
Condemn Democratic Empire of Romania
Category: Condemnation | Nominee: Democratic Empire of Romania
Proposed by: Jocospor | Onsite Topic
The Security Council:
Defining democracy as "a form of government in which the people can vote for representatives to govern the state on their behalf";
Understanding that the practise of democracy is both common and beloved by many nations and regions, with one such nation being Democratic Empire of Romania (hereinafter DER), along with the region it founded, The New Mappers Union (hereinafter TNMU);
Assured in this assertion by the publication of TNMU Charter, stating that the region seeks to uphold "direct democracy", "equality", and "free thaught";
Alarmed, however, that direct contradictions arise in relation to this charter and the actual behaviour of DER, and consequently TNMU;
Aware that the World Assembly delegate of most democratic regions wields executive powers, and that the delegate of TNMU, by the authority of DER, does not;
Disappointed to note that, as Founder of TNMU, DER retains the right to relieve elected government officials if it sees fit without the support of any other TNMU nation/s, be those nation/s governmental or otherwise;
Horrified to learn that several supposedly elected nations that serve as TNMU's government are secretive possessions of DER;
Disgusted that the autocratic DER has, in effect, falsely promoted TNMU's government as democratic, and has lied and continues to lie to TNMU's nations and the international community;
Concerned that the efforts of DER will, if unchecked, portray the practise of democracy in a damning light;
Fearing the rise of authoritarian regimes that masquerade as democracies, inspired by the actions of DER;
Predicting that said regimes would counteract the intentions of the Security Council and destabilise the world;
Convinced that the emergence of such regimes is entirely possible, considering TNMU operates as an international influence, holding 117 embassies;
Resolved therefore that preventive measures must be taken to ensure regional and worldwide stability in this matter, and that DER should be the first to answer for its abuses of power;
Hereby condemns The Great Founder of TNMU of Democratic Empire of Romania.
Voting Instructions:
- Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
- Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
- Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
- Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.
Detailed opinions with your vote are appreciated and encouraged!