The National Republican Party of The North Party
To expand the North Pacific Army (NPA) by drafts, drafts would work by Telegram, Big World Assembly Nations in The North Pacific , telling them to join or be Endorse Embargoed the NPA for a certain time until the Embargo is stopped by the Minister of Defense or they willy accepted, We also will do Diplomatic Missions to help expand Influence for The North Pacific. And for one more thing, the MoD will have Border Control because people try to spam or recruit in our region, The MoD's job is supposed to lead the NPA which protects the TNP and for him to protect it directly, he must have permissions to eject or ban spammers or recruiters. (Ministry of Defense and Foreign Affairs)
All new nations must endorse all of the current government, they won't be ejected but if they don't, they can't be part of the Regional or World Assembly of the Region, thus making them less influential until they endorse the current Government, If you were already in the TNP, you could still be affected if you have 175+ Endorsements, you will have 7 days to do this or your permissions to the RA or WA parts of the Forum is denied. (Ministry of World Affairs and Regional Assembly (Speaker)
Action will be taken to fire inactive Ministry Members, mainly in the Communications Ministry, if you don't post in the Communications Channel in 30 Days, you can be kicked from it, not banned, you can't join for a week as punishment unless you are excused by the Minister of Communications. (Ministry of Communications)
All Ministers of TNP must have 50+ Endorsements to be Minister unless your the MoD, the MoD or any NPA Soldier that is Minister is excused and doesn't need to follow this requirement.
Bring back/Protect the Gameside Affairs Ministry. Active RMBers (People who post about 5 or 15 posts every 2 days) and people who had been in the TNP for 6 months can be become GA Minister. (Ministry of Gameside Affairs)
Make a government role of Governor, there will be 4 Governors, the Alphabet will be split, if you with A-F is Governor 1, etc, they will have permissions to Communications and Polls, numbers and symbols are part of the 4 Governor, Governors are appointed by the Minister of Home Affairs which Governors are technically the Deputy Ministers of MoHA, there will a council for Members of the Ministry of Home Affairs can propose ideas to keep our Region Active or Fun and shall, once a majority of 2/3 approves the idea, it goes to the Governors and if tie, will go to the Minister of Home Affairs which can Accept or Veto the Idea, if the Governors pass it, it will still go to the MoHA. (Ministry of Home Affairs)
Since the Roleplay takes up most of the RMB's use, it's important to do events and promotions for Roleplay Ministers, so we must expand our Culture Ministry by advising New Members to the Roleplay Discord to join the Culture Ministry and make ideas for important events for the Roleplay and with the help of the Home Affairs Ministry, could help out, the MoC can appoint teachers to the TNP University and hold fun events there. (Ministry of Culture)
If you want to join, fill in the application below and once done, DM me on Discord or Telegram me on NS.
Don't be rude to other members of the party.
You have to vote for the canddiate(s) the party puts up for election.
Don't ask for roles in the party, you have to be in the party for a while.
Have fun if you join our party
Executive President: Dinoium
Executive Vice President: Vacant
Campaign Manager: Vacant
Regional Assembly Leader: Vacant
Application for Joining Party
Why do you want to join?
Have you been in a Political Party in the TNP before?
Copy this:
I [Nation Name here], willingly ask to join the party, and will stay loyal to the party, and to the best of my ability, protect and stand for the party.
Note: You don't have to be Conservative or Nationalist but as a real life ideology, we are National Conservative..