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Liberate The Conservative Christians
Category: Liberation | Nominee: The Conservative Christians
Proposed by: Tinhampton | Onsite Topic
COGNIZANT that The Zealasian Subject of Aspies is a vassal state of Zealasia, which - under the banner of Christadelphia - has forced at least two dozen regions into their vast and inactive empire (including those regions that could have otherwise been prized for their names, like The Holy Quran, Hindu, and The outremer);
BELIEVING that The conservative christians (TCC), although its name is nowhere near as globally recognised, deserves to be protected against these invasive forces (for reasons that will be outlined below), which cannot realistically be achieved without Liberation;
NOTING that, on the 14th of November 2017, Aspies proclaimed their intention to refound TCC, not officially as a military mission but "so that it has an active founder able to evict raiders" (and other, somewhat more unsavoury elements). It is worth remembering that Zealasia refounded Christadelphia under false pretences that February, claiming that "Normal services will be re-established as soon as possible" before going on to keep the region as their main military headquarters;
ALSO AWARE that, by the 22nd of January 2018, Aspies started to put their plan into effect, which was meant to take two weeks to evacuate the entire population to refound the region but which has not yet been completed due to the bold refusal of St Theordos (the last native standing in TCC) and Princi - which were falsely accused of being raider nations conspiring with the Black Hawks - to co-operate with them;
RECOGNISING the support of St Theordos, see above, to a Liberation of their homeland;
ABHORRED by the state that TCC is in today, with only one native and two invaders remaining, a proud declaration on the now-defaced World Factbook Entry that it "has been seized in the name of Zealasia, and is awaiting destruction," and the regular gagging of native forces (as well as the deletion of the invaders' own messages), which stands contrary to TCC's long-standing value of free speech - a state that the region would have more than likely never been in without intervention by Zealasia and their acolytes; and
AFRAID that, unless action is taken immediately to stop this, The conservative christians will fall to Zealasian deception to become yet another brick in the metaphorical wall of utterly lethargic military trophies built up by Christadelphia:
HEREBY LIBERATES The conservative christians.
Voting Instructions:
- Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
- Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
- Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
- Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.
Detailed opinions with your vote are appreciated and encouraged!