[SC - Discarded] Liberate Federation Of Conservative Nations

How should the delegate vote on "Liberate Federation Of Conservative Nations"? (WA Residents Only)

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Sil Dorsett

The Belt Collector
TNP Nation


Liberate Federation Of Conservative Nations
Category: Liberation | Nominee: Federation of Conservative Nations
Proposed by: Sonoraland | Onsite Topic

The World Assembly,

Clarifying the Federation of Conservative Nations is not Founderless as of now;

Horrified at the Region's tolerance and presence of blatantly racist and homophobic material behind closed doors;

Appalled that they portray themselves as "Conservative" so as to conceal their true identity;

Noting the Region has assisted KAISERREICH, Liberated by SC #245 in Military Operations such as on The Commie Confederacy and others;

Also Noting KAISERREICH's Army, notorious for it's own attempts to enforce their Fascist ideology on other regions, has joined the Army of Freedom, the raiding force of the FCN;

Abhorred by their attempts to eliminate ideologies they disagree with using raids;

Believing a Liberation would leave the region open to invasion after the Founder is gone;

Certain that this Liberation will warn other regions which portray themselves as "Conservative" when in reality embrace fascist ideals and accept these views within their hallowed halls.

Hereby Liberates Federation of Conservative Nations
Voting Instructions:
  • Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
  • Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
  • Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
  • Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.
Detailed opinions with your vote are appreciated and encouraged!

Also, the Built-in Poll is just a test. Please respond to it, but know that it will not actually count. Your response in your post is what counts.
I'm not against this in principle, but I do not believe the principle applies to this specific region as it has not earned such a strong approach. I would be comfortable with this as written as a condemnation.


Upon further research they have done some very... racist things in their discord and work with a fascist region, KAISERREICH. This has made me inclined to alter my vote:

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Against. They may not be good people, and I may be in favour of these offensive liberations against fascists and communists, but the line needs to be drawn somewhere.
Against. Sick of these offensive liberations against active founders. There's more efficient ways to spend time than this crap.

As a reminder, if you are just casting your vote on the built-in poll. . . it doesn't count. It's just a test. You must reply to the thread to cast a vote.
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So I've seen the sceenshots being used to condemn the offensive liberation against FCN.
I've been informed that the FCN took steps to punish people who said the things in the screenshots.
And I've seen FCN officials in the NS forum thread saying that they have taken, and are taking, steps to discourage the sort of behaviour that the screenshots show.

The biggest thing with Liberate KREICH was that KREICH itself refused to condemn the people or behvaiour that were uncovered by that investigation.
They kept trying to excuse or justify it. That doesn't seem to be the case with FCN. I am awaiting screenshots from a FCN officer that claim prove the region's commitment to flushing bigoted behaviour from their region, but even without it? I'm confident in my AGAINST vote.

Also casting my individual vote: Against
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I believe that the SC cannot help much with the 'problems' of the NS world. This resolution seems equal to the others we had to vote on recently and I cannot vote differently in any of them, always against. Fascism, or racism and discrimination, can not be eliminated by condemning, we cannot control the minds of those who do this, it will always be around. The best thing is to accept it, ignore, and just look the other way.

It seems like the leader of the Federation of Conservative Nations is trying to tackle the problems brought by rogues in the region. As measures are already being taken, I do not agree on a liberation being necessary. It seems more like an offensive liberation that is not justified.
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