The North Star - Issue II, November 15

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El Fiji Grande

Over 45000 km and counting
TNP Nation
El Fiji Grande (#3446)

Editor's Note
by El Fiji Grande, Minister of Communications

This last month has seen several changes to the TNP Ministry of Communications, specifically regarding The Northern Lights. The North Star will continue to be published once per month, and will serve primarily as an update. The focus of The Northern Lights, on the other hand, has changed to become - we hope - substantially more insightful, engaging, and relevant. Issues will be less frequent, and likely contain fewer, albeit longer articles. While TNL remains TNP-focused, there will be articles about NS as a whole, and we encourage guest writers to become more involved.

That aside, I hope you enjoy this month's edition of The North Star!


November 2018 Judicial Elections
by El Fiji Grande, Minister of Communications

Just three weeks or so following the conclusion of the delayed General Elections came the Judicial Elections. General COE and BMWSurfer served as Election Commissioners.

During this judicial election season, nineteen candidates were nominated. Of these, four accepted their nominations. Lord Lore and Limerick1 announced their candidacies independent of a nomination. McMasterdonia made sure to nominate each member of the current Executive Staff, each of whom then proceeded to decline the nomination or to simply ignore it. Hardonius initially accepted his nomination, but later rescinded it and dropped out of the race. The final six candidates in the race were Darcania, SillyString, Eluvatar, Limerick1, Lord Lore, and Marcus Antonius. Detailed below is a summary of each of their campaigns.


Darcania is an experienced nation, having formerly served once as Speaker, Attorney General, Election Commissioner, and as Deputy AG. He views the most important attributes for a justice in the region to be “legal experience, a legal mindset, level-minded discourse, seeing an issue from multiple perspectives… and fluff.” The main criticism surrounding his campaign was the public perception that he has the tendency to leave. Darcania responded by reassuring voters that each time he has left in the past, he did not have an official government position, and that when he had left government positions prematurely, he had always done so responsibly be notifying the Delegate well in advance such that a suitable replacement could be found.

SillyString is the current Chief Justice of The North Pacific and has served in numerous other offices over the course of her five year tenure in the region. She has extensive knowledge both of the law and of court history. Her main concern “is that we need to make sure we elect justices who are thoughtful, familiar with the law, and who take the time to weigh the options and possible ramifications before making big decisions.” She believes that by doing so, TNP’s justice system will provide more consistent results.

Eluvatar is a veteran nation who joined The North Pacific back in 2006, and who has served on and off in various positions including Delegate in the years since. He has extensive legal knowledge and, back in 2012 with the help of then Speaker Gulliver, rewrote TNP’s Constitution and Legal Code to set the region on a better path. There were no questions as to his qualifications, only if he was ‘especially qualified,’ in the words of Funkadelia.

Limerick1 is a relative newcomer who has served on the bench for the last term and a half. Immediately upon posting his campaign thread, he received an endorsement from Siwale, our Delegate, praising him on his legal knowledge and his attitude as a team player. Limerick1 believes his ethic of hard work and the experience he gained in his previous terms make him fit to serve.

Lord Lore has served as a justice for the last two terms, and has held office in numerous other positions prior to that, including as a former Minister and Deputy Minister of Culture and Lead Cartographer. He was endorsed by three important nations: Syrixia, McMasterdonia, and Pallaith. The only point of controversy in his campaign was the note that he did not sign the government letter declaring the new forum valid. His response highlighted his belief that the Court does not and should not serve as legal counsel of the administration, when rather the Attorney General serves that role.

Marcus Antonius is an entirely new nation to the executive staff of The North Pacific, and his recent involvement in World Assembly and Home Affairs show that he is quick-learning, fair-minded, and has plenty of time to dedicate to regional affairs. His campaign thread mirrors that perception, and demonstrates his willingness to study and review TNP’s legal code and constitution. His campaign thread is worth a read, if only for the roleplay he posts within it!


SillyString, Limerick1, and Eluvatar won, with 46, 35, and 32 votes respectively. Darcania narrowly missed with 29 votes. Lord Lore placed fifth with 23 votes. Marcus Antonius placed last with 14 votes. 12% of the vote requested a re-opening of nominations.


SillyString and Eluvatar almost certainly won due to their extensive legal experience and incredible service record for the region over the years. Their past contributions have not been forgotten. Limerick1 has served about as long on the court as Lord Lore, yet does not have as much name recognition. Siwale’s early endorsement of him is likely a prominent factor that helped his campaign. I would have expected Lord Lore to get more votes. Darcania likely lost out due to the perception - true or not - that his occasional disappearances from the region have been irresponsible, regardless of his statements to the contrary. It is not much of a surprise that Marcus Antonius came last in the race because of his lack of experience regarding TNP’s legal code and history. This is understandable given that he is a regional newcomer. The North Pacific has a strong legacy of supporting qualified newcomers for offices, and we are willing to earnestly consider candidates who may not have as extensive a resume as more senior members. But said newcomers must also be qualified for the offices for which they are running. This explains the difference between Limerick1 and Marcus Antonius in the November Judicial Elections.

The Spotlight #15: Interview with Loz
by El Fiji Grande, Minister of Communications

El Fiji Grande: Welcome to The Spotlight, Loz! I am delighted you were able to find time on such short notice.

Loz: My pleasure, happy to be here

El Fiji Grande: One thing that that struck me a couple weeks ago when you returned to TNP is just how little I know about you. Could you tell me how you came to join NS?

Loz: Sure, I came into the game in January 2017 if I recall correctly. I was a pretty casual player at first, but a Telegram from Gladio caught my eye. Before I knew it I was in TNP, and in the NPA

El Fiji Grande: How early after joining did you become involved in the NPA? Did you become involved in other aspects of the regional government as well?

Loz: I joined the NPA as soon as I gained my citizenship! I was mainly just in the NPA in the beginning, but after a few months I started joining other ministries piece by piece. I really got my start in the executive in Comms helping to write the NPA bulletin. After that I joined the others, and actually became the Deputy Minister of Culture for Role Play Promotion. My proudest achievement there was restarting the Eras Magazine, which Prydania and McM are now doing a great job with!

El Fiji Grande: Are there any particularly noteworthy moments during your rise while in the NPA? What rank did you ultimately reach before your current position?

Loz: My Officer Test is a moment that will always be dear to me, but my proudest accomplishment was probably my term as Deputy Minister under Malphe. We smashed operation records that term and I learned more about R/D than I ever had before. Following my term as DMoD I was promoted to Major, which was the rank I held before becoming the Minister of Defense.

El Fiji Grande: I've noticed that many - if not every - member of the NPA holds their Officer Test as a significant moment in their NS career. Could you help explain why that is?

Loz: The Officer Test is in my opinion the most important part of a soldier's career. Only officers are allowed to organize and lead operations which opens up a whole new side of R/D. Being made an officer also shows you've earned the trust of your fellows and superiors in the NPA. Being a part of that brotherhood for me at least has been one of the most rewarding aspects of being in The North Pacific.

El Fiji Grande: While serving in the NPA, what is the greatest challenge you have had to overcome?

Loz: The greatest challenge I have had in the NPA is staying organized. I think I have largely overcome this, but when you are a new soldier it can be difficult to keep all the information you need to run an op together.

El Fiji Grande: Siwale mentioned something about how being involved in IRL militaries drew you away from NS. What made you decide to return?
And is that statement even accurate?

Loz: Yes actually, I am in the United States Army and my duties over the last sixth months kept me too busy to be active in Nation States. For this term I thankfully have something of a break, but come May I'll have to put NS on hold once more.

El Fiji Grande: (Thanks for your service!) Congratulations on your appointment to Minister of Defense!! It seems like it’s well-deserved. How does it feel to be Zazumo’s successor?

Loz: Thank you for your support, I appreciate it! I am very happy to be following Zaz, but he has left a tremendous legacy. As Minister he was phenomenal in maintaining activity, and working with our allies. I will absolutely try my best to live up to the standard he set.

El Fiji Grande: In your words, why is it important that the NPA remain active?

Loz: The NPA needs to remain active and well trained in order to support the objectives of The North Pacific. There are parts of R/D that are inherently more difficult than others, and ensuring that my soldiers are well trained to face any operation that might come their way is absolutely critical.

El Fiji Grande: Do you have any plans for where you want to take the NPA?

Loz: My main focuses for this term are training and modernization. I have already reorganized the officer corps in order to make more officers involved in the administration of the NPA. I will also be updating the NPA training documents to reflect changes in R/D, and changes in the NPA. Of course I would also like to continue working with our allies, and continue our dedication to anti-fascism and anti-Nazism.

El Fiji Grande: That sounds good! My plans for the future of the Northern Broadcast Service line up with that as well.

Loz: I am actually in the NBS, or I was before my absence :D

El Fiji Grande: I'm glad to hear that! I've listened to all the old episodes, so I may have heard you.
To continue, why were you chosen above other candidates for the office? What do you bring to the job?
Or rather, what would you say your greatest strengths and weaknesses are?

Loz: While I don't want to speak for Siwale, I'd like to think that he remembered my passion for the region and for the NPA. As for strengths and weaknesses, am I very proficient at leading and triggering which has also been what I enjoy most about NS war. In terms of weaknesses I suppose my weakness is that I have been a TNP loyalist all my time in NS. I have recently starting communicating with my allied counterparts to close up that gap in knowledge.

El Fiji Grande: I know from experience how difficult leading and triggering can be. Regarding stance, how do you align yourself on raiding and defending? What are your thoughts on our stance as independent?

Loz: To be truthful I don’t have strong opinions either way. The NPA is a tool of foreign policy and I’ll do whatever it takes for the NPA to fulfill the needs of the Region.

El Fiji Grande: A careful response. :P It's ok, I respect that. Is there anyone in the region in particular whom you look up to, and if so, why?

Loz: Like is said I’m a loyalist :P

El Fiji Grande: That's not a weakness!
But I understand what you mean.

Loz: I look up to so many people in this region it’s hard to put a few down here. QuietDad, Gladio, Bootsie, McM, Malphe, Zaz, Prydania! It’s hard to pick when this region has such a wealth of incredible people
But I will say that I look to people who take the time to help others learn and grow

El Fiji Grande: What advice would you give any newcomers to the region to have a successful career here - as you put it - to learn and grow?

Loz: The most important advice I can give to new members of the region is to ask questions and find a mentor. I think it was easier for me to find a mentor because the NPA is already more geared towards that to begin with, but in the ministries and in RP its vital to find people who have had a myriad of experience in NS and who can help you grow.

El Fiji Grande: To follow that up, what's the best piece of advice you've ever received on NS? How has that advice affected your own path through NS?

Loz: The best piece of device I have ever received is from QuietDad. Once when I was stressing about something he told me "Its a friggin game." And I think that is important for everyone to remember as they start to establish themselves in NationStates. Too often have I seen people take this too far and ruin themselves in the process.

El Fiji Grande: What's your favorite thing about TNP that isn't NPA-related?

Loz: That's a tough question, but I would have to say participating in Roleplay is my second favorite part of TNP. TNP RP is filled with awesome and incredibly helpful people who are not only usually excellent writers, but people who also care deeply about the growth and camaraderie of the community.

El Fiji Grande: *nods* To borrow a question from Kasch’s interview of Malphe: How do you want to be remembered in TNP? What do you want your legacy to be?

Loz: I want to be remembered as someone who left the region better than he found. And as someone people could always come to for advice or just to chat

El Fiji Grande: I'll keep that in mind.
Alright, before we bring this interview to an end, is there anything you'd like to add?

Loz: Yes! Thank you for having me in the spotlight tonight Fiji! I didn’t know you before I left, but it’s clear to me that you have passion and work ethic that we should all aspire to.

El Fiji Grande: I appreciate that, thanks. I look forward to serving alongside you this term.
Well, it looks like that's all we have time for. It’s been a pleasure. *shakes hand*

Loz: *shakes hand*

North Pacific Army Bulletin Oct-Nov 2018
By Dinoium and El Fiji Grande, Deputy and Minister of Communications

North Pacific Army Bulletin, October-November 2018!

Minister of Defense: Peregrinum TNP (Loz)
Deputy Ministers of Defense: Malphe


NPA Soldiers parade through the streets of TNP

The former Minister of Defense, Zazumo, submitted his Letter of Resignation on October 23, 2018, stating IRL reasons that prevent him from serving to his fullest potential. Having honorably stepped aside, Zazumo was promoted to General by Loz in his Opening address. While a sad day for the Ministry, Zazumo will continue to serve in the NPA, albeit in a lower role, and Loz will surely take the Ministry to new heights!

QuietDad promoted to Chief of Staff
Owenstacey and Bobberino promoted to Adjutants to the Deputy

Bobberino promoted to Captain! (11/9/18)
Aerilia and John Maynard promoted to Sergeant! (11/9/18)
MadJack promoted to Private First Class! (11/9/18)
Deerfenland promoted to Private First Class! (11/14/18)
To close this off, we'll be continuing our Featured Troop of the Report. Congratulations Deerfenland!

Regional Assembly Highlights
By Dinoium, Deputy Minister of Communications and Deputy Attorney General


Regional Assembly November 2018

Speaker of The Regional Assembly: Wonderess.
Deputy Speakers of The Regional Assembly: Prydania and Artemis.
Members of The Speaker's Staff: Dinoium and Bobberino.
There have recently been six proposals up for discussion in the Regional Assembly. Of these, one was voted on within the last month.
Amendment to the Election and Appointment Procedure, proposed by BluieGamer.
Summary: The Amendment to the Election and Appointment Procedure Proposal was an attempt to postpone all future elections by one month due to the forum-emergency and delayed elections. It was also to remove a grammar error. Had this amendment passed, it would have added an extra month to the terms of the current administration.
Members voting Aye:
El Fiji Grande

Members voting Nay:
Great Bights Mum
Sil Dorsett
Crushing Our Enemies
Lord Lore
Union of Caplis

Members Abstaining:

The Forum Day Bill, proposed by bootsie.
Summary: The Forum Day Bill is a proposal to create a regional holiday similar to Blue Day which recognizes our first official forum: Old Blue. If passed, Forum Day would celebrate all of the supporters and staff members who helped with our forum-transfer from ZetaBoards to Xenforo.

Reforming the Penal Code, proposed by Eluvatar.
Summary: The Reforming the Penal Code proposal is a proposal from last year that has been in discussion for a very long time. It's an attempt to reform the Penal Code of the Legal Code. These reforms include defining basic terms to clarify the original language of the penal code, removing inconsistencies and repetitive sections, and adding specificity to sentencing.

Delegate Advisor Law, proposed by St George.
Summary: The Delegate Advisor Law proposal is a proposal to make Delegate Advisors regulated by law. Most people say that the law already states that this can exist because the Constitution states the Delegate can appoint Executive Officers at any time. This bill would have the consequence of limiting who the Delegate can appoint as an advisor. Publicly announcing advisors is merely a way of transparently informing the public who has consistent access to the Cabinet.

Election Corruption Amendment, proposed by McMasterdonia.
Summary: The Election Corruption Amendment was a proposal proposed back in April to stop election candidates from offering positions or influence in exchange for votes. The proposal was written by former Delegate McMasterdonia and was co-authored by Attorney General Crushing Our Enemies. With the January General Election coming up in two months, author McMasterdonia bumped it because "While we need to consider the future and should talk about it, we shouldn’t be jeopardizing the present, our ideals, or the honor by which we campaign." The bill has run into some difficulty however, as there exists a bit of a gray area with Delegates wanting to sound off potential future Cabinet members such that work can begin immediately after the election is won. This common practice has more to do with courtesy than with building support via corruption. That said, some members of the RA are of the mindset that Delegates should only begin building their administration once in office. Either way, the proposal would be difficult to enforce, relying on self-reporting and a more staunch public stance against corruption in the hopes that such a measure would discourage such activity and ingrain TNP's democratic values in newcomers to the region.

Citizenship Amendment, proposed by Siwale
Summary: The Citizenship Amendment proposal is a proposal to make sure if you post on either the forum or regional message board in under 30 days, you can keep your citizenship. It currently is done via forum posts, but if passed, regional message board posts would count as well. Such a measure could substantially enlarge our citizenry, and could potentially provide a bridge between various groups within the region, allowing for a more unified TNP. Proponents of the bill feel that posting requirements should be loosened, and this is a good step towards that goal. On the other hand, opponents argue that citizenship does require activity on the forums - from voting in the RA to elections in general - and that as such, the current system where only forum activity is counted towards posting requirements should continue.

World Assembly Digest
by El Fiji Grande, Minister of Communications


General Assembly
Improving the world one resolution at a time.

Respondeat Superior
Status: Passed
Delegate's Vote: Against
Final Vote (World): For: 8,726 Against: 7,071
Final Vote (TNP): For: 181 Against: 393 Percentage of WA nations voting: 39.8%

Recommendation: The proposal before us would allow individuals to sue companies for acts of negligence committed by employees against individuals. We believe this to be a well-intentioned proposal, however we feel it is too vague to cover the issue at hand. The proposal appears to be vague/under developed which concerns may lead to a repeal which would further harm the chances of positive tort reform coming into effect.

In hopes of a redraft and subsequent resubmit, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote Against the proposal.

Cyberweapons Control Act
Status: Failed
Delegate's Vote: Against
Final Vote (World): For: 5,010 Against: 10,741
Final Vote (TNP): For: 82 Against: 476 Percentage of WA nations voting: 38.7%

Recommendation: In attempting to protect society from civilian and collateral damages in regards to cyberwarfare, this proposal ultimately is stunted by its murky definitions and unclear language. The leading definition of cyberwarfare appears to encompass any and all ordinance that uses electricity, far overreaching the intended target of this proposal. Furthermore, the proposal attempts to distinguish cyberwarfare from espionage in a rather unnecessary and poorly written clause. The proposal goes on to outline an arbitrary list of potential 'protected sites' without giving any relevant parameters, rendering this proposal fairly unenforceable, especially when the punishment for attacking these undefined 'protected sites' is potential trial for war crimes.

In accordance with the facts stated above, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote Against this proposal.

Right to Self-Defense
Status: Passed
Delegate's Vote: Against
Final Vote (World): For: 9,735 Against: 7,682
Final Vote (TNP): For: 253 Against: 353 Percentage of WA nations voting: 42.1%

Recommendation: It is difficult to know if the current proposal is genuinely concerned with improving civil rights or if simply seeks to try and resolve violence by enabling further violence. The author cites the lack of legislation on this subject as a potential tool of oppressive regimes, but a right to self-defense never extends to acts of violence against one's government, so that argument makes little sense. The proposed justification for an individual's (often weaponized) self-defense is too broad and too open to interpretation. This leaves great potential for a disproportionate defense response, based not on the actual threat in each situation, but on the individual's interpretation of that threat. This often leads to fatal mistakes. A one-size-fits-all legislation does not work in this case, and it is the opinion of the Ministry that any nation's rights to self-defense should develop organically, over time, and perhaps through individual judiciaries.

For this reason, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote Against the proposal.

Repeal "Right to Self-Defense"
Status: Passed
Delegate's Vote: For
Final Vote (World): For: 13,666 Against: 3,894
Final Vote (TNP): For: 482 Against: 122 Percentage of WA nations voting: 41.2%

Recommendation: "Right to Self-Defense", while appearing to be well-meaning, is noticeably riddled with flaws. Most concerning, the resolution is overly broad and as a result unintentionally allows criminals to employ self defense against law enforcement. To reiterate, the opinion of the Ministry is that any nation's rights to self-defense should develop organically, over time, and perhaps through individual judiciaries.

For the reasons stated above, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote For this repeal.

Sensible Limits on Industry
Status: Failed
Delegate's Vote: Against
Final Vote (World): For: 6,749 Against: 10,702
Final Vote (TNP): For: 124 Against: 483 Percentage of WA nations voting: 41.4%

Recommendation: While this proposal has clear ambition to achieve something positive, it suffers by the author's decision to rush it through the review process. The result is a hazy, half-formed blueprint, that outlines an immediate leap from vague premise of offense, to the most extreme consequence. There is little explanation as to how a nation would reasonably get from A to B, or, any detailed justification as to why nations should have this sort of unfettered power over industry. Reasonable regulation on the business sector isn't a bad thing, but there must be some manner of due process. Businesses need to know precisely what sort of actions would put them in peril, and, surely there must be other measures a nation can take prior to asset seizure and liquidation. Much of what this proposal sets out to protect is already covered by existing legislation with clearer definitions, more reasonable steps outlined, and less radical outcomes.

For this reason The Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote Against this proposal.

Don't Kill The Poor Act
Status: Passed
Delegate's Vote: For
Final Vote (World): For: 14,051 Against: 3,344
Final Vote (TNP): Information Currently Unavailable​

Recommendation: The Don't Kill The Poor Act, whilst named in a more trivial way than perhaps it should, is a piece of legislation aimed at expanding the current definition of 'genocide' as set out in GAR#38 'Convention Against Genocide', to include those targeted due to economic status. The resolution, whilst short, contains adequate protections from overzealous definitions or accusations of genocide whilst protecting victims and vulnerable groups. Moreover, the resolution adequately helps those fleeing genocide and reinforces nations responsibilities as defined in aforementioned legislation.

In accordance with the reasoning above, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote For this resolution.

Repeal "On Universal Jurisdiction"
Status: At Vote
Delegate's Vote: For

Recommendation: "On Universal Jurisdiction", while well meaning in supporting the ability of WA member nations to prosecute war criminals and those who commit crimes against humanity, possesses critical flaws that are exposed upon further review. Specifically in section three where the resolution requires prosecution, but fails to require the sharing of pertinent evidence or information that will assist the prosecution in reaching a conviction, therefore harming the ability for nations to properly prosecute criminals. Additionally, section seven prevents the World Assembly, as a collective, from claiming jurisdiction over said criminals, therefore preventing any WA based court from effectively bringing up charges and using acquired evidence in prosecuting criminals.

In hoping that a corrected replacement or equivalent proposal is draft, and in accordance with reasons stated above, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote For this repeal.


Security Council
Spreading interregional peace and goodwill, via force if necessary.

Condemn Chan Island
Status: Passed
Delegate's Vote: For
Final Vote (World): For: 12,312 Against: 3,536
Final Vote (TNP): For: 506 Against: 47 Percentage of WA nations voting: 38.3%

Recommendation: In acknowledging that some issues that come before our nations may be brought about by bad actors within the world assembly, we must recognize the primary abettor of this chaos and mayhem. Chan Island, formerly Annihilators of Chan Island, has contributed to at least 24 different situations that nations may encounter; in which your desired answer to these issues may not have the impact you had hoped for. To compound the villainy, Chan Island has also given direct assistance to occupiers and hostile invaders of various regions, some of which had to be valiantly liberated and fought for control of by those wishing to restore them.

Understanding that Chan Island only wants to watch the world burn despite his lack of predatory superweapon usage, and in accordance with the reasons stated above, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote For this proposal.

Commend Minoa
Status: Passed
Delegate's Vote: For
Final Vote (World): For: 13,917 Against: 2,189
Final Vote (TNP): For: 540 Against: 46 Percentage of WA nations voting: 40.4%

Recommendation: Minoa is a hard working contributor to the greater NationStates community. One who has authored and passed numerous General Assembly resolutions, maintained the database for passed Security Council Resolutions between 2009 and 2015, and maintained NSIndex as well as currently maintaining a database for tracking issues and the effects they have on member nations. Furthermore, the commendation itself is well written and spotlights a positive community contributor.

In accordance with the reasons presented above, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote For this proposal.

Commend Xoriet
Status: At Vote
Delegate's Vote: For

Recommendation: Xoriet is a hard working contributor to the greater Nationstates community, and one who had a crucial role in The East Pacific and the East Pacific Sovereign Army (EPSA). They led its golden age and helped make it one of the preeminent militaries of its time between 2014 and 2015. They are also a nation that provided guidance on treaties with other regions, including TNP, and helped set new harassment policies around NationStates. Furthermore, the commendation itself is well written and spotlights a positive community contributor.

In accordance with the reasons presented above, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote For this proposal.

The North Star: Lighting The Way To The Truth
Publisher: Siwale :: Executive Editor: El Fiji Grande :: Managing Editors: Dinoium, Bobberino

The North Star is produced by the Ministry of Communications on behalf of the Government of The North Pacific and distributed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs externally and by the Ministry of Home Affairs internally. Except where otherwise indicated, all content represents the views of the Government of The North Pacific.

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