Would You Rather


the sentient Ry Bread, at your service!
Would you rather be best friends with Madjack or McM?

Would you rather be an alien or a mermaid?

Would you rather have ears as eyes or eyes as ears?

Would you rather be stuck in a horror movie or a disaster movie?
1. Would you rather be best friends with Madjack or McM?
Oh dear... that's a choice I don't want to have to make. BOTH!

2. Would you rather be an alien or a mermaid?
Hmmm... I am an aero... but I think I'd make a sick mermaid.

3. Would you rather have ears as eyes or eyes as ears?
Ears as eyes. I would much rather be able to see the world than to hear it. But either way, one could say that it would be a senseless tragedy.

4. Would you rather be stuck in a horror movie or a disaster movie?
Disaster movie - the rule is that those always end with everyone living happily ever after, right? Right?!

[quote uid=3325 name="El Fiji Grande" ]5. Would you rather have a horrible short term memory, or a horrible long term memory?[/quote]horrible long term memory, hands down!
[quote uid=8061 name="arietti" ][quote uid=3325 name="El Fiji Grande" ]5. Would you rather have a horrible short term memory, or a horrible long term memory?[/quote]horrible long term memory, hands down![/quote]Same!

6. Would you rather die instantly (without any preparations, at some random point while you're going about your day), or die slowly over the course of one month?
[quote uid=3325 name="El Fiji Grande" ]6. Would you rather die instantly (without any preparations, at some random point while you're going about your day), or die slowly over the course of one month?[/quote]I would rather die instantly. I'm assuming the slow option is from some horrible cancer-like disease that eats you alive. Quick death by- say, gunshot- is painless.
[quote uid=7897 name="Bobberino" ][quote uid=3325 name="El Fiji Grande" ]6. Would you rather die instantly (without any preparations, at some random point while you're going about your day), or die slowly over the course of one month?[/quote]I would rather die instantly. I'm assuming the slow option is from some horrible cancer-like disease that eats you alive. Quick death by- say, gunshot- is painless.[/quote]The question was inspired by the Scythe young-adult fiction series.

7. Would you rather always get away with lying, or always know when others are lying?
[quote uid=3325 name="El Fiji Grande" ][quote uid=3325 name="El Fiji Grande" ]

6. Would you rather die instantly (without any preparations, at some random point while you're going about your day), or die slowly over the course of one month?[/quote]
I'd rather die slowly. Despite the pain, it would give me.time to prepare special notes and gifts for my friends and loved ones to receive after my death, to make sure they know just how special they are and how much they mean to me. It would also give me enough time to make sure I plan a guest list of people I want at my funeral, to ensure the right people get invited just in case the person in charge of planning my funeral may not know who they are.[/quote]
2. Would you rather be an alien or a mermaid?
Mermaid, of course


4. Would you rather be stuck in a horror movie or a disaster movie?
A disaster movie because in a horror movie I'd prolly be one of the earlier ones to die :O

7. Would you rather fall go back in time and redo some of your life or go in the future and leave your life behind?
8. Would you rather fall go back in time and redo some of your life or go in the future and leave your life behind?

Absolutely go back. I enjoy my life now, and while I've gone through a ton of crap to get here, I thoroughly enjoy life, and being a youngster is the single most glorious part.
7. Would you rather always get away with lying, or always know when others are lying?

Hands down, I'd rather always know when others are lying.

9. Would you rather meet the Tetragrammaton or Gaia?