Nelson has been put into emergency care, we believe that he will... we hope for the best. Things will continue as planned and I will be heading operations from now on. Um, of course, um, my name is Jackson Hanson I am the head of national emergency and, well, I can’t say that this expected, so I was appointed while Thomas Nelson is, hopefully briefly, in the hospital, to take the reigns temporarily. So yeah. Thank you for all you have done to help us and, um, bye?” And with that the broadcast ended.
With Thomas Nelson’s latest health scare, He has decided to give up office and retire. This has rocked the county greatly, as Thomas Nelson has had a huge part in the counties history and leading with integrity and justice. With the lack of structure within the government after the plague and now the lack of leadership, A new constitution has been formed to turn Tommatito into a federal republic. All crutial positions will be filled with the existing government employees until the many elections are finished within the next few months. In the mean time an interim president, Anna Kristjan, has been appointed.

President Anna kristjan’s inagutation speech:
“Hello My beloved country, Tommatito! As you all may know, I am to be you’re acting president in the time before our coming elections. My time in office may be short, although I do hope to run a campaign to become your offial president, but until then I plan to carry on with the reconstruction and do as much good as I can. I give you all my many thanks and wish you all a good day!”
We're Extremely Sorry For Late Response and also that we couldn't contribute to Cure of Diseases at Right Time. Still, The Government Of Krevt with Support of Krevti Health Ministry and Medical Institute of Krevt would like to give to Tommatito a Medical and Restoration Aid worth $300 million NSDs. Still if the amount is Less , Do Let The Krevti Government know and we'll surely provide you whatever you need. Because, a nation in need is a Friend Indeed. All the Nations are with you Tommatito and we'll surely help your Country Restore as quickly as possible.
Thanks to the overwhelming support from the international community, the reconstruction of the government and the hard work of our citizens and volunteers. We think that Tommatito should be almost entirely back to its former glory within 3 years. Our final request is for volenteers to assist in shelters and medical administration.

Words cannot express how greatful we are for all of your help.

-President Anna kristjan
Although progress was slow, conditions improved nonetheless. Many of the unemployed and homeless got jobs and homes, the I'll were treated and life moved on.
But one issue still looms on the horizon. The election for president is fast lyrics aproching and with it many candidates have appeared:

The candidates for the liberal party:
Anna kristjan
Josh Rogan
Trevor Sanders
Keith Roy
Jennifer North Christina Danielson

Conservative party candidates: Robert Cob
Nick Aaron
Trevor Harris
Garret Ferral

Libertarian party candidates: Benny Culbreth
Sanjuanita Canton
Perry Filkins
Hilaria Caroll
Garth Borda

Antione Uyehara
Roxanne Mossman
Alvera Laster
Yulanda Rhames
Filomena Remmers