A New Dawn


TNP’s Greedy Capitalist
Emperor Alexander Severyn of Maloria sat in Bergum Palace. He had resided there for almost a century, from the times of his childhood during the late 1920s and early 1930s. Then to when his brother took the throne after his father’s death while he served as a leading officer and member of the upper echelons of society under Helmer’s regime. Finally, when he took the throne and overthrew the tyrant that ruled his nation for decades so that he could once more bring liberation to the populace at large that desired it.

For almost his whole life this palace had been his home and now it was time to let the next generation carry on the torch for he was far too old to do so anymore and his nation needed change. He sat in his office going over his speech, feeling almost a sense of irony. This was the place he gave his first broadcast as emperor and now…it would be his last. He kept reading over it feeling the smooth paper as right in front of him the camera was located with its crew maneuvering around his office making sure everything was being properly set up for the occasion and to make the sure the angle was perfect. The angle being the view from the Emperor’s office overlooking the rest of Bergum, showing the walls and the Saffier River with in the back the Keizerlijk Bergen (Imperial Mountains.)

He thought about his reign and then that of his own father’s and brother’s along with that of his nephew. He had by far been the better emperor than any of the rest of them but there was one concern he had. Marten. What kind of emperor would his great-grandson be? What kind of diplomat would he be? Lord knows if he was the same as he was at the ANU then Maloria would falter in its diplomatic rings. But what if…what if Marten would be a good emperor. All of it was too late now seeing as Alexander was at the end of his life and his two previous heirs were ill suited for the throne but he needed to be optimistic for the future.

Then he was snapped out of his daze as one of the cameramen came forward and notified him that it was almost time to start and so he went to sit down in his chair but before he did he got a glass of his finest wine and quickly downed it and then sat down. He readied himself one more time as they all took their positions in front of him behind the camera lenses. Then the man got his hand up in the air and started counting down 5, 4 , 3 , 2 , 1 and then he put his hand down and a light shined on the side of the camera indicating they were rolling. Thus Alexander began to speak in his very deep voice to nation.

“Good evening children of the nation and thank you for tuning in for this broadcast. For five decades I have served as the emperor of this great and mighty nation of ours and before that I served in our nation’s armed forces under the rule of Chancellor Gart Helmer. For almost my whole life I have served you, the Malorian people. No one more and no one less. Do I regret it? No, I do not. I have proudly and faithfully served you all in many different ways to the best of my ability but like all of our duties in life they must come to an end. You the populace have been through so much with me and I have been through so much with you but now…I am afraid our time together must come to an end. As you all know I am nearing one hundred years old of which if I might add I’ve been told I don’t look a day over seventy but despite my good lucks I am nearing the end of my life I believe and it is with all of my fiber of being that I think I have served you to the best of my abilities. However we all must know when the time has come to put our sword in our sheath and retire. That I’m afraid to tell is now for me. These years I have not given you my all and I fear that soon I may not be able to give you anything and before that happens I would like to let the torch carry onward for me. With that said I Alexander the Fourth of my Name, Emperor of Maloria and King of Severia hereby officially abdicate my throne to his royal highness King Marten the First of Kanada. God save Maloria and God save the Emperor. Thank you my former loyal subjects that is all I have to say” and then the light shuts off.
nvm, i noticed it was invite-only after i had posted. posted in embassy thread
The legions of cameramen waited as the group of men in their sharp black suits walked onto the podium in the hallway with the emperor located directly in the middle of them. In the background there stood several marble and graphite busts of the accomplished members of the Severyn Family. From Scientists to businessmen to engineers or religious figures their memories lived on through the halls of Bergum Palace. Paintings accompanied these busts with tales of great victories such as Alwin’s triumph over the Republican scum Chevalier at Erichem or Lambert destroying the Prydanians inside of Sebalt. The paintings and busts however became harder and harder to see as the light dimmed down from the hallway and focused on the podium.

All of these gentlemen represented the Malorian political elite. They composed of several members from the UFP, NRV, and the EVG which were all noticeably different do to the different colors of their ties. Members of the UFP wore yellows ties while the members of the NRV wore red with white stripes and blue for the EVG. The Chancellor nor his cabinet were present and there absence would be noted later no doubt by Malorian press but for now it was members of the lower and upper houses with their head party members representing them.

After the group of aristocrats and patricians had allowed the press to take their pictures Marten walked out from the middle of them and took to the microphone which sat directly in front of him. The clicks of the cameras stopped and the hallway went black with lights shining onto him. He gave them a very friendly smile and began to make his announcement.

“Change” he started taking a long pause before he continued. “Change is a word that brings with it many mixed emotions. It can be a word of fear and hope. For some it inspires the hope that things will become better. For others it strikes fear in their guts for they are content with their status quo and don’t wish for it to go away. Change is something that is unavoidable and happens for better or worse.

With my great grandfather’s abdication it has led some to desire this change and for others to want things to stay. To these people I say to you, you are going to be disappointed. This is a new age for Maloria and in the dawn of this new age it requires change to lead it. As of now I as Emperor and King of Severia hereby use my god given right to dissolve the government and call for snap elections to be held. It is time for the people to go decide their future in their new age” and with that said he smiled once again and stepped back and made way for the next speaker and the next after him.
“Hello I’m Roelof Spekschate and if you’re a new viewer catching onto us here at Maloria Today the final votes are coming in from Emperor Marten’s snap elections” he said very enthusiastically while reading off of the TelePrompTer. The past couple weeks in Maloria had been filled with nothing but intense campaigning and a slurry of insults from everyone to each other on every side. However tonight was the night it paid off.

“The results are officially in. Out of the 400 seats in the Assembly of Deputies the United Fatherland Party has won 258 seats mainly from districts in Severia, Batavia, and Arkum. The NRV has won 76 seats from Bosweld and the EVG from their main stronghold in Sebalt 66. The Chief Ministerships are as follows: Severia UFP, Bosweld NRV, Arkum UFP, Batavia EVG, and Sebalt EVG. Well ladies and gentlemen” he said as he took his papers and laid them gently down onto his panel “it looks like Konstantin Vin Holten is gonna be our new Chancellor.”


“HOLTEN, HOLTEN, HOLTEN” the crowd shouted as the new incoming Chancellor of Maloria got ready to go out on onto the podium and give his speech to the nation. He looked at himself one last time in the mirror. He fixed his tie and fixed his hair to make sure he looked spotless.

“Look how far you’ve gotten” he thought to himself. Coming from a poor Kamerite noble family in Sebalt who fled during the civil war to now being the Chancellor of the greatest country on Eras. It was a change that’s for sure.

He had dreamed of this moment and it was finally here. He could remember the day Alexander liberated Maloria from it’s dictatorial tyrant and when he gave his speech from the walls of the palace he knew that’s where he wanted to be. He had finally beaten that stubborn son of a bitch Lukas Kent and now it was time to rid Maloria of the corruption that had swamped and to return to the glorious days of old where Maloria was one with it’s northern neighbor. Change was coming.

Finally he stepped out from behind the blinds and the crowd went wild as he gave them a big smile and waved back. He approached the microphone and waited for the crowd to quiet down. Once they did he began to speak.

“It has been a long journey. Not only for me and all of you who have suffered under a government that wouldn’t suffer for you but it has been a long journey for Craviter. Wars are coming to a close. People are starting to feel safe again. This is because of you. Your blood that helped defend Kanada against their rebels. Your blood that helped bring the Norsian Civil War to a close. It was you who paid for Craviter’s reconstruction and no one else. Kent may take credit for it but he’s wrong, it was you.

For too long you have lived under a government that took your best interests and threw them down the crapper for the interests of those who have bigger pay checks. This is ending. Under a Holten Chancellorship we will create a new agency to make sure that never happens again. Under a Holten Chancellorship you will have your voices heard and not squashed down beneath the boots of those who think their concerns are more than yours. A Maloria YOU CAN BELIEVE IN” he said with a strong emphasis as the crowd shouted in support.

“However it’s not just about us. There are those who have suffered with us throughout our history. From the Wars of the Republic to the Iterian War they have fought beside of us. I speak of Kanada. As I’m sure you all know one of my main points in my campaign was to reunify with our northern neighbors and I assure you I will keep good on my promise and one of my first acts as our chancellor will be to open up diplomatic talks with Kanada to start a conversation about the reunification process. But that’s not gonna be all.

We’re gonna ensure every Malorian has a right to a house. We’re gonna renationalize our public utilities. Most importantly we’re gonna lower your taxes.

How are we gonna pay for this? We’re gonna fix Maloria’s vast tax loopholes. We’re gonna legalize marijuana and we’re gonna heavily regulate it. And finally we’re going to fix the tax credits and deductions for the top income earners.

So I give you people of Maloria this. A country you can be proud in. A country where your hopes can be realized. Most importantly a Maloria that stands for you. Good night and God bless Maloria.”
The inevitable…

The sounds of hundreds of press workers murmuring to their peers were quickly drowned out as they appeared, replaced by the sound of hundreds of cameras going off. The Monarchs. Her Majesty, Queen Grace III, paced into the hall, hand clasped with her partner, and her other arm busy holding her young child, little Alexander. Following behind her was a single guard in a green beret, and Prime Minister Kristian Johannsen, presumably walking beside the Malorian Chancellor, vin Holten.

They reached the table and podium, the table that held the proper paperwork and the podium that held a microphone. She eyed the paper for a moment once she had gotten to the table, but she had already seen through it thoroughly, for she had helped construct it. She politely handed Marten their child and got to the microphone, patiently demanding for any discussion or cheering in the crowd to cease with a small, raised hand. She lowered the microphone to her own petite height, and spoke in Mercanti, for the sake of foreign.

“Roughly one and a half century ago, Kanada and Maloria were united for the first time, truly, through a process seemingly similar to this one, the marriage of two inheriting nobles. Just like then, the combination of military and economic might will this nation one of the most powerful nations on Craviter, if not Eras itself. However, unlike back then, we will not be torn apart through rebellious uprising and protest, or torn apart at all, because we are stronger together.”

She waited for another moment and adjusted the glasses on her nose, ready to finish her short speech, “Together, we will form Northern Craviter after the recent chaos of southern Kanada and our neighbours, Prydania and Norsia, to the east. We shall no longer say, ‘For Maloria’ or ‘For Kanada’, now we shall say ‘For the Empire'- No, 'For our Empire.' For we are now… United.”

Grace, gripping the Malorian Emperor’s hand, signed her name in polite cursive.

- - - - Malorian Signing, Next Post - - - -

After the Malorian Emperor and Chancellor had signed their own name, Prime Minister Johannsen signed his name at the bottom of the paper, and nodded politely to the crowd, “It is done.”

Beginning to go and speak with the foreign press, Grace left for the first time as Empress Grace the First.