Welcome to the second annual Democracy Day kickstarter! Some of you may recall last year's event, which was by all measures wildly successful. Well, we're doing it again this year, with some new and exciting swag to collect! We've also upgraded the free item that everyone will get from a Pocket Constitution to a Pocket Constibillocode. Exciting!
We have been advised that promoting this project on the NationStates site is a violation of NS rules and could get us all in trouble. DO NOT MENTION A WORD OF THIS PROJECT ON THE NS WEB SITE. That means do not discuss this Kickstarter or the pocket constibillocode on the RMB, through telegram, on the on-site NS forums, in customized nation fields, or in polls, WFEs, etc. This will be promoted and discussed entirely through Discord and off-site forums, which we have confirmed is permitted.
The Kickstarter is live. Go get your rewards and support the dissemination of TNP Democracy!
Democracy Day is on July 7th, and the Culture Ministry plans to produce hard-copy miniature paperbacks containing the TNP Constitution, Bill of Rights, and Legal Code, and then offer to mail them anywhere in the world for free. On Democracy Day, all residents on the TNP forum and discord will be offered the opportunity to anonymously fill out a google form with their address (and no other information whatsoever) and we will send them their free constibillocode.
Last year, we received 46 requests, including kickstarter backers, but there were several people who missed the cutoff and did not get the chance to order their booklet. This year, we plan to order 75, and continue to take requests and ship until we run out.
The pocket constibillocode will be a perfect bound miniature paperback book, measuring 3.5" x 5" and containing approximately 90 pages. In addition to the current text of the constitution, bill of rights, and legal code, it will feature an afterword by the delegate, a page with information about the project, a page or two containing the current government officials, and possibly a few other pages of remarks from significant TNPers.
Exclusive rewards are available to those who back the Kickstarter. In addition to a free constibillocode, all backers contributing at least $1 will receive a bookmark with the complete Flemingovian Constitution printed on it, front and back. Higher tier pledges can get you a commemorative shot glass with the TNP Coat of Arms in full color, a set of coasters featuring the seals of all government bodies, or the Compendium of Law, which includes everything in the Constibillocode plus the rules and procedures for the Regional Assembly, Security Council, Election Commission, and Court, as well as all current treaties.
Questions can be posted here, or directed to the staff of the Culture Ministry, in particular SillyString and Crushing Our Enemies.