Count to 10 before El Fiji Grande posts

Just a quick note: I keep a running tally of the number of wins and when they occur on the very first post of this thread. So you can see how big five wins is.

Yeah, I went surfing yesterday at sundown, and was treated to a magnificent sky. Then, later in the evening, it was a perfectly clear, moonless evening, and I went stargazing.

I do appreciate it. I would consider myself enthusiastic but relatively uneducated in that regard. I could only spot Orion, Cassiopeia, the Pleiades, and what I believe to have been the Little Dipper. Sirius was pretty cool, and I could see Orion's bow and Betelgeuse.

I still have a telescope up in the loft, sadly haven't touched it in years. When I was younger I would be searching the heavens. I was always amazed by the constellations.
As you say Cassiopeia, Orion, Plough (ursa major) and ursa minor.
Had a very far away look at Jupiter and Mars.
My eyesight ain't so good now even with a telescope :(

I checked a couple of weeks ago - poor thing is covered in dust - but the lens caps have kept the muck out of the lenses.
It's winter now so we should have a lot of clearer nights - I should do it again.
Wrap up warm with a mug of hot chocolate.

I have been summoned for tea by my good lady - I shall return in about 30 mins :)
